Maccabees or Mice? The Tragedy of Self-Imposed Dhimmitude

Leftist Jews in Israel are incensed by Jews building homes in liberated YESHA yet indifferent to Islamic provocation by blasting their call to prayer over loudspeakers assaulting Jews in the process

GODTV: Divine or Manufactured Outrage?

GODTV is a menace, but it is merely one deadly tendril of hundreds of evangelical tendrils trying to spread the gospel to Jews in Israel.

Reflections on Islam: Go Ask The Imams!

When Westerners declare Islam's the religion of "Peace," they tend to ignore Islam’s bloody history

No One Is Safe

The blood of every murdered Jew in Israel should teach a lesson-the lesson of Arab evil & treachery

The Sons of Noach

Myth #1: It is easy to be a B'nai Noach. It is extraordinarily hard to be a B'nai Noach.

The Sons of Noach: Genuine Righteous Gentiles Revisited

It is not easy to be a Ben Noach. The Seven Laws (even more according to many rabbinic decisors) represent categories that encompass subcategories, and the penalties for abrogation of this covenant are stricter than they would be for a Jew who abrogates them

Obama’s Forked Tongue‏

American Jews who go gaga for Obama are first and foremost “Liberals of the Mosaic Persuasion”

Operation Entebbe: When Jewish Life Meant Something

Operation Entebbe is much more than social media propaganda celebrating things Israel did long ago

He Should Have Stayed Home

Netanyahu remains obsessed with gaining the unattainable love from the EU and all Jew-hating Europe

Anti-Missionary Conference

Originally scheduled to be held elsewhere, the hotel canceled, pressured by local missionary groups

No Hero of Mine

What Rabin called a peace treaty, Arafat called a phased plan of destruction, screaming "JIHAD!"

Jew Hunting Season

The tragedy of Duma is it will epitomize a terrible period in Jewish history of internecine conflict

Don’t Be A Dhimmi! No Surrender!

In Islam, there is no such thing as peace with accursed dhimmis as the Muslims refer to us infidels.

Return of the Hunt

Shame on Netanyahu, Ya'alon & any member of the religious right who joins this immoral hunt

A Critique of Pure Hasbara Part II: Illusions of Peace

I don’t trust the UAE and what we know about the deal is bad enough. Perhaps many are celebrating the deal because they have cabin fever and are drooling about the prospects of another hedonistic resort.

Zaidy Made Us Laugh

Men such as my grandfather are the equivalent of foundation stone. The world exists because of such people. When they are gone, our job is to appreciate their legacy and to share some of their essence

Esau Rising-Part II

Hayovel's vision: to share with them (Jews) a passion for the soon coming jubilee in yeshua messiah."

The War for Halachic Judaism

Now is a time for intellectual zealousness for Hashem. Men of Torah need to face the new heresies and radical innovations, and intellectually combat the religious proponents of these foreign notions.

The Flame Must Burn!

The only way to redeem Hanukah & resurrect its message is to destroy the false narrative of Hanukah

Purim 2016: Lessons Lost

A soldier who kills a terrorist is a Jewish hero, a person to be celebrated and emulated. A Maccabe!

Mazal Tov? I Think Not!

Kol Hakavod to The Jewish Press for unapologetically standing up in defense of yahadut and Torah.

The Jewish People: No Commonality with Indians

As Jews we differ from "Indigenous peoples" because our conquests of Eretz Yisrael were Divine mandated and that is our sole, and unbeatable, claim to Israel.

Ethics NOT Ethnicity

Jews have historical connections to the land which predate any contemporary people on earth. Of that there is no doubt, but our sole claim to the land is solely that it was given to us by G-d.

The New “Indigenous” Right: ‘Hardline or Soft-boiled’

There is a peculiar camp of Jewish activists today who naively believe they can have a Greater-Israel the land and appease the Arabs. They are both foolish and dangerous.

They Are Not Jews!‏

This cult was tolerated because weak Israeli politicians were afraid to expel these black-racists

A Minyan of the Dead

A ceasefire not only gives Hamas a victory, it will destroy the morale of the IDF and the country.

Pathetic Police

When will Israel finally wake up and admit today's enemy is Amalek and deal with them conclusively?

Talking To the Dead

Entire movements within "orthodoxy" propagate a Judaism of outlandish folklore and Jewish mysticism

Mark 16:18 Take the Challenge!

To the pious frauds of the world, who wish to lecture us: I say prove your worth: Bring forth the snakes. Drink poison if you will. Handle vipers if you must. Heal the sick with your magic hands. Or shut your mouths and perfect your own faith. You have nothing to teach us.

The Jordanian Menace

As Arabs murder and maim Jews, Jordan's leaders bark the blood libel of “Israeli aggression.”


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