Photo Credit: Al Aqsa TV / MEMRI
Islamic television Hamas cleric Sheikh Iyad Abu Funun in Gaza vows to rid "the land" of every single Jew.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a visit to IDF troops at the Gaza border on Tuesday the southern front is “under control.”

Together with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot and top IDF brass, the prime minister said Israel is engaged in a three-front security battle.


Of these, he said, quiet at the Temple Mount is paramount, followed by security in Judea and Samaria, and “thirdly, in Gaza.”

But there’s a witch’s brew being cooked up by radical Islamist clerics who belong to the Hamas terrorist organization that rules Gaza.

Perhaps after being goaded by Da’esh (ISIS) terrorists who taunted Hamas and Fatah with not being Islamic enough and not carrying out enough attacks against Jews, Hamas uploaded another “how to stab” tutorial on Tuesday.

The “West Bank Intifada – Preparing a Knife for Stabbing” video shows the budding terrorist-in-the-making exactly how to prepare a proper weapon for optimal stabbing. This may be due to the fact that so many of the recent attacks have been carried out with could be viewed as less than professional weaponry – and so perhaps Hamas is embarrassed by the turnout.

But not to worry: Tuesday’s video demonstrates lethal stabbing methods, along with ways to sharpen one’s weapon. The video clip was caught and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Just one week earlier, on October 13, Muslim television host and Hamas cleric Sheikh Iyad Abu Funun promised Palestinian Arab viewers watching Al Aqsa TV that “not a single Jew” will remain in Israel.

“Let me say something clearly to the Zionists, something that should reach all those enemies, whether left-wing, right-wing, secular, religious, or extremist,” Abu Funun said, in a clip of the sermon downloaded and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“Regardless of their appearance or the color of their skin, they are on the land of Islam and the Muslims, on the land of the Prophet’s nocturnal journey.

“Any of our enemies living on this land must understand that they have no place on this land.

“Brother, could you bring me a copy of the Qu’ran?,” he asked someone in the studio. “I want to swear on the Qu’ran that not a single Jew will remain on this land. Not a single settler will remain on this land. Absolutely not.

“The sheikhs who preceded me swore on the Qu’ran that not a single Jew would remain on this land and that you would not win any battle.

“I too swear on the Qu’ran that by Allah the Almighty who created the skies above and all creatures, who sent us the Qu’ran and the messengers, who created Paradise and Hell, life and death, we will not leave a single Jew on our Islamic land – no child, no adult, no settler, no soldier, nobody of Eastern or Western origin.

“No Jew will remain on the land of Islam and the Muslims. This is my vow on behalf of the entire Palestinian people and of the Arab and Islamic nation in its entirety, from East to West.

“If the enemies do not understand this, they are stupid. They are stupid,” he repeated.

“They have not read the books of history. Go and read them, and learn what happened between us,” he advised.

“In the days when the Prophet Muhammad was in Medina, the Jews of Bani Qaynuqa’, of Bani Nazir, and Bani Qurayza were there. What did you do? You betrayed the Prophet once and did not learn your lesson. You betrayed him a second, third, and fourth time, and did not learn your lesson.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.