How–and Why–Palestinian Leaders Scare the World

Abbas has perfected the art of distraction by regularly blaming Israel & threatening to resign

Jordan’s King Abdullah Needs to Wake Up – Fast

Jordan has recently witnessed weekly demonstrations calling for far-reaching reforms and an end to financial corruption. King Abdullah did not take the protests seriously at first, but is now desperate to restore calm and order; going as far as ordering the arrest of some of his most trusted officials.

Why Egypt Does Not Want to Help Gaza

Why do Egyptians have to travel all the way to Israel to discuss supplying the Gaza Strip with food, medicine and fuel (through Israel) when Egypt can easily do so through its shared border with the Gaza Strip? The world seems to have forgotten that the Gaza Strip has a shared border not only with Israel, but with Egypt as well.

PA Strategy After the Peace Process

The negotiations Abbas is conducting with Hamas are intended to create a joint Palestinian strategy in the aftermath of the failure of the peace process with Israel.

Why Palestinians are Fleeing Lebanon

{Originally posted to the Gatestone Institute website} Palestinians appear finally fed up with the apartheid and discriminatory laws they have been subjected to in Lebanon...

ARABS to Biden: Shut Down Iran’s ‘Expansionist Project’

The Arabs are saying that they expect the Biden administration to reverse its stance on the mullahs and act in accordance with reality: that Tehran poses a catastrophic threat to America's allies – all of its allies, Arab and Israeli alike – in the Middle East.

The Palestinian Police State

These [Palestinian] leaders have turned the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of the West Bank into a police state where political opponents are beaten to death, arrested, tortured and intimidated.

Why Palestinians Celebrate the Murder of Jews

It is time for the Biden administration and other Western donors to start banging on the table and demanding an end to the poisonous campaign to delegitimize Israel and demonize Jews. Until that happens, we will continue to see Palestinians dancing and handing out candy because Jewish blood flows at their feet.

The US-Backed Palestinian Human Rights Violations

When Palestinians despair of any improvement in the PA leadership, they move towards Hamas and other terrorist groups that are seen by many Palestinians as a better alternative to Abbas and his Fatah faction.

Hamas Prepares for War as Abbas Talks Peace

Hamas seems to have reached the conclusion that the reconciliation pact with Abbas will not do it any good.

Will Lebanon Fall into the Hands of Iran?

The mullahs in Tehran are doubly dangerous: they aspire not only to develop nuclear weapons, but also to occupy Arab states

Tens of Thousands of Judea and Samaria Hamas Loyalists Have Launched the Third Intifada

Abbas and Hamas have decided for now to lay their differences aside and work towards escalating tensions on the ground, particularly in Judea and Samaria.

Abbas’s Precious Gift to Iran: Hamas

If and when Abbas does suspend security coordination with Israel, he will be sending a message to Iran and its Palestinian proxies that the time has come to turn the West Bank into a center for Jihad against Israel and the "infidels."

Hamas: Vote for Us or Burn in Hell

By calling the election and allowing Hamas to participate, Abbas is digging his own grave, and presiding over the burial of any so-called peace process with Israel.

Palestinians’ New Enemy: British Prime Minister Liz Truss

Evident from the attacks on the British prime minister, Western leaders are themselves becoming victims of the Palestinians' smear campaigns. This is what happens when Western governments lavish untold millions of dollars on the Palestinians without requiring accountability and without demanding an end to the venomous Palestinian rhetoric against Israel and Jews.

The Arab Spring: A Blessing for Hamas

By meeting separately with Khaled Mashaal and Mahmoud Abbas, Mursi has created the impression that the Palestinians have two legitimate leaders. Even more, Mursi has put Mashaal on an equal footing with heads of state, thus granting legitimacy not only to the Hamas leader, but to his entire movement.

Al-Qaradawi and the New Religious Conflict with Israel

Al-Qaradawi's visit and statements also serve as a reminder that the Israeli-Arab conflict is centered, more than ever, around religion.

For Palestinians, Terrorism or Peace? Abbas Wants It Both Ways

Instead of welcoming the UK's decision to ban Hamas, Abbas was one of the first Palestinians to condemn the move. By condemning the decision, Abbas is sending a message to the international community that he actually does support terror and Hamas.

The Real Reason Arabs in Israel Do Not Want to Live in ‘Palestine’

Many Arab citizens of Israel see how Palestinians living under the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip are subject to human rights violations on a daily basis.

Biden Administration Pushing Arabs Towards Iran

the agreement is an indication of the growing weakness of the US and the failed policy of the Biden administration in the Middle East. Thanks to the US administration's fragility, the Iranian-led axis of evil has been significantly emboldened as America's erstwhile Arab allies are rushing towards the open arms of the mullahs in Tehran.

Khaled Abu Toameh: Unilateral Withdrawal a Recipe for War

Any land that is handed over to the Palestinian Authority would end up in the hands of Hamas.

How Arabs Discriminate Against Palestinians

Palestinian leaders are much too busy attacking Israel and demanding that the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecute Israelis for alleged "war crimes" against the Palestinians to notice the suffering of Palestinians at the hands of an Arab country.

Why Abbas Will Never Make Peace With Israel

Abbas is not interested in reaching any deal with Israel: he knows that such a move would require him to make concessions. Abbas knows that Israel will never give him 100% of his demands; that is enough for him to refuse to sign any historic agreement. Like Arafat, Abbas does not want to go down into history as the first Palestinian leader to make concessions, especially on sensitive issues such as refugees and Jerusalem.

Mashaal Cannot Change Hamas

Even if Mashaal himself changes, Hamas will always remain the same Hamas.

Attacks on Christians Sharpen with Egyptian Government Collusion

If Muslim fanatics cannot tolerate moderate and secular Muslims, why should they be expected to accept those who belong to other faiths?

Can Arabs in Gaza Revolt Against Hamas?

The voices emerging from the Gaza Strip are anguished and reflect the Palestinians' growing sense of disillusionment with Hamas. These voices, however, are still small in numbers. Hamas's brutal methods of suppression and torture have deterred a large number of Palestinians from speaking out. These voices will grow only if the international community heeds them and calls out Hamas for its brutal crackdown on Palestinians.

Khaled Abu Toameh: The Practical Three-State Solution

Ahmed Qurei and those who are working to promote the "one-state solution" ignore the facts on the ground: that the Palestinians already have two separate "states" next to Israel - one in the West Bank and the other in Gaza. They also ignore the reality that the two Palestinian entities have been at war with each other since 2007.

Palestinians: Abbas Chooses Hamas Over Peace with Israel

In fact, the wording of Trump's plan is quite compatible with the position of Abbas and his PA officials in the West Bank.

Will Hamas Be Next?

The downfall of the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt is a severe blow to Hamas

Jordan’s King Abdullah ‘Playing With Fire’

Muslim thugs in Jordan last weekend attacked a large group of young men and women who had gathered at a coffee shop in Amman to celebrate Halloween. The thugs were members of the Muslim Brotherhood organization and the Salafi group. They claimed that the party was being held by "worshippers of the devil" and said Halloween was in violation of the teachings of Islam.


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