Special Delivery

Despite our age difference and the fact that they were newly married and we were expecting our fourth child, the newcomers and us hit it off well.

The Family Breakfront

The significance of the two identical sums, the one he had just lent his friend and the reduced fee for the moving wasn’t lost on Shlomo

Ordered Back To Life

He quietly related to the avreich how during the time he was without pulse or heartbeat he had ascended to the Heavens and was met by his deceased relatives.

Inspiration: Major Component of Emunah

Sometimes we are inspired by the simple sweet kindness and patience of a total stranger.

Just One Tekiah!

Blowing 30 times (the minimum amount to fulfill the mitzvah) for every Jewish patient, literally took the wind out of me.

The Best Songwriter

G-d willing more people will realize that prayer is a powerful spiritual drug.

The Mourning Dove Lesson Of Emunah

Leah and Benyamin were both so used to being independent that Leah did not consider asking anyone for help.

No Accident

I said that we could call the baby Natanel Yisrael, but my husband felt that the name would be too long. (I don’t know why he said that because we already had a child with a six-syllable name.)

A Tree Amongst The Righteous

Shlomo explained that these were non-Jewish people who had risked their lives and the lives of their families, for no reward whatsoever, by hiding and saving Jews during the Holocaust.

The Power Of Prayer

Her biggest nightmare revolved around those dreaded three letters that instilled fear and trepidation into even the bravest of men: I R S.

Shmiras Halashon In Jerusalem

She knew it wasn’t easy or pleasant to stand around asking for money and so many people were far worse off than she was.

Unshakable Faith

One must be honest and straight in business dealings and in any interchange involving another person, no matter what his color or creed.

It´s A Small World After All

So I feel especially blessed that I have experienced both the small world phenomenon and the pre-destined shidduch reality, all in one obviously bashert bit of matchmaking.

A Jewish Burial – Whatever The Price

After several sleepless days, the team had been able to speak with the Guamanian and United States funeral homes, the airline, and the widow.

Mitzvah Brings Mitzvah

Somehow, though I loved being in Israel, I didn’t feel that way at all.

A Time To Cry

Although Har Hazeitim is traditionally considered one of the holy sites in Judaism, it’s also undeniably a hotbed of violence and vandalism, and consequently one of the most dangerous venues in all of Israel.

A Home For A Diamond

There didn’t seem any point in having the diamonds removed and each of us taking one; what would we do with it?

Rebbetzin Yemima’s Remedy For Unblocked Blessing

To add to her distress, this close friend has a lifetime history of complications in her relationship with her mother, her only living parent. Thus, she struggles without the benefit of family support.

Big Bear Memories

We were fortunate enough to have our brother-in-law, sister-in-law and their children fly out from the east coast and join us for one such summer expedition. And it subsequently turned out to be by far the most memorable of all.


Admittedly, it is much easier to see the potential of a toilet paper roll if one has worked in a nursery school, or as a camp counselor, art teacher or creative stay-at-home Mom.

Cherries, Anyone?

Mommie was distressed because praying for the welfare of her dear family was the foundation of her belief in HaKodesh Boruch Hu, whom she served everyday of her life in innocence and in purity.

Der Mensch Tracht…

Although I spontaneously burst out crying that my beloved Tatty was no more, part of me acknowledged that positive development as well.

A Meeting Made In Heaven

Pinchas told his friend how he had felt that he would need to be with someone he knew to help him and his mother through a very difficult Shabbat. Hashem granted him and his mother this chesed.

Seeing Red

“One of the drivers is nearby right now, and will pick you up between 9:05 and 9:07!” Very good tidings indeed. Except for the fact that I was then distributing freshly washed laundry while listening to the 9 PM News.

There Are Many Ways To Get What You Want

Dani unwrapped the book and was very happy as it was exactly what he wanted.

Shabbos Energy

Apart from that, the Oneg was a great success with inspiring divrei Torah and singing until late.

“My Triplets”

We were reintroduced and Leah warmly welcomed me to ask what was in my heart. Her genuine warmth and sweet loving smile overwhelmed me.

Forged By Fire

Though dozens of beautiful and memorable Pesachs have passed since that fateful chag thirty-five years ago, the memory of that tragic Yom Tov is forever engrained in our family’s collective memory.

Man Plans…

I was dumbstruck. I couldn’t help but laugh. Here we thought the idea was my husband’s but obviously the idea came from somewhere else.

The Family Of Man

Baruch Hashem, I have plenty of family in Israel, but Miriam’s host was not “family” per se, though her host would differ with me on this fact, rather someone whose family had an impact on me over 50 years ago!


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