Islamic Jihad in Gaza Launches Large Rocket Barrage at Southern Israel

No casualties were reported, and IDF Gaza Division artillery forces attacked the sources of the rocket fire.

Rocket Alerts – Gaza Border – False Alarm

Starting at 11:58 AM on Sunday, the Rocket Alert sirens began going off multiple times along the Gaza border.

Verdict on UN Security Council Emergency Session? Not Terrible.

Not an altogether terrible day for Israel at the UN, given there were no riots or demands that Israel surrender unilaterally.

Iron Dome Protection Returns to Southern Israel

The Iron Dome anti-missile system has again been deployed in southern Israel to protect civilians from Gaza rocket fire.

Eshkol Rocket Attack Was ‘False Alarm’

Israel officials say a report that Gaza terrorists fired a Grad missile at the Eshkol Regional Council district was a 'false alarm.'

Red Alert as Islamic Jihad Test-Launches Rockets from Gaza

While the rockets did not cross the border into Israel, they came close enough to set off the red alert.

IDF Chief of Staff Meets for Security Assessment with Gaza Belt Community Heads

The IDF Chief of Staff expressed his "great appreciation" for the leadership and civilian strength demonstrated by the heads of the communities and citizens in the Gaza Belt region.

Another UNRWA Gaza School Fake-Out, Brought to You By Hamas

The IAF returned fire towards Hamas terrorists using the entrance of an UNRWA school for a shield; 10 Gaza civilians were killed.

Despite Rockets: PA, Gaza Arabs treated at Haifa Hospital

Palestinian patients fear returning to Gaza, say they are embarrassed by Hamas actions.

Live Updates: 2 Houses Sustain Direct Hits by Gaza Rockets, 50 Rockets Fired

7:03pm Wrote too soon. Code Red for Be'er Sheva and surrounds, Ashkelon, Segev Shalom, Rahat, Lahat, Tidhar and all seven of the major recognized...

Stressful Night: Rocket Fire from Gaza, Home Hit, 3 IDF Retaliation Attacks

Say what you will about Defense Minister Benny Gantz, this week he appeared to have a backbone.

Live Updates: Ceasefire? More Insane Amount of Rockets, Dead and Wounded in Southern Rocket...

7:16pm Ceasefire? 7:15pm 08-26-2014 Kerem Shalom 7:09pm 08-26-2014 Erez 7:09pm 08-26-2014 Kfar Aza / Saad, Erez 7:09pm 08-26-2014 Kfar Aza / Saad 7:05pm 08-26-2014 Beeri 7:05pm 08-26-2014 Beeri 7:05pm 08-26-2014 Nir...

Hamas Launches Test Rocket

The rocket launch was part of an ongoing military training exercise.

Bennett’s Bragging Rights: So Far, Few Gaza Rockets, No Iranian Nuclear Strike

“In the past year, the State of Israel has taken action against the head of the terrorist octopus and not just against the arms as was done in previous decades."

‘Errant’ Iranian-Backed Terror Faction Fired the Missiles, Says IDF

The group is allegedly a radical faction that once was part of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction.

Aharonovitch Warns Option Ready for Ground Invasion of Gaza

Israeli officials are preparing for the option of a ground invasion of Gaza after further missile attacks.

US: Strict Policy Against Civilian Casualties Not for ISIS Attacks

US admits its 'no-strike if any civilians might be hit' policy does not apply to its airstrikes against ISIS.

Hamas Attacks Israel with Mortar Shells during ‘Humanitarian Ceasefire’

If this is what Hamas does during a “humanitarian ceasefire,” what is in store with a non-humanitarian ceasefire?

Islamic Jihad Rocket Kills Gazan Man Working in Israel

Abdullah Gava, 34, is the second person in Israel to die in rocket fire aimed at Israel from Gaza.

Security Cabinet Authorizes ‘Harsh Military Response’ to Further Gaza Attacks

Gaza's ruling Hamas terrorist organization gives the impression it does not want an escalation -- but the question is whether Hamas is still in control of the enclave.

Hamas Demands End to Air Strikes, Gaza Blockade

Hardly in a position to bargain, Gaza’s Hamas terrorist rulers are already demanding an end to air strikes and blockades.

Iron Dome Intercepts Rocket Fire from Gaza, Again

"Iron Dome fighters intercepted one launch," which was headed towards a populated area.

Peace for our Time: Yahya Sinwar Comes Out of the Bunker

A senior Hamas official warned that if Israel would eliminate Yahya Sinwar or Mohammed Deif – it would lead to another round of fighting.

Live Updates: Latest Gaza Rocket Launches (New Attack: 1:27 AM Tuesday)

1:27am (Tuesday) Rocket slams into Eilat hotel 12:28am (Tuesday) Sdot Negev 11:19pm Sedot Negev and Shaar HaNegev regions. 10:46pm Eshkol region 10:30pm Sirens up North in Shlomi and...

Pro-Israel NGO Calls on US to Reject UN Gaza Commission

Simon Wiesenthal Center called on US to denounce the rigged UNHRC Commission on Gaza.

Gaza Terrorists Back to Attacking Israel, Israelis ‘Absolutely’ Outraged

Gaza terrorists returned to 'business as usual' launching rocket and missile barrages against Israel late Tuesday afternoon.

United Hatzalah Sends Volunteers to Sderot, Ashkelon and Netivot

United Hatzalah has sent down volunteers and supplies to help Israelis under rocket fire.

Iron Dome Intercepts Iranian Fajr-1 Rocket Fired at Israel from Gaza

One Israeli woman in her 50s was transported to a hospital after she slipped and fell while running to a bomb shelter.


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