Q & A: Who Was Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNes? (Part III)

Question: I’ve always been intrigued by the large assemblage that gathers at the gravesite of R. Meir Ba’al HaNes in Tiberias on his yahrzeit, the 14th of Iyar. Why is such attention directed to his gravesite, in particular? F. Hager

Marijuana Legalization Advocates Gain Victory; Rabbis Weigh In

Administered property by doctors, marijuana could be a samah shel chaim [potion of life]. Freely used by people at large, it could well be a samah shel maves [potion of death].

Are Our Prayers Repulsive?

I watched the teller, who clearly did not appreciate this person’s lack of etiquette. ... It was then that I realized what the Mesilas Yesharim meant.

Forget About It

Rabbi Hirsch writes that “shachach” implies forgetting as a result of focusing on something else while “nashah” is forgetfulness that results from a weakened memory.

The Ben Franklin Effect

One is allowed, and perhaps even obligated, to hate someone whom one has seen transgress a commandment.

The Five Themes Of Elul

These three verses point to Elul as a time for reinforcing the “three pillars upon which the world stands: Torah, service [of Hashem through prayer], and kind deeds” (Avos 1:3).

Saints And Sinners

Although the chacham and rasha are completely dissimilar, they still share a bond as brothers.

Who Will Stop The Anti-Semitism?

Most of us were not around before the last World War began, but from what we know it shared many shocking similarities with the events occurring right now.

Can A Partnership Charge Interest?

David called Rabbi Dayan and asked, "Can a non-Jew and Jew form a partnership and lend money to Jews with interest?"

Does The Torah Care About Animal Welfare?

Animals are part of G-d’s creation. They have their own integrity in the scheme of things. This would not have been news to the heroes of the Bible.

Why G-d Chose The Early Zionists

Rav Teichtal then cites a tradition from the Gemara (Chullin 63a) that the redemption will be heralded by impure birds – a reference to sinful Jews.

Letting Go

With our children, whom we care for and do everything we can for from the time they are born, we tend to think that we control them.

Collecting Chance Encounters

Once I learned to treat every person I meet as more than chance and as an opportunity, I was able to expand my collection of superheroes.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Ki Tetzeh: Levinas, Ammon and Moav – On the Neutral Neighbor

Many commentators wonder why not proffering bread and water is considered such a great crime. Because turning away goes from being a sign of neutrality to being an act of hostility.

Can You Double-Bill Clients?

Usually you cannot double-bill, but the answer to your question depends on the contractual arrangement or local custom.

Emotional Bribery

Leadership is not domination, but the art of persuading people to work toward a common goal.

Daf Yomi

Beware The Fruit! ‘A Misasek Is Excluded’ (Kereisos 19a)

It’s All Hashgacha

My children in Cleveland set out to invite the P. family for Shabbos and, after a few weeks of scheduling conflicts, they finally enjoyed a Shabbos together and got to know these new cousins.

Be Careful In How You Judge

Even though you think you see the whole picture, chances are that you don’t.

Can Rabbis Force Someone To Keep Halacha By Punishing His Family?

The Rema adds that a beis din may even decree "not to circumcise his child or bury him until he divorces his wife."

The Man With The Greatest Foresight

Let's look at the realm of vision and focus on a man who had unsurpassed foresight. I refer to none other than Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, zt”l, better known, and revered by all, as the Ponevezher Rav.

No One Can Compete With A Parent

ven with all the news stories about “the best teacher I had” or “the teacher who changed my life,” there is no doubt that the teachers who influence us the most are our parents.

Washing Before Kiddush: Just For Yekkes?

The rise of the chassidic movement, which exchanged many ancient Ashkenazic customs for those of the Arizal, also contributed to the increase in popularity of washing after Kiddush.

Q & A: Who Was Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNes? (Part II)

Question: I’ve always been intrigued by the large assemblage that gathers at the gravesite of R. Meir Ba’al HaNes in Tiberias on his yahrzeit, the 14th of Iyar. Why is such attention directed to his gravesite, in particular? F. Hager

Elul – Our City Of Refuge

Our Divine soul’s life-force, which enlivens our body, is intended to be utilized solely for fulfilling G-d’s will.

Don’t Daven At Home (Part Six of a Series)

The first verse, however, concerns someone who davens with a minyan. Such a person is assured that his prayers will be heard by Hashem any time of year.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/ask-the-rabbi/q-a-who-was-rabbi-meir-baal-hanes-part-iii/2019/09/15/

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