The Dreaded Drone

Unlike the militarization of civilian law enforcement, military drones are not a threat to Americans.

Guns, Guns, Guns

The issue isn't really guns. Guns are how we misspell evil.

One Hundred Wars

The media would rather spend its time lamenting Israel's fall to the far right by covering the rise of a party that says the twenty year old peace process has failed.

Biden’s Terror Strategy: Republicans are the NEW TERRORISTS

If you disagree with the Democrats, you’re a “domestic terrorist.”

Muslim Lives Matter. Jewish Lives Don’t.

The vast difference between how Paul Kessler’s killing and the wounding of the Muslim men were treated is a microcosm of the political bias and media narratives.

The Noose Around Israel’s Neck

Only by resisting the noose, can Israel survive. Only by fighting to free its hands, can it resist.

ADL Hires Jewish Jew-Hater as Director for Jewish Outreach

The ADL’s idea of “Jewish Outreach” is an identity politics hire who spends her time castigating Jews for opposing critical race theory and intersectionality because of its inherent antisemitism.

The Perfect Prison

If you believe that people are basically good, then they can be trusted with an AR-15.

Anti-Semitic Democrats Blame Orthodox Jews for the Coronavirus

Cuomo and De Blasio blame the Jews to distract from their failures and crimes.

The Salafi Crusades

The Salafi political victories, militia victories and terror attacks are all part of the same phenomenon, and it is about time that we confronted it for what it is.

Majority of Black People Support Supreme Court Ban on Affirmative Action

More black people say affirmative action puts them at a disadvantage than an advantage.

FrontPage Magazine’s Man of the Year – Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle reminds us that any American can stand up to evil. And win.

Who Was Karl Marx?

A new book delves into 200 years of his evil influence.

A Woke Shooter, a Christian School, is it a Hate Crime?

Guns don’t kill people, the evil and the mentally deranged do.

Obama and Morsi: Separated at Birth

Americans weren't ready for a reversal after four years. Will Egyptians be ready to cast down Morsi after a much shorter period?

Hollow Sanctimony Over Huwara

What the reaction to a rare Jewish riot in Israel says about Jewish liberals.

The LA Black Lives Matter Rally That Became a Pogrom

{Originally posted to the FrontPage Mag website} "It’s no coincidence that the riots here escalated in Fairfax, the icon of the Jewish community. I saw...

Biden’s Corrupt Green Subsidies May Lead to EU Trade War

This is like two mangy dogs fighting over a rotting sausage with taxpayer money.

Only Thing Stopping Biden and a PLO Consulate in Jerusalem is the THREAT of...

The U.S. administration is trying to decide: is toppling the Israeli coalition and putting Netanyahu back in office worth the price of the consulate to the PLO?

The Darkness and the Light

Sixty-four years is a long time for oil to burn, especially when the black oil next door seems so much more useful to the empires and republics across the sea.

President Kamala

The most oppressed woman in America runs for president.

If George Santos Should Resign, So Should Biden

Why an obscure New York freshman congressman’s lies should be a national focus and not the president repeatedly telling crazy lies whose scope is entirely incomprehensible is one obvious question.

Pro-Hamas Insurrection Attacks White House, Force Evacuation

"The Secret Service made no arrests associated with the march"

A Nation of Victims is Doomed to Fail

The obsession with victimhood is destroying our future.

The Media Master Race

How the media became the enemy of a free press.


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