Redeeming Relevance: The Wisdom of Withdrawal: Parshat Behaalotecha

If Moshe was the greatest man that ever lived, his silent partner Tzipporah deserves much of the credit for it.

The Guiding Staff

The Malbim explains that when G-d asked Moshe what was in his hand he was testing him. He was essentially asking Moshe to define how he viewed his role as leader.

Lashon Tova

What has become clear from modern studies of the brain is that we can control our emotions and our thoughts.

Shidduch Problems Are Nothing New

Every generation has its own daunting shidduch challenges. Unfortunately, finding the right shidduch is not a new phenomenon, nor is it limited to our contemporary world.

I Never Do Anything Wrong

So on both sides of the spectrum, the yetzer hara either should be unable to convince the person it is permitted – or it shouldn’t need to do any convincing.

Q & A: Erecting A Monument Over A Grave

Question: Recently it came to light that there is no memorial stone over the grave of a family member who passed away some time ago. He has children, but, unfortunately, they refuse to do anything to rectify this matter. Worse, they say that erecting a monument is not a requirement. I don’t agree with them. Please quote sources so that I can prove to them that they must erect a memorial stone. Name withheld by request

Daf Yomi

Is It Trespass? ‘Reuven Didn't Benefit And Shimon Didn't Lose’ (Bava Kamma 20a)


Admittedly, it is much easier to see the potential of a toilet paper roll if one has worked in a nursery school, or as a camp counselor, art teacher or creative stay-at-home Mom.

Vigilantism And The Halacha

What is the nature of chetzi nezek? Is it compensation or is it a fine?

Half Rental

"I can't stop you from using the whole apartment," reasoned Moshe. "But if you're making money on it, I'm still a partner and entitled to half the amount!"

Certainly Doubtful

Why don’t we require the nazir to start his term again and why doesn’t the regular person who enters the Mikdash receive a punishment?

Longing To Be A Saint

According to Maimonides there is not one model of the virtuous life, but two. He calls them, respectively, the way of the saint (chassid) and the sage (chacham).

Naso: Adding Godliness To Our Lives

In Parshat Naso, we are introduced to what seems like a hodgepodge of miscellaneous laws. Why is the Torah bringing these up together?

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Naso: Holy Negativity is Still Negativity

Enjoyment of God’s world always comes with some innate meaning – something which is lacking in the case of abstinence, the case of the Nazir.

Harvesting Our Blessings

On Shavuot, the Nation of Israel approached the Temple rejoicing in our blessings, rejoicing in each others' blessings; In Rashi's famous words, "As one person, with one heart."

A Good Heart Above All

“Good luck to you,” I said. “That would take five different guys all wrapped into one. But more importantly, your ‘big fives’ are a bunch of zeros and do not add up to anything.”

Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem – The Day Of Love

Were it not for the great and infinite love that Hashem has for us, we would not have received the Torah, nor would we dare ask for the gift of Torah on a regular basis.

Daf Yomi

Limited Liability ‘It Excludes An Ox That Gored…’ (Baba Kamma 13b)

Q & A: Ruth’s Conversion

Question: When did Ruth convert – before or after she married Naomi’s son? Also, what is the earliest reference in Jewish sources to a formal conversion process? Lazar Rozenblat Brooklyn, NY

Not Where You’re At But Where You’re Coming From

“That is you – had you lived up to your potential, had you become what you were destined to be.”

Waves & Weapons

For those of you who are familiar with the Arizal’s modus operandi of matching each of the months with one of the twelve tribes, I am sure Sivan has got you perplexed.

Cherries, Anyone?

Mommie was distressed because praying for the welfare of her dear family was the foundation of her belief in HaKodesh Boruch Hu, whom she served everyday of her life in innocence and in purity.

Der Mensch Tracht…

Although I spontaneously burst out crying that my beloved Tatty was no more, part of me acknowledged that positive development as well.

A Wedding Without Witnesses?

In the case of a loan, witnesses are not required to make the loan transaction legally effective. The loan can be legally effective without them.

Do Women Recite Birchas HaTorah?

Women are exempt only from the first general obligation to learn Torah, not the second, more specific one.

Bamidbar: How Can We Transmit God’s Values?

Bamidbar should open with the stories of the desert, right? Evidently not. Why?

Redeeming Relevance: Parsha Bemidbar: Follow Which Leader?

The Torah recognizes the phenomenon of leadership and brings it to our attention subtly in the Book of Bemidbar, through the way it lists the names of the different tribes.

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (I)

The story of Air Force Chaplain Rabbi Geller's options concerning his beard: "Either you go to the barber shop or you go to jail."

Parshat Bechukotai

The terrorists were told that they would be given a plane to take them to an Arab country.


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