The Malpractice Of A Mitzvah

“You shall not hate your brother in your heart; you shall reprove your fellow and do not bear a sin because of him.” –...

Kisui Hadam

The Bais Halevi answers that we must properly define what is considered to be “in the middle of a mitzvah.”

A Day Without Tefillin?

They had realized they would be far from civilization and kosher food and had packed plenty of fresh and canned food as well as making sure there was a microwave in their room which they knew how to kasher.

The Odd Gravestone

He was deeply saddened by the thought of her going to her final resting place alone and that it appeared as if she knew no one and had no family who cared about her.

Q & A: Arabs Circumcise At 13 (Part XIX)

Question: If Abraham was commanded to circumcise his descendants on the eighth day, why do Arabs – who claim to descend from Abraham through Yishmael – wait until their children are 13 to circumcise them? I am aware that this is a matter of little consequence to our people. Nevertheless, this inconsistency is one that piques my curiosity. M. Goldman (Via E-mail)

Daf Yomi

The Debt Lives On ‘The Orphans’ Mitzvah To Repay Their Father’s Debts’ (Ketubot 91b)

Aleph Beta: Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Social Justice…and Sacrifices?‏

Rabbi Fohrman asks what's the connection between animal sacrifices and leaving crops for the poor?

Redeeming Relevance on the Weekly Parsha: Kedoshim

Putting parents before oneself is a step toward putting the more abstract concept of God before self

What It Means To Be Free

In her diary, Anne Frank wrote words that provided hope for a humanity faced with suffering.

Geichazi’s Greed and Penance

The Arizal taught this same approach, making the point that the Torah would never mention wicked people and their sins if there was not great depth involved from which we are to learn from.

Parshas Tazria-Metzora: Universal Humility

Humility is not achieved when all is well and life is peachy but rather when times are trying and challenging.

Vows, Oaths And Their Annulment (Ketubot 70)

In order to be free of the negative consequences of violating a shvu’ah or a neder, the shvu’ah or neder themselves must be annulled.

Sum Total

"I accept the ruling," said Mr. Broyer, "but would like to understand the reasoning."

Humility That Leads To Majesty

He feared the people would have a change of heart and support Rechavam.

Daf Yomi

Ramifications Of A Printers Error ‘The Note Holder’s Burden of Proof’ (Kesubos 83b)

Q & A: Arabs Circumcise At 13 (Part XVIII)

Question: If Abraham was commanded to circumcise his descendants on the eighth day, why do Arabs – who claim to descend from Abraham through Yishmael – wait until their children are 13 to circumcise them? I am aware that this is a matter of little consequence to our people. Nevertheless, this inconsistency is one that piques my curiosity. M. Goldman (Via E-mail)

Permitting the Outcast

In this case one could reason that by applying halach achar harov we could permit the forbidden bird as well.

Destination: Consternation?

“What a way to spend a Sunday afternoon,” my husband remarked. “Well, baruch Hashem we are safe, there was no accident, and I’m sure there is a good reason for everything that happened to us,” I mused.

A Leopard Can’t Change Its Spots, But A Man Can…

The answer to this question is based on one of the greatest shortcomings of man – self-limiting beliefs.

The Meaning Of Tumah

Myth that niddah=dirty stopped many women from accepting laws of family purity and must be shattered

The Sanctity Of Time

In every generation is the challenge to purge the culture of our exile from our minds and our hearts

Aleph Beta: Tazria-Metzora: Rejoining the Community‏

Rabbi Fohrman connects the metzora purification process with the korban pesach.

“It Is Wondrous in Our Eyes”

The day after Israel was declared a State, everyone recited Hallel and people danced in the streets.

Redeeming Relevance on the Weekly Parsha: Tazria

For humans, reducing flesh is generally a good thing whereas its expansion is generally a bad thing

Parshat Shemini

Lincoln was not a perfect man. But he rose above his imperfections to do what he thought was right not matter the obstacles.

An Acappela Version of Adon Olam

Adon Olam: An Erev Shabbat Musical Interlude Courtesy of David Herman

Daf Yomi

Oh My, It’s Copper! ‘…And One Who Is A Coppersmith’ (Kethubboth 77a)

Sefirat HaOmer

The omer sacrifice of loose barley flour was more fitting for animal consumption than human consumption and symbolizes the depths to which the Jewish slaves had sunk.


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