Parshat Noach : The Importance of Miracles

There is a supernatural/metaphysical element to Nature, which we can ignore for long periods of time--Until we can’t,

The Rubashkin Saga – XVIII

Another installment in the ongoing Rubashkin saga

The Key To Happiness

Torah is trying to teach us that to increase simcha, one must exclude items. To enjoy life, one must say “Stop” to the excess. Saying "No" to desires is saying "Yes" to needs.

Landing After Sukkot

Wishing you a great start to a great new year. Shana Tova!

Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem -The Grand Finale

When we bow to the left, we arouse mercy, as we are facing the right of Hashem (since He is facing us), which represents His mercy.

Parshat Bereishit

The message is clear - there really is no such thing as a quiet day.

Q & A: Sacrifices In Messianic Times

Question: I have heard that in the time of Moshiach we will continue to offer sacrifices. But aren’t we are told that these will be times without sin? Menachem Via e-mail

Stitches In Time

It was the night of Motzei Shabbos before Rosh Hashana, and my husband and I were invited to a pidyon haben in Lawrence at...

Daf Yomi

Monies In A Pushkah What Constitutes Giving? (Menachos 59b)

Had He Known…

When the Millers returned home, they tried to locate their initial communication with the landlord. Finally, Mrs. Miller found a paper with various rental options and price quotes.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Bereshit: Grab the Fleeting Inspiration

Stung by the splendor of a sudden thought. -Robert Browning

The Three Stages Of Creation

At the opening of the Torah, at the very beginning of creation, is foreshadowed the Jewish doctrine of revelation: that God reveals Himself to humanity not in the sun, the stars, the wind or the storm but in and through words – sacred words that make us co-partners with God in the work of redemption.

Why God “Protects” the Tree of Life

Why is the status or identity of this seemingly central tree not mentioned before Adam sinned. Was it permitted at that time or forbidden?


When should we be tough, soft, when are we truly honest with ourselves and our surroundings? And when are we just putting on a show.

Israel’s Burial Crisis: What Can Be Done?

In recent years, some have called for reinstituting the ancient practice of likut atzamos. In the time of the Mishnah, a two-stage burial process was practiced in Eretz Yisrael.

Dancing with the Torah

"My grandfather told me that he once attended the Cantonist Shul on Simchat Torah. The Cantonists could dance like Cossacks. They were huge, strong men, and the heavy Torah scrolls would seem like toothpicks in their arms. Despite being looked down upon by other Jews--they were not very learned and really couldn't observe the Torah properly--they were nonetheless able to rejoice in their Judaism and celebrate the Torah. It was truly amazing."

We Have Only Ourselves To Blame For Ari Fuld’s Death

“Ari, what are you doing here? You were not supposed to be here for another eighty years? What happened? Who is responsible for this?”

Daf Yomi

The Greater Reward “The Ketores …Since It Is Infrequent It Is Most Dear” (Menachos 50a)

Q & A: How Are We Permitted To Dance On Simchat Torah?

Question: I recently learned that one may not dance or clap hands on Shabbat or Yom Tov. If so how do we dance on Simchat Torah? Aryeh Josefsohn via e-mail

Don’t Be Satisfied with Belief

People of my acquaintance often treat belief as a sort of Pascal’s wager. As you may recall, Blaise Pascal, the seventeenth century mathematician, said...

A Humorous Simchas Torah Puzzle

Our daughter and son-in-law looked at each other for a second and then burst out laughing. They knew!

True Happiness

We will never find happiness when all we see is the surface of life, without examining its core.

Moses’ Death, Moses’ Life

And so Moses dies, alone on a mountain with God as he had been all those years ago when, as a shepherd...

Torah Shorts: Afterlife Reunions: Vezot Habracha

Time is not what you think. Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is. But what happens on earth is only the beginning. -Mitch Albom

Insight From Two Priests

Can you imagine davening on Yom Kippur with, of all people, a priest?!

Ari Fuld’s Last Shiur

Moshe is about to pass away, Ari says, and leaves the nation one message: "Take responsibility!" Moshe focuses on the nation. This is the message Ari lived and left us with.


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