He Is Still Prime Minister

The Israeli elections are over. New Knesset members have been sworn in. Ehud Olmert resigned several weeks ago, and his party will not form the new government. Despite all this, Ehud Olmert is still the Prime Minister of Israel!

Whoops, Missed!

Tony Blair, the Middle East envoy for the Four Great Powers, told an interviewer that PM Olmert has already made a deal with Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestinian Arab Authority.

Fifty Years In Israel

We created an organization of former Bnei Akiva of North America members who have fulfilled the dream of living in Eretz Yisrael.

The Sanhedrin Reestablished (Part III)

The new Sanhedrin first met in Tiberius because it was foretold that it would be renewed there and would be relocated to Jerusalem.

True Role Models (Part Eight)

Israel is center of the universe. What scientific evidence is there of this fact?

Chelm Revisited

We recently returned to Israel after a short visit to the United States.

An American Odyssey (Part 4)

“Remember the Alamo” was an important lesson in history class when I was a child and this was our first visit. It was a bit unimpressive but we enjoyed the History Channel movie about the Alamo in one of the rooms.

70 Years And Growing

Chaverim came from every city, town, religious Kibbutz and settlement in Israel.

Six Thousand Miles (Part I)

Like many other New Yorkers, during my 35 years of living in Brooklyn, I had rarely traveled outside the tri-state region and had never been to Florida, California, the National Parks or to most states outside the East Coast.

Why Should I Suffer?

There is a great scene in "Fiddler On The Roof" where a donor gives a beggar one kopek. "Why only one kopek?" asks the beggar. "I had a bad week," replies the donor. "If you had a bad week," responds the beggar, "why should I have to suffer?"

What Would Happen If…

The Israeli Parliament is usually controlled by a coalition of different political parties because no one party receives enough votes to have a majority. Unlike in the U.S., where there are two major political parties and one of the two political parties commands a majority of the seats in the Senate and/or in the House, in Israel the government is composed of many, many small political parties, each pushing its own agenda.

An American Odyssey (Part 3)

After a good meal in Houston Thursday night, we spent the evening at the Quality Inn near the Space Center. Early Friday morning we left for the Space Center so that we could get an early start before Shabbat.

True Role Models (Part Ten)

It is often hard to understand the attitude of American Orthodox Jews to Israel.

The Close Connection

Israel Independence Day is a very special celebration.

The Bully Is Threatening

I am often amazed by the reaction of world governments to the bullying tactics of the Muslim world.

Time For World Peace!

It really is time for painful sacrifices for peace. No one wants his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to suffer the pangs of war and strife. It is time to end the strife and make peace in the Middle East.

An American Odyssey (Part 7)

We left Santa Fe on our way to visit the Painted Forest and the Petrified Forest in Arizona. Part of our day was spent traveling on the historic Route 66 and we stopped at the state visitor's center as we entered Arizona. At each state visitor’s center, we stopped to gather information about interesting sites and to request coupon booklets with reduced entry coupons.

True Role Models (Part Thirteen)

I once thought that my study of logic would prepare me to understand how the world behaves. Living in Israel these past months has cured me of this assumption.

Does Anyone Care?

In 2002, Israel surrounded the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to restrain a group of 39 Arab terrorist gunmen who were firing at them from inside the church.

An American Odyssey (Part 11)

We left Reno, Nevada, early Sunday morning and decided to take the scenic route to Salt Lake City, rather than travel by super highway, but Route 50 turned out to be not very scenic as we crossed Nevada and Utah. We stopped at a roadside table at noon, where the men heated and ate LaBriute meals while the women enjoyed their cottage cheese, peanut butter sandwiches, fruit and vegetables. We have followed this pattern of meals ever since the women decided not to eat the packaged meals.

True Role Models (Part Two)

Olim in those days left behind all their friends and much of their family, and, unlike today, found it expensive and difficult to be in contact with them.

They’ve Finally Realized

An example of our own self-imposed weakness is the Israeli attitude towards the Holy Temple Mount.

True Role Models (Part Five)

In the 1940's and 1950's, many young American Jews were brought up with the twin goals of living in Eretz Yisrael and replacing the lost Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

Where Are We Today?

Many Americans may wonder how it is possible for Ehud Olmert to still be prime minister of Israel after having resigned on September 21.

A Great Victory For The Arabs

Two Israeli soldiers have been returned from captivity - dead!

True Role Models (Part Eighteen)

Myrna Frankel was born and raised in New York City which, she feels, is such a fantastic place to live that she would still be there if Israel had not been beckoning to her all the days of her life.

25,578 – The Silver Platter

Israel recently commemorated Memorial Day in memory of its fallen heroes. Sadness permeates the day as we remember the sons, daughters and parents who have sacrificed their lives so that the Jewish Nation can continue to exist.

Are They So Blind?

Today is a very special day; it is the fourth day of Chol HaMoed Sukkot; it is the first day of the end of the building freeze in our community. Will the freeze end or will the cute trick of the Arabs work? They demanded a 10-month building freeze in Judea and Samaria, and then they waited nine months before they decided to sit down to start negotiations with Israel. When they finally did sit down, the first declaration of the Arabs was that the freeze must continue. The world leaders promptly agreed and declared that it is only right that if the Arabs finally agreed to negotiate, Israel should freeze building in Judea and Samaria. "How could we evil Israelis start building again when the Arabs so graciously agreed to talk to us?"

A Million Dollar Dedication

The Yishuv community of Hashmonaim and Yeshivat Bnei Akiva "Ner Tamid" recently celebrated a beautiful Chanukat Habayit dedication of a million-dollar Beit Midrash.

A Package From Home

I am not sure if many readers understand the severity of a young soldier's life during periods of conflict.


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