Signs From Heaven

Hashem is always with us and talks to us in the language of each generation; whatever is fitting for those times.

The Universality Of Wisdom

By wisdom, we come to understand G-d via creation; By Torah we understand G-d through His revelation

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (X)

Goldman's case would be the first time the Supreme Court considered a service member’s right of Free Exercise as protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Piles And Clever Seas

Each of these items on its own has no major value, but when grouped together in a pile, can become something important. In the same way, cleverness is like a pile of thoughts that the intelligent person has considered.

The Refusal To Be Comforted

The deception has taken place. Joseph has been sold into slavery. His brothers have dipped his coat in blood. They bring it back to their father, saying: “Look what we have found. Do you recognize it? Is this your son’s robe or not?” Jacob recognized it and replied, “It is my son’s robe. A wild beast has devoured him. Joseph has been torn to pieces.”

Saving Precious Jewish Children

The trip took a bit longer than they expected, which put them a bit off schedule because in addition to wanting to get back to the kids, it was a Monday and that was when Yaakov, at eight o'clock, gave his class to the neighborhood kids.

Boats, Ships, And Nautical Rhapsody

Not every mention of a seafaring vehicle in the Bible, however, contains the word “oniah.”


Joseph reframed his entire past, now understanding himself charged with a life-saving mission by God

Rav Elyashiv, A Personal Memoir (II)

In a cab with Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach & Rav Elayshiv discussing if/when to say tefillas haderech

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (VII)

The ongoing saga of the yarmulke wearing Dr. Simcha Goldman and the US Air Force

The Truth And Nothing But The Whole Tooth

Had we waited a day or two longer, the tooth would have died completely.


Some of the inmates were observant upon entering the prison, or came from religious backgrounds.

Depending On A Wise Sister

It is a scene that still has the power to shock and disturb. The people complain. There is no water. It is an old complaint and a predictable one. That’s what happens in a desert. Moses should have been able to handle it in his stride. He has been through far tougher challenges in his time. Yet suddenly he explodes into vituperative anger:

Breakfast And Happiness (Part IV)

In the campaign to rob a consumer of any sense of contentedness, which translates into sales, strategy is often focused on confusing need with want and the illusion of being dissatisfied.

What Does The Halachic Man See?

It is, as Rabbi Shalom Rosner explained, an outlook on life, arguably the outlook on life. It means giving halacha dominance in one’s worldview to the extent that our perception of reality is shaped by halacha.

The Space We Create For G-d

Like Shabbat points to something beyond time, the people Israel points to something beyond history

Was Jacob Really An Ish Tam?

What kind of man was Jacob? This is the question that cries out to us in episode after episode of his life.

Pinchas: A Man Of Shalom And Kehuna (Part I)

A puzzling feature of the story of Pinchas and Zimri is the striking omission of Zimri’s name from the story as it is first told in Parashas Balak. Only afterwards, when recounting the story again in Parashas Pinchas, does the Torah name the perpetrator of this evil act. Why is this so?

The Cycle Of Life Continues

As it turned out, despite recovering sufficiently and hopeful of having more children, I never did.

Fishy Words (Part I)

Rabbi Marcus argues that at the core of “taninim” (sea-monsters – see Genesis 1:21) is the word “nun.” In offering this explanation, Rabbi Marcus explicitly rejects scholarly speculation that “taninim” is a Sanskrit loanword.

Science, Nature And Revelation

The best argument against the world of ancient Egypt was Divine humor. The plagues were G-d’s joke at the expense of the magicians who believed that because they controlled the forces of nature, they were the masters of human destiny. They were wrong.

Put Judaism First

I asked Rabbi Buchwald, "If I became observant, would I have to give up all of those things I love?" He answered right away. "No Alan, you don't have to give those things up. You just need to put Judaism first."

When The Time Was Right

When Jewish genealogical records became available online, his wife found the gravestones of his paternal great-grandfather and of the great-grandfather’s brother. Both tombstones clearly said “ha-Levi” on them!

A Journey Worth Taking

A few seats away, I noticed a man with a Mishnah in hand, talking intently into a cell phone. I soon realized the man was participating in a Daf Yomi shiur, utilizing his traveling time well.

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part I)

Just when it seemed that the Jews could never recover from the ruinous events of the 17th and 18th centuries, their plight was worsened yet, by even heavier taxes imposed by the Polish government.

An Unseemly Hour

It’s my first moment of wakefulness, and I’m chilled to the bone. Pull the covers over myself, I’m thinking, while I decide to roll over to look at the clock. It’s 5:30 a.m. and I’m exhausted. But attending morning minyan – even once – is the least I can do.

The Gift Of My Daughter’s Wedding

In the grand room where the chuppah would be held, chairs were spaced apart. In spite of this needed distance, we felt only closeness from our guests.

Beyond Ethics

There are commandments and customs that involve morality. These are a way of life.

How To Love Hashem

Love is a contagious mitzvah: When others see someone whose life is motivated by the love of G‑d, they unfold their wings to fly along with him or her.

Who By Fire?

The unique camaraderie and family atmosphere in the yeshivah resulted in many former students remaining connected over the years, and engendered spirited talk and brainstorming of forming a ‘kehilah’ for the extended yeshivah ‘mishpacha’.


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