INTO THE FRAY: Decertifying Iran- A Moral Imperative. Now WHAT?

As the experience of 2003 shows, Iran will only abandon its nuclear program if confronted by what it perceives to be a tangible military threat

Sukkot Brings Out International Love For Israel

The contrast with the increasing manifestations of international anti-Semitism is stark, and raises the question: What is the source of this incredible and effusive love for Israel from so many different stripes of people?

The Sons of Noach: Genuine Righteous Gentiles Revisited

It is not easy to be a Ben Noach. The Seven Laws (even more according to many rabbinic decisors) represent categories that encompass subcategories, and the penalties for abrogation of this covenant are stricter than they would be for a Jew who abrogates them

INTO THE FRAY: The “Jordan-is-Palestine” Conference-Why I agreed to participate

Of all the “Right-wing” alternatives for the two-state formula, the “Jordan-is-Palestine” concept is the only one not inconsistent with the underlying principles of the “Humanitarian Paradigm”

Age Of Identity

World wars made national identity, and later made identity, in general, a dirty word. Seventy years later, humanity once again is seeking identity. The holiday of sukkot exemplifies the concept of identity for the Jewish nation, and all the nations of the world.

Palestinians: A State Within a State?

The deal does not require Hamas to dismantle its security forces or armed wing. Nor does the agreement require Hamas to lay down its weapons or stop amassing weapons and preparing for war. Hamas could not have hoped for a better deal.

INTO THE FRAY: Oslo at 24: Failing the “Crystal Ball” Test

If Rabin had a crystal ball that allowed him to foresee the terrible trauma and tragedy the Oslo Agreements would cause, there is little doubt that he would have never agreed to its signature.

A Court Like No Other

Hashem has, after all, judged exactly the cases of our lives on 5,778 previous occasions. He has seen individual Jews and even the entire Jewish people turn their lives around many times before. The ultimate Judge is biased in our favor

Fighting Incitement, Aiding Integration In Jerusalem

School is back in session and with it is a new initiative to fight anti-Israel lessons in textbooks used by Palestinian schoolchildren

Palestinians: When Suicide Attacks Are Bad

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and ISIS may disagree on many issues, but targeting Jews and "infidels" is not one of them. On that point, they are in savage agreement.

Squeezed From Both Sides

While flying Confederate flags may or may not indicate white supremacist proclivities, let alone a penchant for violence, the burning of American flags by antifa and Black Lives Matter protestors almost always signals a hatred for what America stands for.

INTO THE FRAY: The Smotrich Plan -Right Direction, but…

Several flaws in MK Smotrich’s otherwise bold proposal will prevent it from achieving its long-term strategic goal: Sustainable Jewish sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel

INTO THE FRAY: “Conflict management” – The Collapse of a Concept

While Israel has been “managing the conflict”, its non-state adversaries have been enhancing their capabilities so dramatically that they now a grave strategic threat

From Kidnapped Yemenite Children To Renewed Yemenite Village In Jerusalem

Arabs claim Silwan as a historically Palestinian Arab neighborhood, yet it was practically empty when the first Yemenite Jews arrived in the 1880s; the Turks and British themselves recognized it as a Jewish neighborhood.

Just Don’t Get In The Way

The entire world is watching and waiting for Israeli cannabis developments. An entire agricultural hi-tech industry could have been established, providing cures for the ill throughout the world and thousands of jobs in Israel

INTO THE FRAY: The Taylor Force Act – Putting “Palestine” in perspective

The Palestinian population is not some hapless victim of the terror groups but the very crucible from which they emerged

Will Zehut Make It?

Israeli politics no longer represents ideas – just people and political camps. We are a personal-level democracy, but an ideological dictatorship. We are invited to vote for many people. But we can choose only one idea. In contrast, we offer ZEHUT

INTO THE FRAY: Touting Jewish ghettos – Moronic or malevolent?

Given the resistance to removing hundreds of thousands of Jews from their ancient homeland in Judea-Samaria, an egregious idea is emerging: Instead of evacuation, abandonment

‘Amazing What Your People Have Achieved’

Visiting Tel Aviv, I could not help but be impressed at how it has morphed into the start-up center of the world, Yet it’s what Tel Aviv’s residents have held onto from their Jewish past in their hi-tech Jewish present that, for me, makes the place truly amazing.

Snakes: A Counter-Response

Point/counter-point on the serious issue of missionaries in Israel, most notably the Waller family and its organization, Hayovel.

INTO THE FRAY: Neo-unilateralism: Futile, Fatal Folly

New calls for unilateral withdrawal are both pernicious—because of the calamitous consequences it will precipitate—and puerile—because of the naïve hope that it will not


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