Three Ways to Save American Jewry from Extinction

Today’s model of outreach is fatally flawed seeing as it necessarily forces a choice on non-affiliated Jews to choose between the Jewish and mainstream worlds.

Why Jews Are So Bad at PR

There are many potential Ron Dermers at the world’s universities today, if only we can nurture their gifts in their formative years.

Petraeus: Did a Great Man Have to Fall?

Petraeus seems to have resigned over marital infidelity. And if so, did he have to leave his position? Why, because he displayed personal weakness? But this was a public, as opposed to a private, position. And years of counseling unfaithful husbands and wives has taught me that private failings do not necessarily indicate public faithlessness.

Religion’s Most Repellant Idea

How can anyone calling himself a Rabbi have the chutzpah to ever justify the death of innocents?

The Noise that Drowns Out all Peace

When all the ribbetting is silenced, we begin to hear an old, familiar tune: the melodious song of our own souls.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The Revolting Lie that Michael Jackson was a Nazi Sympathizer

Several headlines recently caught my attention when I heard that a man who claims to have worked as Michael Jackson's bodyguard made the incredulous charge that Michael was a Nazi sympathizer. This kind of viciousness should usually not be indulged because it just gives it more credibility for the retelling. But the slander against Michael's name in this instance is so great that it deserves to be rebutted.

The Hidden Threat of Kim Jong Un

Too many times, the world has learned the hard way by 'turning the other cheek' while dictators terrorized both their own people and other nations.

Being a Critic of Israel Does Not Make You Pro-Arab, Congressman Pascrell

I can forgive Congressman Pascrell for his continued contempt toward me by refusing to address me directly or even mention me by name, even in his letter written in response to mine. But his attack against Israel cannot be similarly overlooked.

Jewish Tradition and the Secrets of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

What can explain the "Shades of Grey" phenomenon? Why are so many married women reading about submission in an age of feminine liberation?

Freedom of Religion Denied

City officials in Englewood are hampering the development of a synagogue, but were nowhere to be found in opposing Kaddafi and the Libyan Embassy in Englewood.

The Speech President Obama Must Give on Syria

I call on the President of the United States to employ his considerable mastery of words to take up the mantle of Martin Luther King and be a drum major for justice, a beacon for freedom. Sound the clarion call for liberty, Mr. President. Get off the damn fence and stand up for Arab life and liberty. Stop the slaughter in Syria.

A Democratic Chorus of ‘No’ Rejects Mention of Jerusalem in Platform

The shocking video of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa trying to push through Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in the Democratic platform highlights the strong reservations that many American Jews are feeling toward the Democratic party.

Jewish Values are the Salvation of the Republican Party

So long as we obsess over abortion, gay marriage, and contraception to the exclusion of any other values, we cannot fix our problems.

Hagel’s Homophobia and Biblical Indifference to Israel

Why would the Senator insist on the Biblical teachings regarding homosexuality but not those of protecting Israel?

The Winter of our Discontent

If you’re feeling down, stop reading right now. You’re only going to be more depressed.

Will Syria Be Obama’s Rwanda?

The delay allowed Assad to go on TV with Charlie Rose and come across as calm, measured, and reasonable.

Boteach Invites Opponent to Sabbath Dinner

Every Friday night at our Sabbath table my wife and I host all kinds of people. We love having guests and it would be my honor for us to host you and your family either this coming Friday night or whenever it may suit you. Over the years we’ve hosted thousands of people. Many have been Democratic politicians like yourself - from Governor Jon Corzine, to Mayors Michael Wildes, Frank Huttle, and Cory Booker.

Tribute to my Wife on Our 25th Anniversary

Men ultimately fall in love with those women who bring out their best qualities.

Rabbi Soprano, the Cattle-Prod Divorce Specialist

In Israel, it’s easy to throw a recalcitrant husband in jail for refusing to grant a get. In the United States it’s much more challenging.

Aref Assaf and the Scandal of Arab Leaders Silent on Syria’s Slaughter

While Aref Assaf, President of the Arab American Forum in Paterson, New Jersey, might be forgiven for condemning my daughter’s service in the Israeli army, nothing can explain his defense of Congressman Bill Pascrell’s silence on the mass slaughter of Arabs in Syria.

The Storm that United a Divided Nation

Just yesterday I was fully engaged in my campaign for the United States Congress. Winning, elections, and victory were on my mind. Boy, what a difference a day can make. Today, I just want my family and the 50 million people in the storm’s path to be safe.

Will My Muslim Brothers Condemn Hamas?

If the targeting of innocent civilians by terrorist organizations is not wrong, then morality has no meaning.

Did I Make Cory Booker ‘Too Jewish’?

Peter Beinart and Jeffrey Goldberg maintain far-left sentiments on Israel, while others invest their lives in bringing people like Cory Booker closer to the Jewish community.

Davos and the Hatred of Evil

But the most painful part of an otherwise illuminating and extraordinary Forum was Iranian President Rouhani's speech.

The Eloquent Chief Rabbi Who Would Not Fight Israel’s Enemies

The central quality of leadership is not eloquence but moral courage, a preparedness to be hated in the pursuit what’s right.

Sharon’s Failure to Continue the Struggle

In return for its withdrawal from Gaza, Israel got a major war.

Sean Penn Sneaked Orthodox Prisoner Ostreicher Back to the US

Penn managed to sneak Ostreicher across a hostile border and into a safe and currently undisclosed location in the United States.

Lessons for Israel-on-Campus from Scarlett Johansson

American Jews – especially those working on campus – don't accept that we have a battle on our hands.

The Courage of Cory Booker

Obama is placing all the pressure on 16 Senators from his own party rather than squarely on the Iranians.


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