Crazy in Kabul – Lighten Up! [audio]
The last Jew in Kabul; will he make it to Israel? And do we really want him? Previewing the historic meeting with Joe Biden and Naftali Bennett - oh, to be a fly on the wall for that talk. Plus, Hamas's sweet tooth, and more.
Jews of Jersey – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steven and Matt discuss troubles in the airline industry, the Japanese government wants their youth to drink more booze, schadenfreude at the misfortune of a miserable Jew hater, and, of course, Florida man. This and much more, on this week's Lighten Up.
Whoopi Who? – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steve and Matt talk Chinese Olympics, Whoopi Goldberg (AKA Caryn Johnson), Washington Redskins make a laughing stock of themselves, and viewer mail. All this and more on this week's Lighten Up.
Florida Man! – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steven and Matt discuss the newest Ami Horowitz video, Hitler's Watch sells for 1.1 million dollars, another bible movie review, and Florida Man. What is up with the Sunshine State?
Biden has Left the Building – Lighten Up! [audio]
Joe is gone & so was Roya!!
The Hannukah Show: Lighten Up Style!! – Lighten Up! [audio]
Lenny visits the show again and they discuss Hannukah and Rainman the Anti Semite !
My Stalker with a Walker! – Lighten Up! [audio]
Roya and Steve dive into Israeli athletics and the new Hate & Bias Prevention task force!
Happy Purim, Lighten Up style – Lighten Up! [audio]
On this special Purim Edition, Steven and Matt talk about their favorite holiday and relate in to modern times. Sort of. They also discuss the "Jewish plot to degrade white men", how climate change is racist, and the US director of Amnesty International doesn't think Israel should be a Jewish State.
Searching for a Unhappy Israeli – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steve and Matt discuss the NY Times comical search for unhappy Israelis, Syrian Jews from New York return to Syria. For Dental work? Ground breaking marriage in the conservative Jewish movement and how to lose your Jew card.
Men Are Better Than Women… At Being Women?! – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steve and Matt follow up on the Purim Holiday, Discuss biological men winning women of the year, Ukraine Jew washes their conflict with Russia, a 102 year old tells us the trick to growing old, and the world lost a giant of a Torah scholar. All this and more on this week's Lighten Up
Distractions!!! – Lighten Up! [audio]
Steve Yosef and Tamar cannot focus on the show!!!
The Maid Hates My Mom – Lighten Up! [audio]
Steven Interiews his moms maid on air and she doesn't like working for her.
Tough Jews! – Lighten Up! [audio]
Lighten Up welcomes special guest host Aaron Hadida !! Aaron and Steve discuss everything from Kanye to A beauty pageant for Camels!
Steven & Tamar discuss the war and share inspiring stories that have come from this horrific tragedy
Hugging Toilets & Flushing Walruses – Lighten Up! [audio]
Yosef walks off show to answer his door; And Dolphins getting high.
Gay Weed, Evangelical Rabbis, Alaskan Jews, Cis Gender what? – Lighten Up! [audio]
Another fast hour, with too much material and not enough time. This week Steve and Matt take on a college professor who claims Jewish pot is making black men gay, Kamala Harris should not give up her day job, Evangelical Rabbis, coming soon History of the World Part 2, and LETS GO BRANDON must be banned!
Jews are the Real Black’s – Lighten Up! [audio]
Lighten Up welcomes our first guest host Lenny Goldberg! Where we discuss everything from Greta Thunberg to Florida man trying to escape America and go back to Cuba!
Reunited and it Feels so Good! – Lighten Up! [audio]
Original co-host Matt Zucker comes back and fills in....And it's like he never left baby!!
Side Effects of the Covid Vaccine? Divorce. – Lighten Up! [audio]
Today Steven and Matt talk about Iran's new leader, the fall of Kabul (but a kindler, gentler Taliban), Covid craziness, Jews of color, and more. Don't miss a minute.
Can People Really Be That Dumb? – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steve and Matt talk about the family who tried to bring the craziest souvenir back from Israel. Hint: They weren't allowed to take it with them. Also, adventures in Jewish scouting, the Jordanian Mrs. Doubtfire and is there really a Jewish connection to weed?
Alexa! What are my notifications – Lighten Up! [audio]
Steven Explains to Roya the adventures of living with an 80 year old woman ( aka Steve's mom) and much more on this week's Lighten Up on Israel News Talk Radio
Hairballs & Bad Accents – Lighten Up! [audio]
Steve and Yosef discuss the world's largest hairball!!!
Jewish Power! – Lighten Up [audio]
Steven welcomes special guest Host Lenny Goldberg from the show The Jewish Truth Bomb!
The Slap Heard Around the World – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steve and Matt talk about the slap heard round the world, unforeseen challenges of obeying a particular commandment from G-d, the Israeli Women's Ice Hockey team, movies banned in Lebanon, and much more.
Post Passover Program – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steven and Matt share Passover stories and offer up more Bible movie reviews. Plus, they discuss the death of mask mandates, trans-women (AKA biological men) competing in full contact, women's sports, and it's Barbara Streisand's Birthday.
BUSHMEAT – Lighten Up! [audio]
Steve & Roya learn about Google Earth's plan to change Israel to Palestine through online voting!
Assaulted by Salami! – Lighten Up! [audio]
Steve Josef discuss naked bike riding and Florida man strikes again!!
Jew Got to Be Kidding Me – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steven and Matt give their takes on Biden's new press secretary. Hint - she doesn't like Jews. A Mexican wedding with a Hitler theme, Jewish gangsters who fought Nazis in the streets of New York, a doctor who didn't use soap for 5 years and dead or not dead. What would it be like to wake up in a coffin?
Mossad Trained Spy Dolphins, Oh My – Lighten Up! [audio]
This week Steven and Matt talk about Israeli trained dolphins spying on Hamas, Gaza's version of Fauda (playing a Jew can be dangerous in Gaza) and the Texas synagogue standoff.
Josef’s Whoopi Cushion & Beard! – Lighten Up! [audio]
Lighten Up welcomes the craziness of special guest host Yosef Kaner where he discusses the dangers of having a long beard & his crazy cat lady neighbor that and much much more on Lighten Up on Israel News Talk Radio