Jihad Is Required By Sharia – The Danger Zone [audio]

Gadi explains why this 'lone wolf' theory is bogus and educates on the fact that Jihad (Holy War, Terrorism) is required by the Sharia. You must understand the enemy, you must listen to this show!

The Danger Zone – Suicide [audio]

Making excuses for terror is doing nothing more than committing suicide.

Debbie Aldrich And The Free Iran Conference In Paris – The Danger Zone [audio]

Debbie Aldrich just returned from the week long 'Free Iran' conference in Paris France. We sat down for a conversation about who this opposition group Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MeK) is as well as those people that were there.

The Danger Zone – Hope and Change [audio]

The First Lady, Michelle Obama says we are ALL feeling hopeless... True?

The Danger Zone – When Will We Learn? [audio]

The terrorist's daughter and the ridiculous UNESCO claims, that Jews have no connection with the Temple Mount!

It’s A Win – Win! – The Danger Zone [audio]

Gadi got his wish and McMaster is being replaced by Former Ambassador John Bolton. It's truly a win-win!

The Danger Zone – The Inauguration [audio]

The inauguration's protesters and the mainstream media's spin on the day's event.

The Danger Zone – The Most Crucial Election [audio]

Those Israeli's that have the right to vote in the U.S. elections can tip the scales!

Hamody Jasim, The Terrorist Whisperer – The Danger Zone [audio]

They have known each other over 5 years, Gadi calls him friend and brother. Gadi finally sat him down for an interview!

The Danger Zone – National Law, Terrorism and Trump [audio]

U.S. President Trump's upcoming visit to Israel and the Jordanian terrorist.

The Danger Zone – Where Is The Honor? [audio]

A father who murdered his two daughters in an honor killing is still free.

As If… – The Danger Zone [audio]

As if the rockets haven't been enough, as if the kites and balloons carrying explosives haven't been enough, as if the violent riots at the fence haven't been enough, now Hamas is resorting back to suicide bombings. As if it's not past time to wake up and be proactive!


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/the-danger-zone-with-gadi-adelman/the-danger-zone-march-4-trump-audio/2017/03/07/

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