Claims Conference Survey: Most Americans Believe a Holocaust Could Happen Again

Young people are more likely to believe that the number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust is exaggerated.

Jewish Democrats Break Godwin’s Law, Compare Trump to History’s Worst Mass Murderer

The ad is part of a $1 million JDC ad campaign. Presumably, they could devote the next one to Adolf Eichmann, you know the drill.

Spreading Unabashed Lies, 330 US Clergy Ban Ben Gvir, Smotrich

What follows are despicable lies, which go unchecked by JTA.

US Birthright Participants 160% More Likely to Marry Jews

Participant are also 85% more likely to be attached to Israel, an analysis of Pew Center data finds.

Researcher: Close to 100,000 Mixed Marriages with One Jewish Spouse in Israel

The CBS data show that the phenomenon of Jewish women marrying Arab men is marginal.

NY Times Chanukah Special: Assimilation Complete, Offspring of Mixed Marriages Get Off

If you love her, let Sarah Prager go. At least there's a good chance her daughters won't grow up to become anti-Semites.

First ‘Second Gentleman’ Emhoff Demonstrates Rampant Normalcy of Jewish Intermarriage in US

"To be sure, we'll get over our initial annoyance with the fact that the VP is married to a Jewish man."

Netanyahu Meets Top Democrats, in Jerusalem for Yad Vashem Forum

There are probably Republicans in the picture, too, but Bibi is crowded up by Democrats, three of whom are members of the tribe.

Discouraging Nazi Tourists, Hitler’s Birthplace Converted into Police Station

The Austrian interior ministry initially wanted to tear down the building, but ran into incensed politicians, historians, and local residents.

Grotesque: Al Sharpton Gives Rosh Hashanah Sermon at East Side Synagogue

By now practically every Jewish newspaper in New York has condemned the notion that Sharpton, who is identified more than anyone else with the August 1991 Crown Heights Pogrom, should be preaching to Jews on Rosh hashanah.

Shmuley Boteach to Debate Jew for Yoshka on ‘New Testament’ Anti-Semitism

It's probably safe to say that the August 8 debate will not result in much burning, but the Talmud discourages a voluntary religious debate with gentiles.

NYU Student Government Passes BDS Resolution

The final tally, which was conducted by a secret ballot, was 35 votes in favor, 14 against and 14 abstentions. The BDS measure was backed by 51 campus groups and 34 faculty members.

Einstein’s Famous Letter on God and Judaism Fetches $2,892,500

"The word God is for me nothing but the expression and product of human weaknesses."

Photo of Hitler Embracing Child of Jewish Descent Auctioned for $11,520

The Bundesarchive has 17 letters from Bernile to Uncle Hitler and his aide Wilhelm Bruckner between 1935 and 1938.

Haaretz Uses Pittsburgh Tragedy to Stick a Knife in Chief Rabbi’s Back

Like any journalist, I enjoy a good gotcha (although I work hard not to do it myself), but this gotcha, Judy Maltz, is dripping the blood of murder victims.

Jewish GOP Candidate Invites Messianic Clergy to Eulogize Pittsburgh Victims at Pence Rally

An anonymous Pence aide told the AP that Jacobs "was not invited by the VP's office to speak on behalf of the Jewish community."

MK Smotrich: Keep the Falash Mura in Africa

The Falash Mura are members of the Beta Israel community in Ethiopia and Eritrea who converted to Christianity over the past two centuries.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Natural Constituents Lovefest at Museum of Jewish Heritage

Everybody in the place was careful not to mention Israel or Jews.

Jewish American Schools Asking Israel for Financial Support

Tuition in Jewish American schools has reached $40,000 a year per child.

Pew: Jews Harassed Worldwide Despite their Minuscule Percentage of Planet’s Population

Altogether, 2.2 billion Christians suffered harassment in 144 countries in 2016. 1.6 billion Muslims were harassed in 142 countries. 15 million Jews were harassed in 87 countries.

The Forward Misinforms Readers to Promote Anti-Circumcision Agenda

The Forward says circumcision rates in Israel are dropping, with no data to support their claim, but two surveys prove the rates are actually rising.

Liberal US Jews Still in Deep Disagreement over Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration

About one week after his rejection of the Trump declaration, Rick Jacobs had a change of heart, perhaps because of the raging attack on him by his biggest ally in the war over the Kotel real estate, Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky.

Netanyahu: Non-Orthodox American Jewry Will Disappear in a Generation or Two

In the long-term, Israel shouldn't over-invest in those communities, as it is impossible to stop their descent into assimilation.

Good Bye, Mr. Hitler, and Thank You for All the Selfies

The Indonesian museum’s manager stated: 'We don’t want to attract outrage.'

Lawsuit Reveals Plot by BDS Activists to Takeover Academic Associations

'This case is about the illegal, hostile takeover of a non-profit, academic association by leaders of an anti-Israel group.'

Study: Faculty Who Boycott Israel Increase Likelihood of Anti-Semitism

First empirical evidence to explain how faculty promotion of an academic boycott of Israel is unlike other advocacy on campus, poses threat to Jewish students.

Clueless and Culturally Biased, JPost Calling for Jerusalem Chief Rabbi’s Resignation

The JPost couldn't help themselves, despite their attempt to come across as the rational side in this debate, when they referred to Amar as the "so-called chief rabbi of Jerusalem."


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