There is no reality outside of G-d – Soul Talk [audio]

G-d is One. G-d is good. Accepting these facts, how does evil exist in the world? This is a question that has both philosophical and practical ramifications. Join Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to gain a new and true perspective on this fundamental challenge.

Life Changing Secrets to Wholiness & Happiness – Soul Talk [audio]

As human beings we are unique creations. What is it about man that makes him the crowning glory of creation?

Who am I really? Discovering Your Secret Identity – Soul Talk [audio]

Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn about the essence of who YOU really are.

Soul Talk With Rabbi David Aaron – What Is Holiness? [audio]

What does it mean to be a holy person? How do holiness and spirituality differ?

Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron & Leora Mandel – How to Sabotage Self-Sabotage...

Do you ever find yourself wanting to do good, wanting to make positive change in your life and wanting to be a better person, yet in the end, falling short of the better you that you hoped you'd be?

Spiritual Strategies: How to Find Greater Peace & Fulfillment in Our Daily Lives –...

Learn the principles for achieving greater peace and fulfillment in our daily lives.

The Art of Changing & Keeping The Change: Special for Rosh HaShannah – Soul...

Throughout the year there are times that I portray my true self and others when I betray who I really am. I need to realign my life to reflect the greater me through revealing my own greater good. How can I most effectively do this and enter the time space of Rosh HaShanna with a clear sense of purpose and elevation.

Making Life Go Live – Soul Talk [audio]

So many aspects of life seem to depend more on end results than effort and intent. Yet, in spiritual matters, its the effort put into any achievement that is really all we can own. It's what happens on the journey more than arriving at a destination where true achievement is to be found.

What Is Spirituality & How To Live It – Soul Talk [audio]

What is spirituality? As much as the concept of spirituality is often connected to religion, it's also often disconnected from religion and G-d. So what is it? What is the Jewish understanding of spirituality and how do I integrate it into my life?

Why Is G-d So Punishing? Making Peace with Punishment – Soul Talk [audio]

G-d created a system by which He runs the world. Part of this system is reward and punishment. Most of us are comfortable with the concept of reward and less comfortable with the concept of punishment.

Finding Hope In Times That Feel Hopeless – Soul Talk [audio]

There are times in life when we feel stuck, and enter a state of despair. Life situations can sometimes feel overwhelming and hope for improvement can seem like a distant mirrage. How can we find hope and optimism when our situation feels so grim? What are the perspectives and practical tools that will enable us to see the sun through the storm?

Breaking The Law Of Distraction & Living A Life Of Attraction – Soul Talk...

There are so many distractions that take us away from being focused on what's truly important in life. Even when we understand the importance of investing time and focus into significant aspects of our lives, why do we let ourselves get side-tracked and distracted? How can we gain focus and seize the opportunities that present themselves? How can we more mindfully invest in ourselves and our relationships and say No to the distractions that take us away from true meaning in life?

Spiritual Strategies For Better Living – Soul Talk [audio]

Join Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel and learn How To Change Your Mind and Change Your Find: The Power of Positive Thinking.

How to Offer Comfort to Others in Times of Their Pain – Soul Talk...

So often, we want to be there for others in their time of trouble, yet don't know how. What's the best approach when trying to offer support to a friend, loved one or acquaintance during challenging times?

From Perfection To Progress: The Key To True Empowerment and Happiness – Soul Talk...

Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to understand that it is really the less than perfect me that can be the key to true empowerment and happiness.

Soul Talk – How to Date and Find True Love [audio]

Dating is the precursor to one of the most important decisions you will make in your life: who you choose to marry.

Living Our Journey With Joy: What we can learn from Abraham! – Soul Talk...

Living life with uncertainty is hard. Going out of our comfort zone is difficult. Yet, it is precisely when we are called to go beyond our sense of self that we can become more and transform not only ourselves, but the entire world. This is the essence of the tests of Abraham and his journey towards becoming the father of he Jewish nation. There is much to learn in our own lives through understanding Abraham's greatness and his journey.

Mastering The Art of a Meaningful Marriage – SOUL TALK [audio]

Ingredients that go into a healthy, loving long term relationship.

SOUL TALK – Understanding and Coping With The Current Upsurge of Anti-Semitism [audio]

How do we understand the root of anti-Semitism and what can we do about it?

Chanukah: Miraculous Living – Soul Talk [audio]

Join Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel in our Chanukah special and learn how to uplift your life through Miraculous Living.

Secrets To Overcoming Jealousy & Finding Inner Peace – Soul Talk [audio]

Jealousy is a natural human trait that ultimately hurts us more than those of whom we are jealous. How can we get to the very root of our jealousy, our thinking, and create a perspective on life that will keep us mindful of our own blessings and happy for the blessings of others?

Secrets To The Good Life – Soul Talk

To a certain degree, our life is a reflection of the choices we have made. To a certain degree, our life is a reflection of G-dly designed features and circumstances custom designed for each of us. Where do fate and choice meet? Understanding this is the key to living the good life!

Tapping The Power & Avoiding The Danger of Jealousy – Soul Talk [audio]

Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn how to Tap Into The Power & Avoid The Danger of Jealousy.

Master The Art of Love: Essential Insights For The 3 Weeks – SOUL TALK...

What does it mean to truly love another? Is it possibly to love someone who is so essentially different than myself?

Stoking The Fire of Desire For Good – Soul Talk [audio]

isten to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn how to Stoke The Fire of Desire for Good!

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About G-d But Were Afraid To Ask –...

Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About G-d But Were Afraid To Ask.


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