Fire & Redemption – Memorial & Independence Days in Israel

Walk with Yishai Fleisher as he experiences Memorial Day in a Judean cemetery with Josh Hasten. Then Ben Bresky reports on a lost Zionist. Finally, celebrating Israel's rebirth with Caroline Glick, Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz.

The Detestable Israeli Minister – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

All: About the despicable Jewish government minister who called our pioneering Jews ’subhuman’. He used the Nazi term Untermenschen, the rational to send our two Million to the gas chambers. This creature must be dismissed from the Knesset.

Netanyahu’s Janus Face and Israel’s Political Impotence – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Listen How: Some ten years ago, on his show, when Walter was still young and spirited, he lost his cool. His thoughts went wild. It's how you never heard him before. You will not want to miss this. BUT nothing has changed. Everything he said applies today. Israel's government seems beholden to the EU and foreign powers. We have not learned.

Soul Talk – Why Can’t I Connect with Formal Prayer? [audio]

Prayer is a very important way to connect to G-d and connect to ourselves.

Urbach on Cancer Research and Raising Israeli Children in the US

Yishai interviews Dr. Ahai Urbach about his post-doctural cancer research that is being done in Boston along with raising an Israeli family in the US.

‘DEPRESSION’ – What is it & How do We BEAT IT as We Come...

A person who is depressed finds it hard, if not impossible to function or lead a normal life. What are the dangers, and how can we beat it to really ensure that we start this Rosh HaShana holiday and New Year off right, and lead ourselves to a better and more productive and happy life?

Changing Winds from Washington – A Hebrew in the Heartland [audio]

The Hanukkah holiday, and the fact that some people are upset about Christmas celebrations by immigrants to Israel.

Women of Strength – SPECIAL SHOW [audio]

How does one live life forward in the face of challenge, tragedy or illness? What are the tools and perspectives of women who stay strong in spite of the pain of their circumstances?

Rockets and Anti-Semites of All Kinds – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Tamar and her weekly guests fill you in on the news on what's happening in Israel after the massive rocket attacks on Israel by the Islamic Jihad and Hamas. Who 'won' this round, and who will be leading the next government in Israel?

Chanukah: Miraculous Living – Soul Talk [audio]

Join Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel in our Chanukah special and learn how to uplift your life through Miraculous Living.

Goldstein on Gelt: The Secret to Retirement

Do you have enough money to retire and be financially secure? How do you even know what “enough” money is?

Isi Leibler and How a Two-State Solution Not Currently Feasible, But Must Not Be...

Yishai is joined by Isi Leibler who served as president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and Chairman of the Governing Board of the World Jewish Congress to talk about a recent article where Leibler states that while a two-state solution might not be feasible right now, it should not be abandoned.

Goldstein on Gelt: Are You a Millennial Who Needs Financial Help?

Learn why millennials often face financial challenges, and what they can do to overcome them.

Another Election in 6 Months? + Will Netanyahu Really Annex J & S? –...

PM Netanyahu promised that immediately after the elections he would apply sovereignty over the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Including the communities located outside the so-called “settlement blocs”. Can he be trusted?

Phantom Nation – Old-Fashioned Jewish Sex [audio]

Judgment, laws and values, do they always go together?

Can Moshe Feiglin Do a Better Job Than Bibi Netanyahu? – The Tamar Yonah...

Israel is under attack, from inside & outside enemies. Terror attacks are increasing, and it seems to many that PM Netanyahu is not acting strong enough against our enemies. Is it a time for change? Moshe Feiglin and his political party 'Zehut' says YES. There must be an alternative to the Bibi government. Real leadership is needed and Moshe Feiglin can bring it. -But will he pass the threshold in the next elections to get into the Knesset? Should people risk losing their votes if the party doesn't get into the Knesset? Shmuel Sackett, Chairman of the 'Zehut International' political party, joins Tamar Yonah on the show as she asks the HARD questions!

Fire: Destruction or Illumination – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

The Zohar on Behaalotecha the Torah portion describing the Aaron the High Priest ascending to light the Menorah (Lampstand) starts out speaking about the fires of illumination. However, it soon speaks about Noah's Ark and the concept of judgment related to Yom HaDin (Rosh Hashana), the Jewish New Year. There is an interesting connection and distinction to be made based on what we learn in this Torah portion related to the destructive fires that are burning around the world. Fire can be positive or negative depending on one's perspective. What is your perspective?

Leap Towards Redemption

Yishai Fleisher speaks with Zehut party chairman Moshe Feiglin about the challenges leading to victory including some old entrenched thinking. Russian-speaking superstar Simeon Grafman on whether all Gazans are culpable. Master fighter David Haliva on Krav Maga in this war. And Ben Bresky on the history of Sacher Park in Jerusalem.

From New Zealand to Israel

Yishai is joined by Hillel Ma'or, an instructor at the Caliber 3 range outside of Efrat to discuss his journey to Judaism and also Israel.

South African Sukkot – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Celebrating Sukkot outside of Israel illuminates different aspects of the joyous holiday. Andrea touches upon the symbolism of the four species and focuses upon the importance of rain and what it means in our relationships with others.

What’s Your Vision of Redemption? – News From The Torah [audio]

Please join us as we experience the Vision of the Redemption in preparation for this week's Shabbat Chazon (the Shabbat of Vision), the greatest Shabbat of the entire year.

Goldstein on Gelt: Does Your Financial Plan Account for the Four Ds?

A good financial plan takes into account the 4 Ds (death, disability, divorce, debt) and plans around them

God, without the ‘zilla – Leap of Faith [audio]

In today’s episode Penina speaks with Gavriel Sanders who shares his incredibly inspirational journey from a minister on staff at one of the biggest churches in America, a missionary in Israel and in Saudi Arabia to a Torah observant Jew. Another fascinating episode you don’t want to miss!

Yishai & Malkah in the Sukkah

It don't get more supernal than this - so don't miss the blessings! Join Yishai and Malkah Fleisher inside their Sukkah as they discuss Corona, the Jihad Squad, the Second Lebanon War, how to be happy on Sukkot, how to say "schach" properly, and Malkah's award-winning brisket!


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