True Role Models (Part Six)

There seems to be a whole group of people who have little or no knowledge of early aliyah from America, but who insist on making ridiculous statements about us.

Will There Be Early Elections?

Behind the scenes machinations of whether Israel will have early elections, and who will lead the nation; plus stirring the"pot"

The Need For Confidence And Optimism

As the smear campaigns against Israel and President Trump continue unabated, partisans of both need to remain confident in order to maximize their effectiveness.

INTO THE FRAY: B’tselem at the UN: Has Israel Become So “Open-minded” That its...

B’tselem is not a human rights organization but a politically partisan group for which “human rights” are a pretext for advancing its radical political agenda—Israeli withdrawal

Israel Will Prevail

After Oslo carnage on a Parisian scale was routine in Israel. Peres called it “sacrifices for peace”

Blasphemy as a National Security Threat

Offending Islam has become a national security issue involving all levels of government.

Terrorism Without “Occupation”: Some Lessons From The Early Arab Pogroms

The Bash-Israel media and the Arab terrorist amen chorus have been repeating for so many years that Palestinian terrorism and barbarism are caused by Israeli "occupation" that few are still capable of examining that "theory" critically.

Gaza’s Millionaires Funding the Hamas Regime through Underground Smuggling

The world often thinks of the Gaza Strip, home to 1.4 million Palestinians, as one of the poorest places on earth, where people live in misery and squalor. But an investigative report shows that it is home to at least 600 millionaires, who have made their wealth thanks to the hundreds of underground tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.

Pandemic Holidays Leave Jews Longing for Community

With Purim, we complete a full cycle of festivals that has shown that while much has changed in Jewish life, in some respects, it’s been business as usual.

The Alternative

“We’ve been living under mortar fire for 18 years. We have to do something,” said the young woman from Sderot on Razi Barkai’s radio show. “What do you want the leaders to do?” asked Barkai. “I don't know, but what they are doing now doesn’t help,” replied the Sderot resident. “Sorry to say this to you, but they also don’t know what to do,” Barkai said. “[It’s] not because they are stupid, but because there is simply no solution.”

Jewish Polish Relations In France

While Polish-Jewish relations have grown more and more friendly in Poland, Israel and the U.S., Poland has also been reaching out to Jews around the world.

Left-Wing Jews: A Jewish And American Tragedy

The security of the world’s only Jewish state is by far the greatest security issue for world Jewry. Yet many left-wing Jews attack Israel, support many of those who wish to destroy Israel, or, at the very least, do nothing to strengthen Israel’s security.

Palestinians: the War between Mahmoud and Mohamed

A weak and divided Fatah could further boost Hamas's popularity among Palestinians.

Suggestions For This Difficult Time

watching depressing, panic-inducing news about Covid-19 24/7 will only make you jittery, anxious, and depressed. It's good for the news networks' ratings, but it's bad for your mental health. Instead, you can read, talk to friends, watch movies, learn a language, listen to music, start a journal, walk outside, garden, or engage in hobbies. Do that project you've never had time to get to. In short, don't preoccupy yourself with the virus.


Once upon a time it was the objective of the military to win wars. Now the objective of the military is to avoid incidents.

War Is the Answer

Hamas is not interested in being engaged. Its goal is the destruction of Israel.

The Rise Of Faith-Based Politics

Note to readers: The following interview is a translation of Moshe Feiglin’s recent interview by Israel National News.

Why Egypt Does Not Want to Help Gaza

Why do Egyptians have to travel all the way to Israel to discuss supplying the Gaza Strip with food, medicine and fuel (through Israel) when Egypt can easily do so through its shared border with the Gaza Strip? The world seems to have forgotten that the Gaza Strip has a shared border not only with Israel, but with Egypt as well.

The Salafi Crusades

The Salafi political victories, militia victories and terror attacks are all part of the same phenomenon, and it is about time that we confronted it for what it is.

INTO THE FRAY:The Humanitarian Paradigm- Hobson’s Choice for Israel (Part I)

Only one policy paradigm can sustain Israel as the nation-state of the Jews and prevent it becoming untenable either geographically or demographically—or both

Who Was Karl Marx?

A new book delves into 200 years of his evil influence.

After Olmert’s July 16 ‘Exchange’ Israel’s Rapidly Approaching ‘Sickness Unto Death’

Smugly and shamelessly, Israeli Prime Minister Olmert gives freedom to terrorists in exchange for slain Jews.

Jerusalem And The Elections: Always In The Center

Despite its name, the Muslim Quarter was home to many Jews and 6 yeshivot in the 19th century

Targeting the “Head of the Octopus”

The tectonic threat of Iran to Mideast and global stability must be countered head-on.

Air Canada To Its Passengers: Your Opinions Mean Nothing To Us

Such is the power and stranglehold of the left today – in big business as much as in journalism and our schools.

Jewish Community Contacts

Over the past few weeks, I have been sharing contact information about various secular organizations in Poland.


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