Today’s episode blasts the misconceptions and myths tied to the world of investing. Anyone, even you, can become a powerhouse investor. Just follow these 5 life-changing rules…

Alice Finn, CEO of Powerhouse Assets and author of Smart Women Love Money: 5 Simple, Life-Changing Rules of Investing, shares her passion for helping women see their potential in the world of finance. She talks about why women tend to shy away from financial planning and talks about approaching your finances with her five life-changing rules.


Stop and think before you spend that inheritance

Doug has prepared a free resource called How Quickly You Should Invest the Money You Inherit? He talks about getting an inheritance and the general questions an investor should ask before they invest their inheritance.

And, on the other side of the coin, Doug outlines the way investors should prepare an inheritance for their loved ones. To learn more about deciding when to pass on your wealth to the next generation, watch Letting Go of Financial Responsibility.

The Goldstein On Gelt Show is a financial podcast. Click on the player below to listen. For show notes and contact details of the guest, go to

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Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, is the director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd, a financial planning and investment services firm specializing in working with Americans living in Israel who have investment accounts in America. He is a licensed financial professional both in the U.S. and Israel.