Report: Egypt Readied Rafah Border Crossing for Permanent Operation

Surveillance cameras have been installed throughout the crossing terminal.

Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Rocket Attack on Southern Israel

Around the same time as the rocket attack on Israel, ISIS killed six Egyptian soldiers were killed and wounded dozens more in northern Sinai.

Egyptian Army Pumping Sea Water into Gaza Tunnels Causing Landslides, Sinkholes

Pumping the tunnels with sea water is a cheap method for the Egyptians to keep Gaza Islamists out of the Sinai.

Netanyahu: Israel Has Foiled Dozens of Major Terror Attacks in Europe

"You’ll have the son of ISIS and the grandson of al-Qaeda that will be fighting [for] this new Shi’ite force."

Watch: Israel’s Navy Foiled Hamas’ Weapons Smuggling in Northern Sinai

Following a chase, the vessel with two terrorists onboard were arrested and taken for interrogation.

Hamas Still Has Tunnel Access on Egyptian Border

Israeli intelligence did not know the severity of the smuggling situation before the war.

Egyptian Army Destroyed 6 Gaza Tunnels

In 2015, the Egyptian army began flooding the tunnel network with seawater in an attempt to destroy it.

Russian Officials Says Plane Broke in Mid-Air Raising Speculation of a Bomb On Board

“The [ISIS] statement does not say they shot it down, but that they destroyed it,” Trotignon said. “You could imagine explosives on board, or sabotage.”

IDF Soldier Wounded by Gunfire from Sinai

The IDF has increased security around the work on the ground to erect a barrier facing the Gaza Strip, adding special forces to the defense effort.

Rafah’s Shadow Economy: Profiteering and Corruption in Egypt’s Border Control

Evidence suggests that control of the Rafah crossing has shifted unofficially to Ibrahim al-Arjani, a Bedouin businessman with close ties to prominent figures including Mahmoud al-Sisi, the son of the Egyptian president.

Israel Strikes Hamas Sites Along Gaza-Egyptian Border for First Time

The sites that were struck in the Rafah area where Hamas terrorists were operating.

Southern Israel on Red Alert Following Night of Multiple Rocket Attacks

At least two of the rockets was identified as having been launched from a site in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

John Kerry Shakes Hands with Nicolás Maduro – Will He Collect the $15 Mil....

The State Department said the handshake was "unplanned,” and “immaterial," despite its denouncement of Maduro only days earlier.

Israel Condemns Vicious Terror Slaughter at Northern Sinai Mosque

At least 200 worshipers were killed and dozens of others were injured in the attack on the mosque.

Another Hamas Tunnel Collapsed in Gaza Strip, 7 Terrorists Missing

Hamas officials are convinced Israel has developed new technology to detect the tunnels.
An Israeli police sapper examines exploded remains of a rocket fired at the Red Sea resort city of Eilat. April 17, 2013.

Report: Egypt Thwarts Rocket Fire Aimed at Israel from Sinai

It's not yet clear who was intending to attack Israel from Egyptian territory.

Clinton Bailey’s Archive of Ancient Bedouin Culture Now Available for Free Online

Hundredsof hours of singular audio recordings, photos and slides from fifty years of research.

Revealed: Israel Regularly Launching Airstrikes at Sinai Terrorists with Egypt’s Blessing

The new Egyptian dependence on Israel to maintain the integrity of their borders is diminishing Egypt's role as independent broker in the Middle East peace negotiations.

Egyptian Cyber Campaign Against ISIS in Sinai Disrupts Cellular Phone Service in Israel

The cellular phone service blackouts, which have been taking place for the past two weeks, are likely to continue, an IDF source said.

2 Hamas Terrorists Dead, More Injured After Toxic Gas Fills Gaza Smugglers Tunnel

It’s not clear what type of toxic gas was used by the Egyptian military personnel to fill the tunnel.

Islamic State Attacks Natural Gas Pipeline in Northern Sinai

The blast caused a fire but no casualties, Egyptian security officials said.

Israel Aids Multinational Peacekeepers After Helicopter Crash in Egypt’s Sinai

Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi offered his wishes for a swift recovery by the lone wounded soldier who survived the crash.

Multinational Force in Sinai Represents ‘an Insurance Policy,’ says Former Israeli Defense Official

Egyptian-Israeli relations are at their best level since the peace treaty was signed, mostly based on common security interests. But something can always go wrong.

Terrorists Blow Up Egyptian Pipeline

Egyptian authorities stopped the flow of gas to be able to extinguish the fire.

Police Bust Massive Drug Haul on Egyptian Border

Police seized hundreds of kilograms of drugs worth millions.

Israel Weighs Egyptian Request to Downgrade Travel Advisory to Sinai

The Israeli Counter-Terrorism Bureau has classified Sinai in its most severe terrorism level—“a very high concrete threat—for 17 years.

Israel Preparing for Passover ISIS Attack in Sinai

Some Israelis were trying to find alternative routs to reach the Sinai beaches, possibly via Jordan.

Report: ISIS Abducted 3 Gaza Tunnel Diggers

The three workers may have been taken to the Sinai area inside Egyptian territory.

Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Deadly Suicide Bombing in Sinai

At least 23 Egyptian soldiers lost their lives and dozens more were wounded in the deadly Sinai attack by Islamic State jihadists.

Israel’s Hotovely Calls on World to Unite Against Terror

Hotovely called on the world to "unite against the Axis of Evil" and terror with "an iron fist."


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