Make Each Day Count

Convinced that her daily affirmations were reaching people and offering them a shot of positivity to get through their day, Betesh created Thank You, Hashem.

A Textbook On Emunah

This is not a book for light armchair reading or one you can read in one sitting. It is an undertaking that can change your life and how you see the world.

Growth Through Mussar

The purpose of Mussar is to work on one’s own growth and not to attempt to fix others.

Driving Rav Soloveichik

These differences are what makes Rabbi Adler’s new book so significant: He knew the Rav both in the classroom and in person. Even those of us who had the privilege of attending The Rav’s shiur had only an occasional glimpse from the vantage point Rabbi Adler offers us.

Revealing The Hidden Light

Avraham would never have been told by Hashem, ‘Lech Lecha,’ had Avraham not first passed through the obliterating crucible of Nimrod’s furnace.

You Can Be The Helper

Kids will relate to Yitzy’s struggles to do something grown-up and important while they are physically too small to accomplish it.

With Great Options Like These, Why Not Books This Chanukah?

There is something magical about being able to touch physical pages and turn them one by one as a narrative unfolds.

The Story You’ve Never Heard

This story inspired my parents to name me Rachel; they too had to wait for years to be reunited while my father, Natan Sharansky, was imprisoned in the Soviet gulag.

People Of The Mind

The authors have isolated these principles, namely: respect for tradition while encouraging independent thinking; a precise system of logical reasoning in pursuit of the truth; and a universal and never-ending education.

The Magic Touch

Day and night, Reb Schuster was at the Kotel, there at the right time to answer a young person’s heartfelt prayer for guidance.

A Story Of Jerusalem And Rome

It is often a challenge when the story told by Chazal is at odds with modern scholarship.

A Giant Of Torah And Chesed

The Rebbe’s suggestion – just combine the shuls! Never mind the significant ideological differences and different nusach.

Getting Closer To Korbanot

With the easy-reading quality of the book and the tradition of Brisker Chasidic scholars being devoted to studying the laws of korbanot, the title of the book was born.

The Rishon You Never Knew

The Oral Law helps in the proper understanding of the Written Law and the Written Law helps in the understanding of the Oral Law.

Bearing The Unbearable

She writes about the stigma and fear associated with dementia and the failure of religious communities, ordinarily admirable in their outreach to the sick and the needy, to step up to the plate.

Children Learn About Good Health

Unfortunately, now our generation is drowning in unhealthy food choices. For this, we and our children need navigation and inspiration to make healthy food choices.

The Making Of A Gadol

Nowhere is the fragmentation of Rav Kook’s literary estate felt more keenly than in the great divide between the yeshiva and the academy.

A Balanced Critique?

Believing that the local Arab culture was backward and that they were the harbingers of progress, the Zionist pioneers were sure their endeavors would ultimately be embraced.

Lessons From Someone Who Has Seen It All

In his immigrant social circles, he hadn’t even known anyone who went to college, as finishing high school was considered the highest possible achievement for his peers.

What Does It Mean To Be Home?

Is she Israeli? Is she American? She feels out of place in the country of her birth, and unable to return to the homeland of her choosing.

Finding Ourselves In A Story

This book completely changed the way I view my life and my avodas Hashem.

Deep Dive Into The Arukh HaShulchan

In contrast to the Chafetz Chaim, Rabbi Epstein returns to the Talmud and commentaries to analyze which ones seem to offer the most accurate interpretation of the Talmud text.

Remembering A Giant

We get the opportunity to understand some of Rav Yoel’s methodology, and to experience his Shabbos table.

Discovering Your Path

Some teachings and stories will leave you smiling, while others will simply take your breath away.

A New And Unique Translation of Tanach

The ambitious collaborative effort that produced this new Koren translation with its vocabulary, syntax, commitment to elegance and readability emanates from Rabbi Sacks’s inspired vision and legacy.

Torah And Science Converge In Kabbalistic Worldview

Dr. Schipper set out to tackle a topic that has baffled science and philosophy for centuries – the nature of consciousness.

The Neurodiversity Challenge – With Trust In Hashem

In many cases, it turns out that neurological diagnoses like dyslexia and ADHD are actually cases of Irlen Syndrome masquerading as a different disorder.

Mixing Comfortable With Exciting

Many of the recipes are suitable for a simple family dinner but can also be dressed up for guests or holiday meals.

A Fitting Coda For A Life Lived Well

Direct and indirect references to his previous works provide brief insights into his ideas about happiness, meaning, materialism, alcoholism, character, marriage, anger, sensitivity, honesty and teshuvah.

Stirring History Brought To Life

My history classes in school were dull and confusing with a mix of dates and facts, but historical fiction had drama, events and conflicts.


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