Stop Funding Tel Aviv University

One of Israel’s leading universities seems to have lost its way. In a move that is as incomprehensible as it is shameful, Tel Aviv University (TAU) agreed to allow a student group to hold a ceremony commemorating “Nakba Day,” when Palestinians bemoan the establishment of the state of Israel.

Five Reasons Jews Shouldn’t Vote For Obama

In six weeks, Americans will be going to the polls in what could prove to be one of the most fateful elections in decades.

How to Double the Aliyah Rate to Israel

Clearly, Israel needs to do more to attract aliyah, especially when so many potential immigrants are increasingly considering the possibility of emigrating from the lands of their birth.

Yamit: The Original Sin Of Expulsion

It was thirty years ago, in April 1982, that uniformed soldiers pledged to defend Israel and its citizens were given the order to uproot and destroy the Jewish community of Yamit in northern Sinai. And while it may have brought us three decades of a cold peace with Egypt, conceding the Sinai will likely prove to have been a colossal mistake.

Poland: Jews Aren’t Welcome

Nearly seven decades since the end of World War II, Poland is once again turning on its Jews. In a stunning move last week, the lower house of the Polish parliament rejected a bill that would have restored the legality of shechita, or kosher slaughter, by a vote of 222 to 178.

A Tale Of Two Housing Tenders

For the second time in the past three months, Israel on Sunday declared its intention to build over 1,000 housing units in areas beyond the 1967 lines.

From Wannsee To Tehran

This week marks the seventieth anniversary of one of the most chilling events of the modern era.

When Journalism Can Kill

Ever since he vanished, the American government had repeatedly asserted that Levinson was a private businessman -- his own safety.

Cut U.S. Funding To The UN

In recent weeks the United Nations has gone on the warpath against Israel, defaming the Jewish state and providing aid and comfort to its enemies.

Jerusalem: Build, Baby, Build!

Israel this week took an important step toward strengthening Jerusalem and preventing any chance of its future division. Despite increasingly strident objections from the U.S., Europe and the Palestinians, the Jewish state is moving forward with plans to expand the capital’s Jewish population.

Time To Retake Joseph’s Tomb

It was supposed to be temporary. Nine years ago last month, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak ordered the Israeli army to withdraw from Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) in one of the most humiliating retreats in the nation's modern history.

Europe’s Holocaust Amnesia

Speaking in his native German, Schulz used the opportunity to blast Israel.

Israel’s Culture Wars

Anyone who thought Israel was immune to the kind of divisive "culture wars" that have beset America in recent years was in for a rude awakening this past week.

When Israeli Journalists Cross The Line

Over the course of the past week, the Israeli media have been consumed by reports of an impending decision by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to launch a military strike against Iranian nuclear installations.

Recalling the Menace of May 1967

The Jewish state owes no one an apology for facing down its foes and taking the territory which those very same enemies used as a platform from which to seek our destruction.

Matzah as a Symbol of Jewish Heroism

Matzah is also a symbol of Jewish resistance and faith, one that was sanctified down through the generations by the sacrifices made by countless Jews to observe the precept even at times of national calamity.

Three Questions For ‘Peace Process’ Supporters

Sometimes the truth can be found in the oddest of places, if one knows where to look. Even in poll results. A new study by the Ramallah-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research bears this out. Released last week, it raises three difficult questions for all those who continue to believe that Israel must make concessions to win peace with the Palestinians.

Why Is Germany Telling Jews Where to Live?

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeieris is browbeating Israel in public.

Time to Rebuild Northern Samaria

It is now time for Israel to complete this mission and rebuild the ruins of the four former Jewish communities that were so unjustly dismantled. Let Homesh, Sa-Nur, Ganim and Kadim rise again from the rubble!

The Miracle Of Israel

The state of Israel this week turned 65, defying history and the odds to celebrate its continued existence in a very dangerous part of the world.

The Invention Of Palestine

For the first time in recent memory, a prominent American politician has had the courage to speak some unvarnished truths about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

A Farewell to Peace

With the stroke of his pen, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas sealed the fate of the peace process, effectively declaring an end to any chance of reaching an agreement with the Jewish state.

Europe’s Hizbullah Hypocrisy

Only a unified and coherent E.U. stamp of disapproval can shut down Hizbullah's European lifeline.

Stone Throwing Is also Terror

As I write these words, a Jewish toddler injured in a Palestinian terror attack is lying in a hospital bed struggling for her life.

Biden’s Bigotry On Jerusalem

What a disturbing sight to behold. In the past few days, the Obama administration has gone to extraordinary lengths to berate Israel over the approval of a Jewish housing project in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo.

A Time To Cancel

This year, one of America's leading newsmagazines decided to send a memorable Rosh Hashanah greeting to Jews all over the world. On the cover of its latest issue, Time magazine placed a large Star of David made of white Gerbera daisies, in the middle of which was superimposed large black text triumphantly declaring: "Why Israel Doesn't Care About Peace."

The Optical Illusion of Israel’s Political Center

In other words, the Center is a mishmash of ideas with a little bit of everything, which is intended to appeal to everyone while satisfying no one. It is a clutter of clichés and nothing more.

The Success and Failure of Orthodox Judaism

More Torah is being studied on the continent than at any time since the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.

Stop Calling it the ‘Old Testament’

Depicting the Hebrew Bible as "ferocious" or cruel is not only an act of iniquity toward the text itself, but a hurtful affront to those who cherish its teachings and seek to abide by its commands.

Unholy Hypocrisy At The Western Wall

Last Friday, the Western Wall underwent an unwelcome transformation from sacred site to media circus as the group known as the Women of the Wall sought to hold a decidedly non-traditional prayer service.


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