US President Obama Has ‘Sympathy for Gazans’

Hamas plans to return to war on Friday, while US President Barack Obama says it’s time to “open Gaza.”

IDF Preparing for Gaza Strip Escalation over Rosh Hashanah

Egypt and Qatar are exerting heavy pressure on Hamas to order terrorist organizations to stop operating along the border fence with Israel.

Iron Dome Intercepts Barrage Over Negev, Coast

The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted missiles constantly over the coast and in the Negev Thursday.

Hamas Rockets Hit PA Controlled Bethlehem and Hebron, Oops

No word yet if Abbas will blame Israel for not stopping the rockets launched by his own government's partners.

Netanyahu: Talking to Hamas Means How Israel Should Commit Suicide

Hamas’ ‘cease-fire’ rocket launch Sunday is more ammo for Netanyahu.

Israel: Hamas Dominates World Vision Christian Charity, Usurping Cash, Provisions, Permits [video]

Hamas warehouses were disguised as World Vision warehouses, and trucks bringing supplies from Israel into Gaza unload their goods at those Hamas warehouses instead of legitimate World Vision warehouses.

Hamas Demands End to Air Strikes, Gaza Blockade

Hardly in a position to bargain, Gaza’s Hamas terrorist rulers are already demanding an end to air strikes and blockades.

Parked Cars Damaged by Rockets at Erez Border Crossing

Cars parked at the Erez border crossing were hit Wednesday in a rocket attack launched by Gaza terrorists.

Rocket, Missile, Smart Bomb – What’s the Difference?

What are PIJ terrorists firing at Israel - rockets or missiles? And what are Israel Air Force combat pilots firing at PIJ terrorist targets in Gaza?

IDF Pummels 50 Gaza Targets, Includes Hamas Homes

The IDF struck 50 targets overnight Monday including Hamas homes, using air and naval forces.

Three Killed, at Least Two Seriously Injured, in Ashkelon Rocket Attack

"When we arrived at the scene, we noticed a lot of distraction. There were 3 males lying outside the factory."

Iron Dome Intercepts Rocket Fired at Ashkelon Overnight

Residents living in the area said they heard two loud explosions, but reported no injuries or property damage.

8 Wounded in Hamas Shelling Attack on Eshkol Region

Eight were wounded midday Thursday when Hamas shelled the Eshkol district near the Gaza border.

Kerem Shalom Crossing Closed in Response to Rocket Fire

Hospitals in southern Israel were evacuating patients in order to make room for anticipated incoming wounded.

UPDATE: Rocket Alerts – Iron Dome Launch/Intercept

12:50 AM Reports that Hamas has gone underground (literally) and that IDF jets are buzzing Gaza. 11:05 PM Single interception above Ashdod. 10:50 PM Iron Dome...

State Comptroller Draft Report Reveals Ya’alon Brazenly Refused to Attack Hamas Tunnels

Defense Minister Ya'alon was in the habit, during security cabinet meetings, of forcing officers to remain silent if their views did not match his own.

ISIS-Linked Gaza Terror Rocket Fails to Reach Southern Israel

An ISIS rocket attack on southern Israel from Gaza landed short early Tuesday and schools opened on time.

25 Mortars Fired at Israel in 3 Minutes Along Gaza Border

Some of the rockets hit inside Israeli communities, others were intercepted by Iron Dome.

Gaza Missiles Reach Zichron Ya’akov in Northern Israel

Gaza terrorists fired more M302 missiles at northern Israel Wednesday, reaching Zichron Yaakov for the first time.

Photo Essay: Rockets, Rockets, Rockets

Ashkelon residents in shock, Nahal Oz members take refuge away from missile-torn border region.

Entire Israeli Cabinet Rejects Kerry’s Proposed Ceasefire, Talks Continue

Bibi's cabinet unanimously rejected Kerry's ceasefire proposal, but still considering 12-hour break.

Rocket Attack Fired From Gaza, No Injuries

No property damage and no injuries were reported.

IDF Soldier Needs Prayers for Recovery

A soldier with shrapnel wounds is moved to Soroka's ICU overnight; public prayers requested.

Netanyahu: ‘UNHRC Legitimizes Hamas & ISIS; Nothing to Look For Here’

Israeli PM Netanyahu says the UN Human Rights Comission legitimizies murderous terrorist organizations such as Hamas and ISIS.

Live Blog: Code Red Sirens, Rocket Attacks, Mortar Shells – It’s All Here

Up-to-the-minute information is posted on the Live Blog about Code Red alerts and incoming rocket attacks.

Overnight: Millions of Israelis Under Rocket Fire; Hadera Hit [video]

Rockets hit Jerusalem and even Hadera (north of Netanya) as Gaza rockets reach new depths into Israel.

Rockets Intercepted Over Yafo as Rockets Target Tel Aviv

Earlier in the morning, the IDF Home Command, released an unusual statement cancelling not just school in Tel Aviv, but also work.


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