Gaza Should Be Run by “Gazans Who Are Opposed to Hamas”

:I have my own idea, which is that the Israelis carefully and quickly turn the administration over to Gazans who are opposed to Hamas, opposed to the goal of destroying Israel. Gazans who are willing to live in a neighborly way next to Israel."

Finding G-d’s Benevolent Hand

One thing that is clear from this war is that Hamas must be taken out of the picture. It is not that we did not know before this that they were intent upon the destruction of the Jewish state. Rather, the calculation was whether they could be contained at a lower cost than having to uproot them.

A Light In The Darkness

Once again it is shocking to me that while we hold our collective breath and pray for the hostages and our soldiers and ourselves, daily life and all its messiness still swirls around us.

The Illogic Of A Gaza Ceasefire

Not surprisingly, they want an end – they say on the humanitarian grounds of avoiding further deaths – to Israel’s effort to make Hamas go away.

Palestinians: ‘Extreme’ Support for Terrorist Group Hamas, Israel’s Destruction

If such a large number of Palestinians in the West Bank support the murder of Israelis and Hamas, it is safe to assume that a new "Palestinian state" would be controlled by Hamas or another genocidal, antisemitic terror group.

Swords of Iron: The Problem of Hostages and Missing Persons

Negotiating with Hamas for the release of the hostages in Gaza through comprehensive, all-inclusive deals mediated by Qatar (“everyone for everyone”) would undermine Israel’s strategy in the Swords of Iron war. It’s time to make a fundamental change in Israel’s policy on this issue and readopt the Entebbe Doctrine, which can save the lives of the current hostages and prevent the taking of more in the future.

Urgently Needed: An Economic and National Security ‘War Cabinet’

It is time for the U.S. to propose an economic and national security "war" cabinet to coordinate, strategize, and implement plans to address the China challenge as well as the national debt's impact on our ability to confront it

On Dresdening Gaza and Being Vaccinated Against Anti-Semitism

Those “innocents” elected and reelected Hamas. They knew Hamas was building tunnels under their homes and storing rockets and drones in their residential apartment buildings, outside their schools and inside and under their hospitals

What Do the Palestinians Want?

Westerners assume that the Palestinians seek a future of prosperity and freedom and peace because that is what they aspire to preserve for themselves. But this isn’t the case.

Part Thirteen Setting the Record Straight: Ensuring National Media Attention

Suicide bombers guarantee international media attention. [1] “The media are part of the war. CNN is more important than airplanes,” asserted Malek Wabdeh, a Hizballah cultural representative [2]

Kahane Was Right! Now What?

It was the first pogrom in history that was proudly and brazenly documented by the same gleeful demons who committed it, with go-pro video cameras affixed to their heads. 

Interview With Pierre Rehov: “Hamas Made A Big Mistake”

Antisemitism is back big time. I would say we are back to where we were in 1938, having another Chamberlain trying to make peace with Hitler, the same way that Obama tried to make peace with Iran.

Archbishop of Canterbury: This is a Battle of Good vs. Evil

You do not understand that “two wrongs don’t make a right” is not the moral principle upon which we must stand when faced with genocidal terror.

My Family’s Pain Is Not A Spectator Sport

They are not mere victims of brutal terror whose lives until this moment, were of no account. They are people who lived vivaciously, accomplished tremendously, and were loved unconditionally.

Media Covered 100s of Anti-Israel Protesters More Than 290,000 Pro-Israel Protesters

The AP has put out its wire stories falsely claiming that only tens of thousands attended.

A Human Solution To A Difficult Halachic Problem In Israel

Forty families were able to celebrate Shabbat together and give their loved ones some love, care and attention before they returned to fight in Gaza.

‘The Elephant in the Room’: The Real Source of Jew-Hatred in the Middle East

"We are not sub-humans. Let me repeat: We are not sub-humans," said Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian Authority's representative to the United Nations, after the...

Don’t Forget About Us

You have to wonder why, according to the Radak, Yitzchak needed to place his wife before him. Could there be anything more important? Could he possibly have been thinking about anything or anyone else when his wife was barren and desperate for a child? Apparently, yes.

The March For Israel

It should also be clearer than ever that we must multiply the force of our numbers and speak to power in harmony and without the discord that has confused our message and diluted the force of even the meager numbers we have always had.

Veteran New York Times’ Reporter Blames Israel for Oct. 7 Attacks

The former Israel bureau chief of The New York Times has discovered who is really to blame for the Hamas pogrom on Oct. 7:...

The British and Israel: A Mixed History

During both World Wars, the Arabs had “gained everything and contributed nothing….”

Time For Jews To Rethink The Democratic Party

While we do not know how the emerging differences between the U.S. and Israel over cease fires, civilian casualties and what a post-Hamas Gaza should look like, there is no denying the sense that America has Israel’s back at this horrible time is palpable.

Hamas’s Useful Idiots in the U.S., Europe

These demonstrators, who appear to feel so virtuous, send a message to the terrorist groups that people in the West happily support violence, terrorism and the Jihad (holy war) not only against Israel and Jews, but also against Christians, all "infidels," Europe, the United States and the West.

Why Banning SJP Is Not Cancel Culture

Student groups that literally call for terrorism should not be supplied anything by their universities. They should not be provided a faculty advisor, use of campus space, or subsidy for their activities.


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