The Voyage Of The Exodus 1947

Exodus passengers were separated on the port into men and women, invoking the worst associations to these concentration camp survivors.

The Origin Of The Most Pivotal Ship In Zionist History

A betting man would have been hesitant to wager if the Warfield could make it across the Atlantic. Yet the group of idealistic recruits set off on February 25, 1947 under Haganah Captain Ike Aronowicz.

The Origin Of The Floating Underground Railroad

He left the meeting with no doubt that if Hitler only could, he would destroy European Jewry.

The Kielce Pogrom

The Poles were also fearful that the Jews who had returned to Kielce would reclaim their prewar houses and businesses.

Three Boats, One Message

On board were 769 refugees bound for Palestine. This should have been a voyage of just a few days, but due to engine trouble, the boat headed to Istanbul for repair.

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook – A Brief Synopsis

Rav Kook was incensed over the relinquishing of ownership of the Western Wall. "No one," he declared, "possesses that power of attorney."

Why The Religious Did Not Embrace Political Zionism

The real motivator for the British was to win over the Jews, and Zionism seemed like a promising card to play.

What Motivates Our Decisions?

Who could ever know if learning with disciples was preferable to pursuing self-growth and attaining spiritual perfection at the feet of the generation’s most respected saint?

A Tribute For The Lion Of Justice, Norman Rosenbaum, z”l (Conclusion)

If secular Jewish groups refused to get involved with the Crown Heights Riots because it was so politically incorrect – “chassidim victimized by African-Americans” – how much more so would the Democrats wish to steer clear?

A Successive Tribute For The Lion Of Justice, Norman Rosenbaum, z”l (Part 4)

Norman responded, “Captain, nobody is going to storm City Hall, but go and tell the mayor that he’s got to come out and see all of us.”

A Successive Tribute To Lion of Justice Norman Rosenbaum, z”l (Part 3)

Norman Rosenbaum was the only one in his family up to making the trans-world trip and accepting the challenge.

A Tribute To Lion Of Justice Norman Rosenbaum, z”l (Part 2)

Nelson’s pocket contained a bloody switchblade with the word “killer” inscribed on the handle. In that same pants pocket were three bloodstained one-dollar bills. The bloodstains were consistent with Rosenbaum’s blood type but not Nelson’s.

A Tribute For The Lion Of Justice, Norman Rosenbaum, z”l (Part 1)

Lifsh immediately attempted to pry the car off the children. His efforts were in vain as a mob began to attack him.

The Current Events Of Lashon Hara

There is no reason why we should have a monopoly on kind speech, and Telushkin has gone so far as to initiate a bipartisan group of senators to introduce Senate Resolution 264 calling for a national “Speak No Evil Day” in America.

Harnessing Information

This precise question does not arise in the Talmud. But young Reb Shlomo Zalman was able to marshal his breadth of knowledge and genius of application to render a most innovative ruling.

Pious Foolishness

In one particular synagogue, however, the shamas would rely on the out-of-town beggars who normally arrived during the night to light up the oven. But many times, the beggars would not show up, and the synagogue would be freezing in the morning. People began to complain.

Forget The Singer – Listen To The Lyrics

I do not know the name of this chaplain. I wonder (and strongly doubt) that he ever heard the radio program. But his wise and sensitive comment had had a ripple effect that he never could have imagined.

The Judge Knot

Should the judge be strict and abide by the law, or make an exception because of the circumstances?

The Quest To Find The Schindler Of Kristallnacht

Where were the righteous gentiles – the “Schindlers,” if you will – of Kristallnacht? My quest to answer this question revealed information I had not anticipated.

The Noachesque Perspective

Sometimes when we are locked in our little boxes, we, like Noach in the ark, need a window. When we think our world is crumbling and that we are doomed to a fate that is too difficult to bear, the Almighty tells us to make a window.

Perhaps The Chofetz Chaim Never Imagined; But He Did Predict

If the walls have ears (as the Midrash points out) then how much more so, human beings.

The Man With The Greatest Foresight

Let's look at the realm of vision and focus on a man who had unsurpassed foresight. I refer to none other than Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, zt”l, better known, and revered by all, as the Ponevezher Rav.

The Discerning Listener Catches The Story

If you are not attuned to the right frequency, then all of the signals in the world will pass you by.

The Celestial Phone Call

So why then are we not attentive enough to all of the signs that surround us? I have not the psychological training to analyze this question, but what seems clear is that slumber is not only restricted to our beds.

Where To Look For A Story

Inspiration is everywhere-especially in the small things--if we pay attention.

The Typewriter Repairman Who Saved Lives

Since the restructuring of my column at The Jewish Press, we have been focusing on the Jewish tenet that whatever G-d does, His interest is our good – even if we fail to see how events are for our betterment. Here is an example with a compelling script.


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