Reclaiming The Land

Editor's Note: This installment of Keeping Jerusalem was written by Hillel Fendel, who interviewed Chaim Silberstein, the usual co-author of the column.

Disengagement/Expulsion Chief: Dividing Jerusalem Is Absurd

The plan to reduce and divide Jerusalem is irresponsible from a security standpoint and contrary to history

Conference Speakers Take Pages From KeepJerusalem Plan

KeepJerusalem's plan for Jerusalem includes preserving a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty, turning it into Israel's leading metropolis, and strengthening its status as capital of Israel

Ten Reasons Not To Reopen The U.S. Arab Consulate In Jerusalem

Opening a consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinian Authority will raise the PA's standing in Washington, thus encouraging it not to make concessions and perpetuating the state of non-peace or worse.

Dovish Professor Demands Jewish Prayer Rights On Temple Mount

"This arbitrary ban is an ugly stain on our democracy, and it also undermines the rule of law."

The Road To Yesha Sovereignty Goes Through Jerusalem

Judea and Samaria (Yesha) have been governed by the IDF and not officially under Israeli sovereignty

Will Hi-Tech Zone Save Jerusalem From Division?

As we saw in our last article, northern Jerusalem is a critical front in the Arab drive to take over parts of Jerusalem and to then form yet another Arab country in the Land of Israel.

Is Jerusalem ‘Occupied’ Territory?

Arthur Goldberg, the U.S. ambassador to the UN in 1967 who helped draft the resolution, later testified: "I never described Jerusalem as occupied territory. Resolution 242 in no way refers to Jerusalem and this omission was deliberate."

Jerusalem Continues To Set Records

Arab attacks on Jews must be stopped and Jewish construction in Jerusalem must proceed without hindrance.

Jerusalem Landfill Plan Shelved

A zoning plan that would have enabled the creation of critical Arab facts-on-the-ground in a strategically vital area of Jerusalem has been shelved thanks to efforts by several Zionist organizations.

Al Jazeera Says No To Iranian ‘Liberation’ Of Jerusalem

In June 2015, a survey carried out by the PA-based Palestinian Center for Public Opinion found that 52 percent of Arabs living in eastern Jerusalem said they would prefer to be citizens of Israel. Note that this counts only those who weren’t afraid to reply to the pollster.

Dividing Jerusalem: Simply Dangerous

How many times does PA chieftain Mahmoud Abbas have to repeat that the Israelis are planning to rebuild the Holy Temple atop the most volatile spot in the world before the world begins to accept it as true?

Celebrating Jerusalem’s Liberation And Unification

48 years ago this week the IDF with heroism & Divine providence liberated our holy capital Jerusalem

Muslims Care About Jerusalem When It Suits Them

Aliyah to Jerusalem must continue and increase, all efforts to Islamicize Jerusalem must be firmly rebuffed, and Israel must assert its sovereignty throughout united Jerusalem in every way.

Haaretz Claims Right-Wing Voters Support Division Of Jerusalem

We came across this startling headline in Haaretz:"Most Right-Wing Voters Support Establishment of Palestinian State and Division of Jerusalem." But Haaretz, as dovish and radical as it is, surely wouldn't lie straight out, would they? So how did they come up with such a headline?

Jerusalem’s Neve Yaakov: 90-Year-Old ‘Settlement’

Is it not ironic that the renewal of a decades-old Jewish town is considered an "illegal settlement" on "occupied territory"?

Muslim Support For Jews In Shimon HaTzaddik

When the Israelis liberated all of Jerusalem in 1967, they kindly allowed the tenants to continue living there. The Arab squatters took advantage of the Israeli beneficence, and many of them either stopped paying the ridiculously low rent asked of them, or built on the land illegally-- or both

Northern Jerusalem: Atarot Must Be Rebuilt

Northern Jerusalem is a critical front in the Arab drive to take over parts of Jerusalem and then form yet another Arab country in the Land of Israel.

Haaretz’s Tempest In A Teapot Over Jerusalem Bill

With no one there to stop them, or to intimidate the Israeli police into stopping them, visiting Jews were able – within reason – to offer up prayers this week on the Temple Mount for the first time in many centuries.

Kerry, UN Bias, and a Hamas Cell

Israel, for its part, knows that developing E-1 is critical for its own existence.

Jerusalem’s Division At Atarot Airport?

Practically the primary front in the Arab war against Israel is Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority and its Arab allies have made no secret of their intention to turn the Jewish nation's eternal holy city into the capital of yet another Arab state - as merely the first step of their plan to render the entire area Jew-free.

Does Israel Have A Capital?

The U.S. presidential campaign is upon us, and one of the central issues – at least based on a perusal of recent press reports – is none other than the Jewish people's right to their own capital.

Flashpoint: The Shepherd Hotel

As we focus on Jerusalem as the central issue of the on-again, off-again - but always looming - negotiations with the PA, let us take a look at the latest flashpoint in our holy city: The Shepherd Hotel.

How To Keep Jerusalem United And Jewish

All Zionist parties must demonstrate that a united Jewish Yerushalayim is an absolute imperative

Jerusalem: A City For Nations – Or A Jewish City?

Over the past year, KeepJerusalem has been keeping you informed in these pages about developments in Jerusalem that are likely to affect its Jewish future, for better or for worse. We strive to educate readers regarding the importance of a United Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty.

Jerusalem: Truly A City Of Peace And Unity

There are many who claim that Jerusalem is not actually united, as Jews barely ever enter any Arab neighborhoods. Note that there is no parallel claim that Arabs do not frequent Jewish areas...

The Housing Freeze: What Netanyahu Should Tell Kerry

When we talk about developing Jerusalem and ensuring that it remains united under Jewish sovereignty, what could be more critical than actually building Jewish housing? Yet it is an open secret that the Netanyahu government has been waging a long-running general construction freeze in the Jewish areas of Judea and Samaria (Yesha), as well as in the liberated areas of Yerushalayim.

Response To Terror Wave

Islam's sudden "return" to Jerusalem is rooted only in the desire to rid the Middle East of Israel.

Still Celebrating the Six Day War: Ten Jewish Families In Abu Dis

Literally across the street from this wall, just outside the Arab village of Abu Dis, ten Jewish families have renewed the Jewish presence there – nearly a century after Jewish pioneers bought the land for exactly that purpose.

Why Jerusalem Must Remain In Jewish Hands

For Islam, which was founded when Judaism was about 2,500 years old, Jerusalem is only its third holiest city, following Mecca and Medina.


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