Q & A: The 15th Of Av

Question: If the fast of Tisha B’Av concludes the mourning period for the destruction of the Temple, why wait until the 15th of Av to rejoice? