Liberal Orthodoxy’s Homosexual Dilemma

In Tel Aviv, homosexuality is not only tolerated, but celebrated lavishly & flamboyantly each year.

Obama’s Forked Tongue‏

American Jews who go gaga for Obama are first and foremost “Liberals of the Mosaic Persuasion”

Chareidi Bashing: An Ugly Past-time

"Enlightened Jews" who refuse to show chareidim the tolerance they insist we give to Arabs sicken me

Obama Part II

Obama is the latest incarnation of our ancient enemies who arise every generation with a new face

Don’t Tell Me to Vote! Reflections on Israeli Elections.

Israel has adopted the unstable "Frankenstein coalitions” model, lifeblood of Israel's power-seekers

“In Every Generation…”

“Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey after you left Egypt-how undeterred by fear of G-d"

Anatomy of a Stone

March 2013: Arabs hurled stones hitting the Biton's car; Adele's mother swerved the car-into a truck

Perverting the Law of “Mercy”

I'm sick of those who distort halacha and the Rambam, granting Arabs Bnai Noach status-They're not!

Cast The Foreigner Out‏

Am Yisrael's in spiritual danger here in Israel because religious Jews aid missionaries like Hayovel


Israel has some wild places left; places to reflect and think, to get lost, to try to find ourselves

He Should Have Stayed Home

Netanyahu remains obsessed with gaining the unattainable love from the EU and all Jew-hating Europe


In Israel, Islam's religiously mandated violence joins hands with the bloodthirsty amongst the Arabs

The Real Likud

Perhaps Feiglin never truly left the Likud. In truth, they threw him out on his face.

They Are Not Jews!‏

This cult was tolerated because weak Israeli politicians were afraid to expel these black-racists

Pathetic Police

When will Israel finally wake up and admit today's enemy is Amalek and deal with them conclusively?

What If The Maccabees Had Fled?

Let us become modern day Maccabees and seize the day. Embrace the challenge. Fight for Hashem.

Chanukah: A Celebration of Zealotry

Zealousness has its place and time in Judaism; Thank G-d for heroic actions of the Maccabees!

They Are “SAVAGES”!

Rav Soloveitchik said Amalek is a mentality/ideology that any people/nation can adopt at any time

The Jordanian Menace

As Arabs murder and maim Jews, Jordan's leaders bark the blood libel of “Israeli aggression.”

Rabbi Meir Kahane: My Rebbe (That I Never Met)

Rabbi Kahane loved Jews with an authentic, tough love compelling him to speak of unpleasant truths.

No Hero of Mine

What Rabin called a peace treaty, Arafat called a phased plan of destruction, screaming "JIHAD!"

The Murder of Chaya Zisel Braun, HY’D

The photo of precious Chaya Zissel bundled up for the grave is an image that will never leave me.

The Sons of Noach

Myth #1: It is easy to be a B'nai Noach. It is extraordinarily hard to be a B'nai Noach.

Mazal Tov? I Think Not!

Kol Hakavod to The Jewish Press for unapologetically standing up in defense of yahadut and Torah.

Spiritual War in Samaria

The current missionary problem in Samaria is still relatively unknown throughout Israel&to most Jews

Anti-Missionary Conference

Originally scheduled to be held elsewhere, the hotel canceled, pressured by local missionary groups

The Cult of Uman

he time of the Uman pilgrimage is upon us, and we dare not ignore the opportunity to highlight the danger.

Esau Rising-Part II

Hayovel's vision: to share with them (Jews) a passion for the soon coming jubilee in yeshua messiah."

The Looming Bedouin Intifada

The new “Begin Plan” is an impending nightmare, it rewards the Bedouins for brazen land-grabbing.

Esau Rising: The War Against The Jewish Soul

There is a threat today representing a new category of missionary:They call themselves “Hayovel.”


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