Israel Police, Jordanian Islamic Waqf Play ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’ With Danish Reporter at...

Israel Police and the Jordanian Islamic Waqf appeared to be playing "good cop-bad cop" with an international journalist at the Temple Mount this week.

Jews and Muslims Unite at Rally to Denounce Desecration of Sacred Texts

Attitudes in Europe, and in Sweden and Denmark in particular, have challenged basic respect for the religious beliefs of other and common decency in general.

Rare 1,500-year-old Mosaic Featured on Sukkot at Kiryat Gat Industrial Park

A rare 1,500 year old mosaic exposed in the Kiryat Gat industrial park is featured at the park's Sukkot festival.

US Senators Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham Join Forces to Defund UN Over Anti-Israel Resolution...

Two leading Republican senators and former presidential contenders are "hitting back" at the Obama White House over Israel.

Neo-Nazi Group Terrifies US College Students

Neo-Nazi groups are not new, but they are learning to use technology to spread poison across America.

African Bishop: ‘Africa Stands for Israel, They Both Need Each Other’

“The Land of Israel legally belongs to the Indigenous Jewish Community,” said Bishop Scott Mwanza

Copenhagen Jazz Festival Rejects Israeli Musician for ‘Political Reasons’

CFCA asked the organizer if the festival is applying its politics to other nationals or just Israelis.

Evangelical Leader Calls to Picket Roger Waters’ Nashville Concert

“Roger Waters is a global symbol of Jew Hatred that should not be welcome in Nashville or anywhere else in the United States of America.”

‘Not A Single Jew Will Remain On This Land,’ Promises A Gaza Cleric [video]

Visceral radical Islamic hatred of Jews is driving the current wave of terror. Much is being organized in Gaza.

Jewish Teen Arrested for Church Vandalism

A Jewish teen was arrested for two incidents of vandalism at a Christian church in Jerusalem.

Nearly 1,000 French Jews Await Hollande Address on Anti-Semitism

French President Francois Hollande underscores the importance of anti-Semitism as CRIF's keynote speaker.

European Jewry Congratulates Sebastian Kurz on Austrian Election Win, Warns Against Far-Right Pressures

"We strongly urge Mr. Kurz to form a coalition of centrist parties and not be beholden to a party of the far-right in his new coalition government."

Kent Police in UK Ignore Stoning Attack on Jewish Family

Kent Police say they refused to respond because “the informant left the scene and officers deemed there was no further risk."

British Labour MP Naz Shah Suspended Over Anti-Semitic Posts

British Labour MP Naz Shah has been suspended "pending investigation" over anti-Semitic posts on Facebook, but it's not clear for how long.

60 Evangelical Leaders to Trump: Move Embassy to Jerusalem

White evangelical voters unusually high support was very significant in Trump's ability to capture the Midwestern states and win without a plurality.

Herzog Slams UK’s Corbyn, Says ‘Views Represent a Consistent Hatred of Israel’

Israeli Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog slams UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, notes his 'consistent hatred of Israel.'

Israeli Chief Rabbi, European Jewish Leaders Condemn Call to Remove Kippahs in Germany

Chief Rabbi Lau responded on Tuesday that the best way to battle anti-Semitism is to immigrate to Israel, but that all Jews in Germany and throughout the Diaspora must continue to wear the kippah and other Jewish symbols.

211 New Immigrants Flee to Israel From War-Torn Ukraine

More than 200 new immigrants arrived on aliyah from eastern Ukraine, the 19th IFCJ flight since Dec. 2014.

‘Anti-Semitism in Europe As Important As Climate Change’

European lawmakers gathered to discuss anti-Semitism and the future of Jews in Europe.

Canada Formally Condemns Anti- Israel BDS Movement

The historic motion was a wall-to-wall rejection of BDS by the lawmakers of the Canadian people.

Yisrael Otmazgin, Israeli EMT, Donates Bone Marrow to Save Arab American Child

"I am an Israeli and I live in Israel, yet I saved the life of this young Arab boy in the United States."

Israel Condemns Terror Attack at Cairo’s Coptic Cathedral

Israel's prime minister underscored the region must unite to fight terrorism together.

Historic First: All Monotheistic Faiths Sign Document Dedicated to Value of Life

Joining in this position paper were representatives of Sunni Muslims from Indonesia and of the Greek Orthodox Church, as well as from other faiths around the world.

Herzog Warns Israel to Prepare for Jews Fleeing Western Anti-Semitism

"I call on the government to urgently prepare... a national emergency plan for possible waves of immigration of our Jewish brothers to Israel."

Dramatic Drop in Young Evangelicals Support for Israel, Study Finds

The study did not discuss the reasons for the sharp decline in support for Israel.

2 Youths Arrested on Temple Mount

Two teens were arrested on the Temple Mount by Israeli police Tuesday evening for unknown reasons.

American Woman Punched by Muslim on Temple Mount

An American Jewish woman who made aliyah was punched in the ribs Tuesday by a Muslim at the Temple Mount.

Turkish Protesters Attack Istanbul Synagogue

More troubling is the oblique Turkish government sponsorship of the violence against the Istanbul synagogue.

Watch: Netanyahu Warns Iran Against Using Syria as Military Base in War with Israel

“There’s the nuclear threat of a deal that will lead to a nuclear Iran, and also an aggressive Iran that is spreading terror throughout this region."

Israeli Emergency Aid Teams Help in Peru After Floods, Mudslides

Both Peru and Colombia have had diplomatic relations with Israel for decades.


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