US Asking UN Security Council to Help Enforce Ceasefire Deal Letting Hamas Fight Another...

And then let’s sit back and watch joyously as Netanyahu’s government falls apart, new elections are declared in Israel, and the extreme left retakes government.

Israeli Envoy Erdan Calls UN a ‘Terror Organization’

Erdan accused the UN of becoming "a collaborator with Hamas... maybe even more than that – a terror organization unto itself."

Netanyahu: Israel Will Reject Hague Court’s Attack on Its Right to Self Defense

Meanwhile, the political and legal echelons in Israel are preparing for the Hague court possibly issuing arrest warrants against Israeli senior officials.

Israel Demands Security Council Condemnation of Iran’s Attack

"I expect the Council to use every means to take concrete action against Iran,” Ambassador Erdan tweeted.

Russia Urging West to Join UNSC Condemnation of Israel’s Killing Top Iranian Terrorists

"This is another opportunity to test the real intentions of our Western colleagues."

UNCHUTZPA: UN Official Orders Father of Hostage to Remove her Dog Tag

Eli Elbag, father of Liri Elbag from Moshav Yarhiv who was kidnapped by Hamas thugs on October 7, 2023, attended a meeting of the...

Russian UN Envoy: Rehire UNRWA Rapists/Murderers

"We note that these staff members were immediately dismissed before any investigation was conducted, based solely on Israel's allegations."

WATCH: Secret Hamas Server Farm Discovered Under UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza

The underground server farm's cable were connected via the UNRWA HQ communications room. Hamas was openly operating in the UNRWA compound.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu to Hague Judges: ‘You Are Deciding your Own Fate’

"The choice is in your hands. You will not defeat God's word with your judgment, you have no chance."

Israeli Lawmakers Ponder UNRWA Overhaul

Israel has long said that UNRWA was created to perpetuate the conflict, not help Arab refugees.

UNRWA Teachers’ Telegram Channel Glorifies Oct. 7 Hamas Massacre

UN Watch exposed the 3,000-member chat group for promoting terrorism against Israelis.

Israeli UN Envoy Gives Out Yahya Sinwar’s Phone Number at Ceasefire Debate

“If the assembly wants a real ceasefire, call the Hamas offices in Gaza and ask for Yahya Sinwar."

Yad Vashem to Guterres: ‘Never Again’ Mean Anything to You?

“UN Secretary-General António Guterres failed the test."

WATCH: PM Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly to Standing Ovations

“Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will truly create a new Middle East.”

Majority of Israelis Object to Protests Against Netanyahu in US

Despite the disappointing showing, American and Israeli Media have devoted about half their attention to the protesters’ shenanigans.

UNESCO Names Massacre Area of 3,000 Jews in Erfurt a World Heritage Site

The Old Synagogue was used as a storehouse and then a restaurant and dance hall.

IDF, Lebanese, Meet to Ease Tensions, Hezbollah Demanding Village that Wants to Remain in...

Needless to say, the folks in Ghajar village would much rather stay under Israeli rule than Hezbollah’s.

Did an AI Write UN Sec-Gen Guterres’ Attack on Israel?

 “Israel’s airstrikes and ground operations in a crowded refugee camp were the worst violence in the West Bank in many years,” said António Guterres.

UN Worried: More Israelis than ‘Syrians’ on the Golan

The December 14, 1981, Golan Heights Act abolished the military government and applied Israeli law to the Golan, effectively annexing it.

Bipartisan Congress Members Urge the UN to Sack Antisemite Francesca Albanese

Albanese has asserted that the “Jewish lobby” controlled the U.S. and has likened Israelis to Nazis.

Polish Senior UN Official in Lebanon Expresses her Gratitude to Hezbollah

Ammar al-Musawi, the kindly Hezbollah representative who treated Mrs. Wronecka so nicely, is a prominent Hezbollah leader.

Ukraine Votes to Send Israel to Hague Criminal Court, Upset Israel Rejects Ukrainian Asylum...

This month there has been an increase in the daily entry of Ukrainians to Israel, which today stands at 217.

US Envoy to UN: Must Confront Alarming Spikes in American Antisemitism, Holocaust Denial

"Thank you for coming together to remember the six million Jews who perished during the Holocaust."

South African Human Rights Activist Rhoda Kadalie, True Friend of Israel, Dead at 68

Rhoda Kadalie always spoke truth to power, which in South Africa included her being a staunch defender of Israel against the official antisemitic line.


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