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Tag: Jewish.

In Time of Great Challenge a Hero Comes Along – From Jerusalem With Love...

Orly talks about the new Israeli government and corona virus. Orly also speaks to Dr Brandon Shapiro about resilience in this hard time. Orly tells us a unknown story about Jonathan from the bible.

The Troubling Origin of the Coronavirus Pandemic – Beyond the Matrix [audio]

As of April 20, 220, Global COVID-19 infected cases have risen to 2,529,150 and fatalities reached 174,578. The US had 803,018 cases and 43,558 deaths due to the coronavirus. While Israel had 13,883 and 181 deaths There are disputes as to whether the social distancing mitigation has reached the point where gradual phased releases from confinement may shortly be feasible given the drop in new cases indicating plateauing may have been achieved in the major US infected states and hot spots.

CORONA: Before & After – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

On this show, we talk about before the coronavirus, new corona updates, economic developments, ...and a light touch on politics - here in Israel and abroad.

Coronavirus and the Leper: Is there a Connection? – The Science of Kabbalah...

Rabbi Yitzchak is on his own this week talking about the double Torah portion of Tazria and Metzora. In these Torah portions we learn about a woman's purification from giving birth and the Metzora, or someone who is afflicted with the skin condition known as "Tzaraat," which is often translated as leprosy. The teachings of the Jewish Sages and Kabbalah offer a different perspective on these issues, and might change your perspective as it relates to our age of Coronavirus.

Dramatic Interview with a Holocaust Survivor – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day - honoring the 6 million men, women, children and babies that perished, and learning the important lessons from that time, to this time. Tamar Yonah interviews Dr. Abraham C. Peter about how he survived the Holocaust, and the lessons we all need to learn from it: Fight, Resist, and come and live in Israel!

Orly Speaks with Bibi’s Former Commanding Officer! – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]

In this exciting show, Orly Benny Davis speaks with Uzi Dayan, a member of knesset and the former commanding officer of Binyamin Netanyahu! Uzi Dayan served as head of Central Command, Deputy Chief of Staff, and headed the Israeli National Security Council (2003–2005). He was a member and later head of an elite commando unit that reportedly made eight to ten attempts to assassinate Yasser Arafat. What does he think of Bibi, and does he think Bibi will be able to form a new government?

Jewish Resilience, the Plague and Antisemitism – Beyond the Matrix [audio]

He was called “Lampshade” for criticizing the lurid anti-Semitic paintings of Italian Catholic painter Giovanni Gasparro. In a painting produced recently, at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, Gasparro depicted the fraudulent “blood libel” ritual murder of Christian baby Simon of Trent that triggered the 1475 murder of 15 Jews. He posted images of his work on the internet during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020. The target of this internet attack was Dexter Van Zile, Shillman Research Fellow for Boston-based Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA).

Jewish Tradition – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Jewish tradition should enable us to meet this new and unexpected challenge

The Coronavirus Bible & What Diaspora Rabbis Be Preaching – The Tamar Yonah Show...

We are all locked in, all searching for answers to what has put us into this new reality. Many of us are looking to our spiritual leaders for guidance, instruction and understanding. What should our leadership be telling us?

If You Owe The Banks, The Banks Own You! – The Tamar Yonah...

Corona is swallowing companies, some with huge bank loans. In fear of financial loss, banks may be calling in their loans and and if they can't pay up, swallowing these companies, including huge oil and fuel companies, Where does that leave us, the 'little people'?

Why is this Virus Different from all Other Viruses? – A Conversation with...

To understand what is happening in Europe during the coronavirus Pandemic, Rod Reuven Dovid Bryant and Jerry Gordon reached out to long term American ex-pat in Paris, writer, translator, journalist and author, Nidra Poller.

Why Is This Passover Different From All Others? – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

"In the presence of an old person shall you rise and you shall honour the presence of the old". Even our buses display this sign !

The People that Make Up Israel – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Barry Shaw introduces New Israel Voices on the Tamar Yonah Show. Barry's guests include Dema Taya, a young Arab Muslim woman who is a Likud candidate for the Knesset, and Shadi Khaloul, a Maronite Christian diplomat who served as an IDF officer and recruits Aramean Christians into fighting units of the IDF. Listen to the show and to learn more about Dema and Shadi contact Barry on Facebook or by email at [email protected]

In Time of Great Challenge Life is Guided by Faith. – From Jerusalem With...

