Reflections on Islam: Go Ask The Imams!
When Westerners declare Islam's the religion of "Peace," they tend to ignore Islam’s bloody history
When Wars Were Wars and Men Were Men
Jewish warfare is premised on the idea that evil must be destroyed if the innocent are to survive.
Amalek Revisited
Amalek is not some antiquated notion of a long gone brutal enemy. Amalek exists today, as the Torah states, Amalek exists in every generation. The pressing question is evident: Who is Amalek?
Return of the Hunt
Shame on Netanyahu, Ya'alon & any member of the religious right who joins this immoral hunt
Chanukah: A Celebration of Zealotry
Zealousness has its place and time in Judaism; Thank G-d for heroic actions of the Maccabees!
The Jewish People: No Commonality with Indians
As Jews we differ from "Indigenous peoples" because our conquests of Eretz Yisrael were Divine mandated and that is our sole, and unbeatable, claim to Israel.
Abraham Accords EXPOSED
Did you know there is an 'Intifada Road' in the UAE?
The Co-existence CULT
We hear how Arabs and Jews meet and greet and drink coffee. As I’ve noted before, the Jews of Hebron in 1929 also would have sworn that they had coexistence. Some of them also shared Turkish coffee with their Arab neighbors. And yet, their neighbors butchered them in 1929--and they did so again this past Sunday in the Barkan industrial zone.
Purim 2016: Lessons Lost
A soldier who kills a terrorist is a Jewish hero, a person to be celebrated and emulated. A Maccabe!
Dhimmi Netanyahu
Today we live as dhimmis in Israel. The country protects us neither physically nor spiritually
I See Dead People
When I hear the echoes of hatred as loud and as clear as the original voices, I see dead people.
They Are Not Jews!
This cult was tolerated because weak Israeli politicians were afraid to expel these black-racists
We Are NOT Indigenous
Leave the "indigenous" argument in the U.N. G-d gave us the land of Israel and that is enough.
Mazal Tov? I Think Not!
Kol Hakavod to The Jewish Press for unapologetically standing up in defense of yahadut and Torah.
Perverting the Law of “Mercy”
I'm sick of those who distort halacha and the Rambam, granting Arabs Bnai Noach status-They're not!
Mark 16:18 Take the Challenge!
To the pious frauds of the world, who wish to lecture us: I say prove your worth: Bring forth the snakes. Drink poison if you will. Handle vipers if you must. Heal the sick with your magic hands. Or shut your mouths and perfect your own faith. You have nothing to teach us.
President Donald Trump: A Jewish Perspective
Trump’s victory offers the US a legitimate chance to right a sinking ship, and turn back the clock on Obama’s 8-years of Bolshevism. If nothing else, Trump’s victory means that Hillary isn’t president
The Murder of Chaya Zisel Braun, HY’D
The photo of precious Chaya Zissel bundled up for the grave is an image that will never leave me.
Obama’s Forked Tongue
American Jews who go gaga for Obama are first and foremost “Liberals of the Mosaic Persuasion”
No Hero of Mine
What Rabin called a peace treaty, Arafat called a phased plan of destruction, screaming "JIHAD!"
The Real Likud
Perhaps Feiglin never truly left the Likud. In truth, they threw him out on his face.
Terror or Torah
The morality of Torah is eternal and the laws of war as set down in halachic writings applies today, despite those new heretical “intellectual” voices who differentiate between laws of Shabbat (those still apply) and laws of warfare (representing as they see it, an outdated code which is immoral by today’s standards). God forbid to subscribe to such heresies.
Anti-Missionary Conference
Originally scheduled to be held elsewhere, the hotel canceled, pressured by local missionary groups
Cast The Foreigner Out
Am Yisrael's in spiritual danger here in Israel because religious Jews aid missionaries like Hayovel
Jew Hunting Season
The tragedy of Duma is it will epitomize a terrible period in Jewish history of internecine conflict
We Know Not What They Speak : Evangelical Wordplay Part 1
Despite denials, by partnering with evangelical leaders and organizations, a number of today's Jewish scholars, community leaders and activists are collaborating with missionaries.
Friendly Foes: The Subtle Missionary
Jews who turn to Esau to fight Ishmael, has simply exchanged the armed crusader for the olive branch of evangelism. This is no victory for the Jews.
A Minyan of the Dead
A ceasefire not only gives Hamas a victory, it will destroy the morale of the IDF and the country.
“In Every Generation…”
“Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey after you left Egypt-how undeterred by fear of G-d"
Ignorance Begets Wickedness
In yet another example of clichéd foolishness running amuck, the Jewish indigenous rights organization LAVI is now calling for Jews to support the racist “Black Lives Matter” movement.