Coalition Emergency Meeting on Conversion Blown Up by Haredim

Deri was furious at Netanyahu's request, and told the PM, while walking out of the room: "I know what you're doing to me and I will not let you do it."

Promoter of ‘Israeli Apartheid’ Attacks, Betty McCollum is New Chair of Defense Appropriations

"Now my goal with HR 4391 is ... to force policymakers to think about the 3.8 billion dollars in U.S. aid to Israel and how that helps ... the repression of the Palestinian people."

Security Presence to be Raised in Integrated Cities

Israel Police Dept. raises the security presence in the nation's integrated Muslim-Jewish cities, such as Ramle.

Chelsea Clinton Gives Birth to (Non-Jewish) Baby Girl

Chelsea Clinton gave birth on Friday night to a baby girl.

Ahead of Decisive High Court Debate, Non-Orthodox Movements Demand Share in Running Western Wall

The members of the Conservative, Reform, Women of the Wall, and other non-Orthodox groups tell the high court that, as is always the case in real estate, they can no longer accept the devaluation of their share in the ancient relic on account of reduced exposure to street traffic, or, you guessed it: location, location, location.

Study: Faculty Who Boycott Israel Increase Likelihood of Anti-Semitism

First empirical evidence to explain how faculty promotion of an academic boycott of Israel is unlike other advocacy on campus, poses threat to Jewish students.

Jewish ‘Pluralists’ Rage as Rabbi Riskin Gives Only One Finger, Not Entire Hand

Rabbi Riskin tried to put a leash on this cat and take it on a walkie when he told Ha'aretz he would accept Reform conversions should the Reform agree to the requirements of "immersion in the mikveh, circumcision, and basic knowledge and practice of Judaism."

Hotovely on Anti-BDS Campus Tour in United States

Hotovely told reporters her main goal is to debunk the lies about Israel that have been fed to the youth of America.

Comprehensive Survey of Israelis in Germany Finds They Are Secular, Educated Leftists

26.1% have a German citizenship; 54% live with a spouse who is a German national; and 54.4% have parents or grandparents who are Holocaust survivors.

Study: Non-Orthodox US Jewish Communities Growing Barren

'The absence of children – particularly children being raised in the Jewish religion – represents yet one more missing incentive to Jewish communal engagement.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Natural Constituents Lovefest at Museum of Jewish Heritage

Everybody in the place was careful not to mention Israel or Jews.

Avigdor Lieberman Warns US Jews ‘You Are Facing a Catastrophe’

It is not an easy fact to swallow, but the real demographic problem for Jews is in the Diaspora and not in Israel.

US Birthright Participants 160% More Likely to Marry Jews

Participant are also 85% more likely to be attached to Israel, an analysis of Pew Center data finds.

LIVE: New York Celebrates the Israel Day Parade [video]

New York celebrates one of its largest, most popular parades of the year, starting at 11 am: the Israel Day Parade.

Bus Driver Waited Patiently for Passenger Who Was Removing Missionary Posters

"It was heartwarming to see the Jewish sentiment waking up against the missionaries," the woman said.

Hillel Outmaneuvered as Swarthmore Students Reject Its Israel Guidelines

The question is, how will Hillel International prevent more of its healthy cells going cancer.

European Leaders Reaffirm Commitment to ‘Fight Anti-Semitism’

European leaders reaffirm their commitment to fight anti-Semitism in their countries ahead of the Jewish New Year.

Berlin 2015: Jewish Magazines Now Arrive in Plain Paper for Safety

In Berlin 2015, a major Jewish monthly magazine is now delivered in plain wrapping paper -- to minimize the chance of attack.

Haredi MK: Reform Campaign Rife with Bribes, Corruption

'Most of the Jews in the United States, even those who come to Temple once in fifty years, or those that don’t come at all, are not Reform, and the Reform movement does not represent them.'

Shavei Israel to Open First Jewish Kindergarten in Lodz

Shavei Israel and the Jewish community of Lodz will open the first Jewish kindergarten in the city since World War II.

Turkish Foreign Minister Targets Jews, Warns of ‘Treason’

Red flags are waving for Turkey's Jewish community again. For the second time in a week, a high-ranking official targeted Jews in a speech.

The Forward Misinforms Readers to Promote Anti-Circumcision Agenda

The Forward says circumcision rates in Israel are dropping, with no data to support their claim, but two surveys prove the rates are actually rising.

As US Anti-Semitism Flourishes, ‘Jewish Voice for Peace’ Calls to Boycott ‘Birthright’ Visits to...

At a time when the number of violent anti-Semitic assaults taking place in the United States is rising dramatically, programs such as Birthright and Nefesh B'Nefesh are crucial to facilitate the immigration of American Jews to Israel as the most obvious remedy

Jewish GOP Candidate Invites Messianic Clergy to Eulogize Pittsburgh Victims at Pence Rally

An anonymous Pence aide told the AP that Jacobs "was not invited by the VP's office to speak on behalf of the Jewish community."

Rivlin: Israel is State of All the Jewish People

"We must remember that beyond the disagreements, we are all one family."

Belgian Minister Vows to Uphold Jewish Ritual Slaughter

The Flemish Minister for Animal Welfare Ben Weyts has reversed his call for a ban on Jewish ritual slaughter in Belgium.

Kotel Stays Divided, If You Don’t Like It Make Aliyah and Change Government

Prime Minister Netanyahu suggested that 'the activism of the American Jewry does not always help.'

New York Jewish Leaders Urge ‘Concrete Action’ After String of Antisemitic Attacks

“We need a more visible police presence in at-risk neighborhoods, and need to build stronger educational frameworks and closer relationships with those in the broader community,” said Gideon Taylor, CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council-New York.

Cops Shot in Ferguson, Missouri: Racism Heating Up America

The racism that has simmered so long under America's polite society is again beginning to rise to the surface, and as usual is also affecting Jews.

Exhibition: The Jewish Ghetto in Postcards from Eastern Europe to Downtown Manhattan

From 1880 to 1924, one third of the Jewish population of Eastern Europe left shtetls and cities for the United States, fleeing persecution and seeking economic opportunity.


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