The NEW Plan to Oust Netanyahu and its Implications for Israel

Yamina leader Naftali Bennett and New Hope chief Gideon Sa'ar, with 13 Knesset seats between them, somehow expect that 30 Likud lawmakers will ignore their voters and help them unseat Netanyahu.

Teachers’ Union Head Under Fire for Anti-Semitic Comments

Rabbi: Weingarten 'took legitimate criticism of her union’s refusal to go back to work as a way to demonize the Jewish community'

Iran Claims Victory Over US

Iran's posturing is accompanied by increased nuclear work, moves likely meant to further pressure the Biden administration into granting concessions

ICC: Israel=Terror Armies

The ICC Prosecutor’s investigation of Israel will get underway in the next few months. The Court’s decision to grant itself jurisdiction in Gaza and the West Bank raises the disturbing prospect of future indictments—and arrest warrants—being issued against senior Israeli military personnel and officials.  

President Biden: Don’t Rejoin The Iran Deal

Our ally Israel counted only Egypt and Jordan as its formal partners when Trump assumed office. Today, the United States and Israel have added Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates to that list through the groundbreaking Abraham Accords.

World Jewry Must Deepen its Connection to India   

Anti-Semitism is on the rise across the globe. The Jewish diaspora across the world must counter its evil growth. In order to stay safe and prosper in the future,  the diaspora should deepen its social-cultural-religious-spiritual bonds with its host nations and  initiate more informed dialogue with local  communities. The Jewish diaspora could make the best use of its deep connections with India since ancient times. India has virtually no history of anti-Semitism.

The False Claim that Israel Is Bound to Lose Either Its Jewish or Democratic Identities

The entire thesis of the need to transfer Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem to Palestinian control to protect Israel from losing its Jewish or democratic identity ignores not only Israel’s justified security needs but also the historical and legal rights and aspirations that stand at the core of Zionism.

Enlightenment And The ‘Hilltop Youth’

Instead of persecuting these idealistic youth, Israel should give them medals.

Please, Don’t Use the Holocaust

The Holocaust is the worst thing people can think of, so no wonder they use it as a comparison point. Which is wrong. Period.

Holocaust Survivors Represent the Light that Illuminated the Darkness

We, the commanders and the soldiers of the IDF, will do what we have been commanded to do: pass on to the next generation the description of what was perpetrated, and fulfill our obligation to preserve our independence and defend ourselves.

Menachem Begin: Lessons of the Holocaust

In May 1981, a group of young American Jewish leaders asked Prime Minister Begin what he thought were the lessons of the Holocaust. This was his answer.

Instability in Jordan is ‘Bad News’ for Israel

For the past several years, Jordan has come under increasing strain due to wars in bordering Iraq and Syria, which has led to many refugees resettling in Jordan. Combine a population holding divergent loyalties with a poor economic situation, and the result has been unrest.

Yes to Integration; no to Mansour Abbas and Self-deception

The silence of right-wingers who support forming a government with the help of the Islamic Movement is puzzling.

The Future of US Policy Toward Israel Under Biden

What will the strategic alliance between the United States and Israel look like under President Biden? It is too soon to tell. On several...

Looks Like The Palestinian Elections Will Be Just As Divided As Israel’s

Abbas has found a way to make his elections even more divisive than the Israeli ones: Instead of just calling for elections, he has called for 3 elections!

The Threats American Jewry Refuses to Face

Given the data, it makes sense that 65-75% of American Jews remain in a political and ideological home that is hostile to Jews. It's a matter of priorities. It also explains why much of the communal response to both rising anti-Semitism and rising assimilation has been ineffective and even counterproductive.

The Narrow Path Of The American Jew

Can a Jew living anywhere in the world not feel loyalty to the Land of Israel and his own people?

Who Are The ‘Orthodox Rabbis’ Of Torat Chayim?

No serious rav – even a Modern Orthodox rav – would ever sign a “Rabbis’ Letter” if co-signed by women rabbis.

On Scarlet Letters And Green Passports

If this was a test, we have failed miserably. Hashem Yirachem aleynu that we have fallen to such a level.

Biden’s ‘Nine-Miles-Wide Plan’

What should American Jews do? Turn to all our tried-and-true methods of lobbying and protest. And do it now—while there is still time.

Surprise, Surprise: A Terrorist Runs For Office

To this day, the PFLP is on the official U.S. list of terrorist groups. But for some reason, that hasn’t stopped the Biden administration from planning to resume U.S. financial assistance to the PA – even though the PFLP remains the PA’s second largest faction.

Can a Right Wing Coalition contain Ra’am within it?

In answer to the question of whether such a move makes political sense, maintains ideologically consistency with a straight face, and could be acceptable to all the other parties to the coalition, my answer is a full throated, unambiguous, and hearty

A Public Apology To The Chief Rabbi Of Berlin

He assured me that his goal is certainly not to rebuild Jewry on the blood-stained soil of Germany, but what can he do?

Getting the Facts Straight on Palestinian Fatalities in the 2014 Hamas-Israel Confrontation

The possible ICC probe into Israel’s behavior in Gaza will likely renew interest in the 2014 Hamas-Israel confrontation. There is much evidence to suggest that the number of Palestinian fatalities was exaggerated and that most of them were terrorists, not civilians.

Biden’s Bid to Restart the Iran Deal

And we will stand, as we have always stood – alone, but never alone. God will not allow; we will not allow the Iranians’ fate to be any different than that of Amalek, Haman, Hitler and the others.

On Modern-Day Lynchings

What is additionally so troubling is the injustice, the lack of fairness, the utter disregard for the law and its processes which should have protected these innocent victims.

Support for Israel is Still Strong, Despite Democrat Defections

Sympathy for Israel has averaged 62 percent in the last decade compared to 19 percent for the Palestinians.

Combating Antisemitism Benefits the Arab World

Deep-rooted and persistent antisemitism is one of the central reasons for the Arab world’s lack of innovation and development relative to Israel and the Western world. The problem of antisemitism in the Arab world needs to be addressed before attempts are made to solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem, not postponed until after a solution is found.

Terrorists All Set to Win Palestinian Elections

The message the Palestinian leadership is sending to its people is: A Palestinian convicted of financial corruption is nowhere near as worthy of public office as one who murders Jews and masterminds terrorist attacks.


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