Orly speaks with Daniel Gerritson from the Nederlands about freedom under the Corona orders. and more

What Price Freedom? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

With Pesach just a day away and a worldwide Pandemic looming over us, is there a price to be paid for our freedom? In this season of redemption, Rabbi Yitzchak and William discuss some distinctions between the good eye and the evil eye as it relates to our outlook and perspective. We also discuss the actions of the righteous like Yotam in 2 Kings 15 and the courage of the Hebrews in following the commandments given them in taking a lamb, a symbol of one of the Egyptian's deities.

Holding China Responsible for the virus. – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Barry Shaw is sitting in for Tamar Yonah. Barry is the Public Diplomacy Director at Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He writes and speaks about all things Israel. In today's show his guest is Nitsana Darshan-Leitner. the Executive Director of Shurat HaDin, the Israel Law Center.

Celebrating The Power Of Pesach: Embracing Freedom From- Freedom To – Soul Talk [audio]

During the holiday of Pesach, we celebrate the concept of freedom. We were enslaved and oppressed by Pharoh. G-d took us out of Egypt....to give us the Torah..laws to live by and serve Him. How is our slavery to Pharoh different than our service to G-d? How does living by the rules and strictures of the Torah truly give us our freedom?

Is Israel Heading for a 4th election? – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

With attempts to form a Unity electioncollapsing, Barry Shaw invites Dr. Martin Sherman of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies to help you navigate the intrigues of Israeli politics in meltdown.

Corona Seder – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Why will this night be different than all other nights? Celebrating the Exodus while quarantined presents both challenges and great opportunities!

Orly Wishes You A Happy Passover! – From Jerusalem With Love [audio]

Happy Passover! Orly Benny Davis says we have to all come together (even 'virtually') in this incredible time of challenge as the world is under lock-down from the coronavirus. She speaks with friends from Israel to South Carolina to California. Visit the Passover tourism website at: www.passoverlistings.com/ Happy Passover!

Quarantined With Your Spouse, Unruly Kids, Or Alone and Lonely?- The Tamar Yonah Show...

Are you on lock-down with your spouse? Or maybe you have a brood of unruly kids. Or maybe you are on your own and lonely? Rebbetzin Rivka Malka Pearlman, Transformation Coach and Educator, gives spiritual advice on how to get through these challenging times on lock-down! Visit her websites:

Oh No! Will We All Be Poor After Corona? – The Tamar Yonah Show...

What will the World Economy look like after Corona? What kind of world will be walking into after we leave our quarantines and hibernation? Will we all be poor? Tamar Yonah, speaks with Pinchas Cohen, a Financial Markets Analyst, columnist, and blogger. He describes what changes we might see in the world economy, the losses and the dangers countries may face, as well as some positive changes when it comes to employment. He then gives a unique twist, on how this all might tie in to the Messianic era. This is a fascinating show!

The Skin Off My Back: The Corona Connection – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rabbi Yitzchak and William discuss the Olah (Burnt) Offering and the unique instruction to remove its skin. In our current situation, we are incapable of touching other people and are even told to avoid coming in contact with the skin on our own faces. Can there be a spiritual connection to skin, the human soul, and our current Coronavirus environment. Listen to this very unique perspective from the Kabbalah and the Sages of Judaism.

Passover, Plagues, …AND the Coronavirus: The Mystical Meaning – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]

Is there a connection between the plagues in Egypt & the coronavirus? Rabbi Avraham Shira, teacher of Kabbalah and Prayer, and author of the books (soon to come out) "i for an I" - The Path of Personal Prophecy,

The Corona Virus Is Winning – Israel is Locked Down – The Walter Bingham...

Instead: Exodus, like Pessach in exotic places, the motto is: - Don't roam, stay home. Reminiscent of world war II. -That Was .

Something Greater – Leap of Faith [audio]

In today’s episode of Leap of Faith, Penina is joined by Steve Sherr, who, as a Psychiatrist and University professor in the 1960s, became more and more disillusioned with the seemingly meaninglessness of life and embarked on a journey to find that “something greater.”


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/from-jerusalem-with-love/in-time-of-great-challenge-a-hero-comes-along-from-jerusalem-with-love-audio/2020/04/23/

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