1,500-Plus Rabbis Rebuke US for Abstention Vote on UN Resolution Targeting Israel

“The [Biden] administration abstained on an issue of hate and bigotry,” said Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values. “This is not moral leadership.”

UNRWA is a ‘Broken Model’ Says New WSJ Op-Ed

"The recent report of corruption . . . 'represents a new low for Unrwa (sic) and an indictment of the idea of an international agency dedicated to a single interest."

UN Official Expresses ‘Deep Concern’ Over Elimination of Senior Islamic Jihad Terrorist

Within the first 180 seconds of the operation, fighter jets and drones targeted and killed 15 Islamic Jihad operatives, including Taysir al-Jabari, commander of the Islamic Jihad’s northern division.

UNDOF Troops Pull Out of Syria, Head for Israel

United Nations peacekeepers are pulling out of Syria and heading for the Israeli side of the border due to deteriorating security.

Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Terror around the World – Except in Israel [video]

The U.N. chief declared a moment of silence for terror victims on and then checked off the cities hit by terror - except for Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Netanyahu: I told Nikki Haley It’s Time to Dismantle UNRWA

The Arab refugees have their own separate agency which is connected to incitement against Israel, and which perpetuates the refugee problem rather than solve it.

Netanyahu to UN General Assembly: Road to Peace Runs Thru Jerusalem, Ramallah [video]

PM Netanyahu invited PA leader Mahmoud Abbas to address the Knesset in Jerusalem, and offered to address the PA parliament in Ramallah.

Is UNRWA Aiding Terrorism?

An advocacy group has lodged a formal complaint claiming UNRWA has far exceeded its mandate by aiding and sustaining the psychological and physical assault on Israeli civilians and infrastructure.

UNRWA Summons Gaza Director Who Said the IDF Avoided Civilian Targets

He should probably stay in Jerusalem. There are places, like the Gaza Strip, where Truth will not set you free. It's more likely to get you killed.

Ban Ki-Moon Tries New Sales Pitch to Stab Israel in the Back

Beware of false friends. Ban Ki-moon tries to soften up Israel by admitting that the U.N. sometimes is biased against Israel, but not to worry, because peace is on the way.

Palestinian Authority’s Abbas to Address UN Security Council Feb. 20

"Abbas is completely misreading today’s reality and harming the prospects for a better future for his people.”

Syrian Website: Hezbollah Moves Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Syria in ‘UN’-Labeled Trucks

According to a video post, this is the first shipment of such weapons to be transported across the Lebanese border.

Gigantic Explosion at Syrian Ammo Depot Kills Dozens (Video)

Syrian rebels and Assad’s forces are fighting it out to see which side is more brutal and inhuman. An explosion at a rebel-bombed Syrian army depot looks like an Atomic bomb blast.

More Insanity, UNESCO Prepares to Label Biblical Jericho Sites as ‘Palestinian’

Among the Jewish heritage sites near biblical Jericho are the Hasmonean Winter Palaces, King Herod’s Third Palace, a Byzantine-era synagogue dating back to the 6th or 7th Century CE, ritual baths, and nearby burial caves used by priests of the Second Temple.

Greek Parliament Votes Unanimously to Recognize PA ‘State’

The Greek parliament voted unanimously to recognize the Palestinian Authority as a new country in a move with no teeth.

Ban Ki-moon Winds Down UN Post by Bashing Israel as Reason for Intifada

The chief of the UN said at its annual anti-Israel Conference on Jerusalem, "The anger we are witnessing is bred from nearly five decades of Israeli occupation."

Israel’s UN Ambassador Calls Sexual Violence ‘Crime against Humanity’ [video]

"Sexual violence in conflict has become a weapon of choice because it is cheap, silent and effective."

Report: US Closer to Decision on Cutting Payment to UNRWA

Officials said the administration is considering the idea of making contributions dependent upon the Palestinian Authority's return to the negotiation table with Israel.

House Condemns UN Anti-Settlements Resolution

Most of the Nay votes came from Democrats, including Keith Ellison (D-Mn), who is in the running to head the Democratic National Committee.

Guterres Vows Swift Action Against UNRWA Staff Who Engaged in Terrorism

He nevertheless added, “I strongly appeal to the governments that have suspended their contributions to, at least, guarantee the continuity of UNRWA’s operations."

European Jewry Decries Interpol Acceptance of Palestinian Authority As New Member

"The Palestinian Authority must cease terror incitement, payment to terrorists and their families . . . before it can truly be seen as a force for good on the global anti-terror stage."

Erdogan: Zionism ‘Crime against Humanity’ (Video)

“Erdogan the Intelligent” calls Israel and Islamophobia crimes against humanity. The same wise man was a friend of Israel, ditched it, ran to Ahmadinejad and Assad, and dumped them also. Who’s next?

Israel Lands Authority Demands UNRWA Vacate Illegally Occupied Plot in Jerusalem Area

Among the structures built on the UNRWA site are a school and a memorial honoring Jerusalem-area terrorists.

UNOPS Rescinds Job Offer in ‘Jerusalem, Palestine (State of)’

Israel's Ambassador Danon: "It is unacceptable for UN agencies to .... attempt to change the political facts on the ground."

Hamas: UN Agency Proposed Textbooks for Gaza Too ‘Peaceful’

Hamas has blocked the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East from introducing new textbooks for 7th-9th grade...

Believe It or Nuts: the UN Counts Jews Visiting the Temple Mount as ‘Settler...

It turns out that many Arab-on-Jew attacks were recorded by the UN as “settler violence.”

Watch Ambassador Danon’s History Lesson at the UNSC

Danon explains the eternal and historic connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.

Hotovely Appeals for Global Pressure on Abbas to Stop Incitement Against Israel

"The international community must intensify their efforts to pressure the Palestinian Authority to call for a stop to the violence instead of demanding that Israel removes security measures."

U.N. General Assembly Adopts Nine Resolutions Condemning Israel

The United Nations General Assembly adopted nine resolutions on the topics of Palestinian rights and the Golan Heights.

PA Wants UN to Investigate ‘Incitement’ in Israeli Textbooks

Is it appropriate to engage in pranks several days ahead of April Fools Day?


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/1500-plus-rabbis-rebuke-us-for-abstention-vote-on-un-resolution-targeting-israel/2021/11/11/

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