Too Late

Barry brought over the motorized bike, and Saul put it away in a spare room. A month later, Barry returned. A week passed and he did not come to pick up his bike.

Daf Yomi

What Was She Thinking? ‘I Did So Only To Please My Husband’ (Bava Basra 49b)

Kitchen Sink And All: What’s Included In The Sale Of A House? (Bava Batra...

According to Jewish law and indeed any law, the best way to avoid such unpleasant situations is to be very specific in the contract of sale.

Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat (Siman 75:4)

For example, the defendant testifies that he repaid 180 dinarim but regarding the balance of 20 dinarim claims he does not owe it for the following reason

Sale Of Land And Acceptance Of Torah Under Duress (Bava Batra 47b)

Consent, however, is an elastic phrase under Jewish law and can be stretched almost to breaking point.

Daf Yomi

A Tax Free Meal ‘A Town Whose Torah Scroll Was Stolen…' (Bava Basra 43a)

Returned Check Fee

Five months later, Mr. Levy's check bounced because of insufficient funds. The gmach was charged a $25 returned check fee.

Looking For Family (Bava Batra 115a)

If the deceased left no children, no descendants of his children, no father and no siblings, one looks further up the paternal family tree to see whether a grandfather survived him.

Daf Yomi

If Goats Had Wheels ‘The Goats Ate Husked Barley’ (Bava Basra 36a)

Modeh Bemiktzat Oath In The Case Of Partial Admission (Siman 75:4)

The security interest is equivalent to heilach, tendering payment of the debt, because it empowers the court to seize and sell the defendant’s land to cover the debt.

Witness Falsehood

So I can't testify without raising the issue of Mr. Gold's disqualification? asked Mr. Hyman.

Sales Agent

I instructed him to sell for $125, not less. Please pay the difference, or return the bike and I will refund the $100.

Daf Yomi

Within His Grasp ‘Title…Is Established In Three Years’ (Bava Basra 28a)

This Is My Place; I Bought It From Him

What happens if the occupier claims he purchased the house from a third party?

Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat (Siman 75:3) – Whether Litigants Must Specify Their Claims

If the creditor responds to this unsolicited admission by thanking the debtor for reminding him of the debt, the finder is still absolved from taking an oath.

Ran Over

When Mr. Sender returned from work, he called Mr. Neuman. You left your bike in front of my car last night. I accidentally ran over it.

Daf Yomi

Beyond The Letter Of The Law ‘He May Be Replaced By One Who Teaches Faster’ (Baba Basra 21a)

Siman 75:2

The reason one witness supporting the defendant excuses him from taking the Modeh Bemiktzat oath of partial admission is based on the same logic that obliges him to take the oath when one witness testifies against him.

This Is My Place

The court will ask Shimon: Why did you stand silently by for three years? Why did you not challenge Reuven or at least lodge an objection in the presence of two witnesses?

Siman 75 – Whether Litigants Must Specify Their Claims

Even if the litigant is sophisticated in matters of Jewish business law, he still must specify his pleadings.

Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself (Bava Batra 25b)

According to Rabbi Yosi, as long as one remains within the confines of one’s own property and one does not actively damage one’s neighbor’s property, one has the right to act as one wishes.

Daf Yomi

Sanctity In The Margins ‘Its Length Shall Equal Its Circumference’ (Bava Basra 14a)

Peeping Tom (Bava Batra 59a)

There is nothing illegal about looking at other people just as there is nothing illegal with talking about other people.

Daf Yomi

A Fundraisers Reward ‘Those Who Persuade Others To Give Charity Are Greater’ (Bava Basra 9a)

Loan Costs

I'm not an expert in the laws of ribbis, replied Mr. Rubin, but we can check with Rabbi Dayan.

Daf Yomi

No Trespass ‘Two Gardens: One Above The Other…’ (Bava Metzia 118b)

Burst Pipe

Mr. Lewis quickly called the owner above, Mr. Wasser, but the phone was busy. He ran upstairs and knocked on the door.

The Laws Of Debt Collection (Bava Metzia 113a)

When it comes to the payment of debts, halacha, like other systems of law, struggles with two competing concerns.

Tenant Broker

When the landlord deposited Shalom's final rent check, it was refused for insufficient funds. He asked Shalom to make good on the rent.

Daf Yomi

For Lack Of Funds ‘Merchants in Sura Are Not in Violation of…’ (Bava Metzia 111a)


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