Thousands Attend Funeral of Israeli Killed on Holocaust Remembrance Day

Thousands paid their respects to Shalom Yochai Sherki, 25, who succumbed on Thursday morning to injuries he received when a car that slammed into a bus stop he was standing near.

President Rivlin Praises Netanyahu and IDF for War on Terror

President Reuven Rivlin expressed his support of the IDF and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's efforts to keep the country safe from terrorists. In a statement...

Barghouti, PA’s Most Popular Leader, Calls for ‘Armed Resistance’

Israel’s establishment media has loved Barghouti because he has said he no longer backs violence.

New Anti-Terror Barrier Blocks Jerusalem’s ‘Terror Central’ Neighborhood

Jerusalem's "terrorist central" incubator neighborhoods are being temporarily sealed by security personnel.

Father of 6 Murdered in Palestinian Authority Terror Attack

The attack took place at the entrance to Havat Gilad, the Gilad Farm, on the road.

Arabs Riot at Gaza Border

Gaza residents rioted at multiple locations along the border with Israel late Friday.

Girl, 13, Murdered in Kiryat Arba, Hebron Stabbing Terror Attack

According to an announcement by the Kiryat Arba community, Halel was a dancer and had participated only Wednesday night in a dance event.

Israeli High Court Blocks Destruction of Arab Terrorists’ Homes

Israel's High Court of Justice has blocked the demolition of four homes belonging to Arab terrorists who murdered Israeli Jews.

B’Tselem Submits ‘Damaging’ Video Evidence to Military Police

The far-left B'Tselem NGO hands video "evidence" over death of Arab rock thrower to military police.

Hundreds Rally to Support Soldier Charged with Manslaughter

Hundreds of Israelis rallied in solidarity for the IDF medic who killed a wounded terrorist after he stabbed a soldier.

With 5 Life Sentences for 5 Murders Marwan Barghouti Prepares to Play Nelson Mandela

At this point, outside the Gaza Strip, only Marwan Barghouti has the street cred and the political wherewithal to rule the PA, which should be a source of concern to Israel.

Terrorist Stabbing Foiled Near Hebron

A terrorist fails and is shot and killed after trying to stab a soldier at the Beit Anoun Junction near Hebron.

Supreme Court Cancels Terrorist Home Demolition

The home of an Arab terrorist who murdered an IDF soldier a year ago is safe from demolition thanks to a stay of execution by the Supreme Court.

Jordan’s Arab Bank Goes on Trial in NY for Terror Financing

Jordan's Arab Bank goes on trial Monday in NY for facilitating money transfers from terror entities to Hamas members abroad.

Funeral Set for American Vet Murdered by Arab Terrorist in Israel

A Vanderbilt classmate started a fundraiser for Force's family, to which 100s of people have contributed.

Friday Sermon at Gaza Mosque: ‘We Will Turn You Into Scattered Body Parts’

A Gaza preacher warns that Jews will be blown up into "body parts" by Arab terrorists.

Dozens of Confirmed Terrorists Killed During Gaza Border Violence

This is not the first time confirmed terrorists have been found among those killed while carrying out terrorist activities during violence at the border.

Shabbat Update: Two Terrorists Killed in Jerusalem and Samaria

The Jerusalem terrorist was shot and killed before he could cause injuries. A car ramming attack near Shechem, wounded one soldier. The terrorist was shot dead.

Terrorist FAILS in Tel Aviv

An Arab terrorist failed in Tel Aviv on Tuesday to carry out an attempted stabbing attack at a bus station on Levanda Street.

Female Border Guard Police Wounded in Jerusalem Night Terror

Arab terrorists attacked two female Border Guard Police officers in Jerusalem with firebombs.

18 Arab Terror Suspects Arrested Overnight

The suspects are accused of involvement in terrorist activities and violence aimed at civilians and security personnel.

Stolen IDF Weapon Recovered by Police Special Ops Unit

Three suspects were arrested in the incident but no injuries were reported.

Armed Female Arab Arrested at Qalandiya Checkpoint

Israeli Border Police officers arrested the 47-year-old woman, who is a resident of al-Eizariya, in Samaria. She was transferred to security personnel for questioning.

IDF Tightens Rules for Soldiers in Judea, Samaria

The IDF tightens rules for soldiers in Judea and Samaria; defense will be more difficult.

Update 12:10 PM: Intelligence Tip Foils Terrorist Attack near Tel Aviv

Police arrested two terrorist suspects in metropolitan Tel Aviv after a massive aerial and ground manhunt.

IDF Officer Seriously Wounded in Gaza Border Attack

A Gaza terrorist threw a live grenade at the officer while trying to cross the security fence into Israeli territory, the IDF said.

Firebombs on 443

PA Arabs are escalating from stones to firebombs on Road 443.


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