Q & A: Praying In Other Languages (Part VIII)

Question: When reciting a berachah in English, does a person fulfill his obligation if he says “Hashem” instead of “L-rd” or “G-d”? Yosef

‘Who Asked You To Pay?’

When Nosson returned, Gabi said to him: Avi came by for the $100 that you owe him. I paid him for you, so you can give me the $100.

A Jewish Soldier

It was a difficult battle. Many were seriously injured and some did not survive, but Tomer came out alive and unharmed.

A Time Of Comfort

If you can't control your mouth, then you don't deserve to be a part of the community, and hence your abode is out­side the camps of Israel.

Daf Yomi

Maintaining A Library ‘He Shall Write A Sefer Torah’ (Sanhedrin 21b)

The Promissory Note: A Dangerous Weapon (Siman 75:24)

If the defendant trusted the plaintiff with such a dangerous weapon as a promissory note, he only has himself to blame.

Philosophy Or Prophecy

At the heart of Judaism is a twofold understanding of the nature of God and His relationship to the universe.

Dealing With Rebellious Teenagers

Rebbetzin Jungreis, a”h,, lives on through the wisdom she left us. This week she discusses challenged facing a family whose son does not embrace Torah.

The Philosophy Behind a Verse

The questions have thus led us to at least two major hashkafic issues: the status of Jewish life outside Israel, and the connection between virtue and success in this world. 

From Exile To Redemption

Many books and commentaries have been written on the reasons we have not merited redemption. All agree that the main reason is the lack of love between us.

Guide for the Perplexed: The Ninth Day of Av

A many-layered day, central to Jewish history.

Tisha B’Av: Turning Mourning into Action

It is not enough to hope for redemption, we must be the catalyst for it. Our job is to make sure we can answer the call of ayeka, where are you? Are you taking responsibility?

The Three Weeks And The Nine Days

The door to our troubles first opened on that Seventeenth day of Tammuz when Moses walked in on the worshippers of the golden calf and shattered the tablets of the law.

The Transforming Power Of Torah

Enduring wisdom from Rebbetzin Jungreis, a”h.

Israel the Non-Imperialist

Sovereignty over any foreign land is insecure. -Seneca the Elder

Daf Yomi

Awaiting Elijah ‘Semicha… Is Performed By Three’ (Sanhedrin 13b)

Q & A: Praying In Other Languages (Part VII)

Question: When reciting a berachah in English, does a person fulfill his obligation if he says “Hashem” instead of “L-rd” or “G-d”? Yosef

Can You Loan Me A Letter?

Simply understood, this ballad is an ode to the Jewish woman - who is valorous in her great role of wife and mother.

Saved From Fire

Sometimes, like those of our ancestors in the desert, our protestations should have instead been cheers and songs of thanksgiving; but we discover this only in retrospect.

Exceptions To The Hearsay Evidence Rule (Siman 75:23)

Had the plaintiff brought two witnesses to testify in his favor, he would have won the case and judgment would have been entered against the defendant.

Menachem Av

Hashem wants us to realize that we are not in control of Har Habayis, and this should disturb us.

Man: Preprogrammed For Greatness

Why does the huge, powerful horse submit to the will of the little, weak man?

It’s All In The Approach

The ninth of Av became a harbinger of the numerous tragedies we would suffer throughout the exile.

The Short Vort: Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?

This past Friday night, the Salomon family of Nevi Tzuf- who are my cousins- were preparing for a Shalom Zachor. The Simcha was transformed into a house of mourning

Aleph Beta: Devarim: What Does It Mean To Have Faith?

Drawing on the Maharal, Rabbi Fohrman gives us a novel approach to faith, and challenges us to rise to this level of intimacy with God and with each other.

Seize The Moment

No one knows how many years he is given on this earth. If a person were to know when their time is up they would live differently.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Devarim: The Torah’s Insistence that Uganda be for the Ugandans

As the Jewish nation and the Jewish state become more powerful, we have a greater responsibility to contribute more resources to developing nations. It would be a Kiddush HaShem.

The Rubashkin Saga (Part III)

PETA has a lurid anti-shechita history, They claimed Rubashkin the way the animals were slaughtered at Agri rendered them non-kosher. Rabbinic authorities and major kashruth supervisors deemed Rubashkin to be of the highest kosher standards--yet PETA declared otherwise.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/in-print/from-the-paper/q-a-praying-in-other-languages-part-viii/2017/08/03/

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