Recently we have been witnessing a fascinating phenomenon, Temple Mount News reported on Sunday. It turns out that Gentiles come to the Temple Mount, to the areas where Gentiles are permitted to enter according to Jewish law, offer prayers to the God of Israel, and prostrate themselves before His holy presence.
“The years in which our ancestors saw only the prophecies of calamity fulfilled one by one are over. We have been privileged to live in generations in which we witness the fulfillment of the prophecies of comfort: making the wilderness bloom, gathering the exiles, establishing the State of Israel, establishing a Jewish army, expanding our borders, building the land, and flourishing the world of Torah in the Land of Israel,” notes TMN.
And ascenders to the Temple Mount are privileged to see every day the fulfillment of prophecies that seemed more distant than ever – mass ascents to the Temple Mount in spiritual purity, public prayers in the courtyards of the House of God, regular Torah study on the Temple Mount, and the renewal of prostrating before God in His holy place.
Former MK Rabbi Yehuda Glick is in contact with many Gentiles who see the Jews as the chosen people and the Temple Mount as the place from which the Torah will come forth to the world. Some of them ascend the Temple Mount and bow toward the site of the Temple. They fulfill the prophecy with their bodies:
And the many peoples shall go and say: “Come, let us go up to the Mount of God, to the House of the God of Jacob; That we may be instructed in God’s ways, and that we may walk in God’s paths.” For instruction shall come forth from Zion, the word of God from Jerusalem. (Isaiah 2:3)