Bibi didn’t Lose and Gantz didn’t Win

Over the next few weeks, Blue and White leader Benny Gantz will come to terms with the unalterable reality that he cannot form a government. And then we shall see what happens.

Iran, Livni And The Price Of Political Stability

On Sunday, Israeli military intelligence commanders sounded the alarm bells on Iran.

Saying Goodbye To Israel’s Fighting Philosopher

Sunday, just hours before the people of Israel bowed their heads in memory of the 22,305 Israel Defense Force soldiers who have fallen in the country's wars, a funeral took place in Kedumim in Samaria.

Brandeis’s Jewish Problem

Last week it was reported that major supporters of Brandeis University have cut off their donations in retaliation for the university's hosting of Israel and American-Jewry basher and former president Jimmy Carter on campus.

Growing Evidence Of Obama’s Troubling Mideast Mindset

Since the Democratic Party's presidential primaries a year ago, there has been an ongoing debate about how Barack Obama perceives the U.S. alliance with Israel.

The Luckiest Jews In The World

I just published a collection of my essays in English. Each time I am asked if I am also releasing the volume in Hebrew I feel a pain deep inside me when I answer that no, right now, my publisher is only interested in an English edition.

Israel’s Ruling Class

In a much discussed article in the current issue of The American Spectator titled "America's Ruling Class," Prof. Angelo Codevilla describes the divide between those who run the U.S. - the politicians, bureaucrats and policy establishment - and the rest of the country.

Avoidance Vs. Confrontation

Last week the IDF released statistics on rocket and mortar fire from Gaza on southern Israel. During 2007, 1,150 rockets were shot at southern Israel from Gaza.

Pulling The Plug On Fatah

During the Israeli cabinet's weekly meeting Sunday, Shin Bet director Yuval Diskin reported that a group of Fatah members from the Palestinian Authority's "security services" plotted to assassinate Prime Minister Ehud Olmert during his meeting with PA Chairman and Fatah chieftain Mahmoud Abbas in Jericho this past August.

Obama’s Year Of Failure

At the outset of President Obama's second year in office, his entire Middle East strategy lies in tatters. But Obama appears incapable of learning the lessons of his failures.

Fatah’s true colors exposed

On November 24 Palestinian Authority Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas is scheduled to meet Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in Cairo.

The Gaza Debacle

On August 25, two heavily armed terrorists wearing Israeli army uniforms climbed over the fence separating Israel from Gaza undetected in the early morning fog.

Making Israel A Wedge Issue

Last week at the UN, President Obama did something he had never done before. He discussed Israel and the Palestinians without once attacking Israel. He didn't blame Israel for the absence of peace.

Iran’s Winning Streak

Iran is on a winning streak. As it sprints towards the nuclear finishing line, it finds itself - and its allies and clients - being wooed by one and all. In contrast, Israel has never been more isolated.

The Forecast For Jerusalem

The Israeli government and the Jerusalem municipality cancelled the ceremonies last Wednesday marking the fortieth anniversary of the unification of the city in the Six-Day War.

The Red Herring Of Palestinian Statehood

President Bush's visit to Israel earlier in the month had an air of absurdity to it.

Obama’s Green Light To Iran

The Iranian regime has a good reason to be happy these days. Last week President Obama made clear that the U.S. will not stand in the way of Tehran's nuclear program. Moreover, he told the Iranians that the Americans will do everything they can to prevent Israel from attacking Iran's nuclear facilities in a bid to prevent its acquisition of the means to commit a new Holocaust.

The Fall Of Israel’s Left

The Israeli Left is in dire straits. The past several months have been some of the worst it has ever experienced.

BDS is Primarily an Assault on American Jews

The goal of BDS is to silence American Jews as a political force, and American Jews refuse to see what is happening to them while it is happening.

Exercise In Futility

At Camp David in July 2000, PLO terror master Yasir Arafat was exposed as a fraud.

Pollard’s Shadow

This month marks a distressing milestone - the 24th anniversary of Jonathan Pollard's imprisonment for transferring classified information to Israel.

The Two-Pronged Assault On Religious Zionism

Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza was presented to the world as a strategic bid to enhance prospects for peace between the Palestinians and Israel.

Obama’s Jewish Defenders

Two weeks ago, President Obama opened a diplomatic war on Israel. The proximate cause of his offensive was the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Board's decision to approve the future construction of 1,600 housing units in northern Jerusalem.

The Death Of The Bush Doctrine

At Annapolis this week, President George W. Bush buried his doctrine.

Israel’s Egypt Problem

Israel has a problem with Egypt. It isn't playing its assigned role.

With Biden On Board, Can Obama Be Trusted?

Many American Jewish observers welcomed Barack Obama's selection of Sen. Joseph Biden as his vice-presidential running mate.

Rice’s Betrayal Of Israel

In her monthly trip to Israel and the Palestinian Authority next week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is expected to criticize Israel for its announced plan to build new housing for Jews in Jerusalem.

American Jewry’s Days of Reckoning

The more strongly liberal Jews embrace progressivism, the less capable they become of defending their Judaism—much less defending their fellow Jews who aren’t progressive

Michael Oren’s Personal Convenience

According to Israel Army Radio, Prime Minister Netanyahu has offered to extend the moratorium on Jewish property rights in Judea and Samaria for an additional three months in exchange for Jonathan Pollard's freedom. That is, if Obama pardons Pollard, who has served 25 years of a life sentence for transferring classified documents to Israel, then Israel will agree to extend the ten-month moratorium on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria, due to expire next week, for another three months.


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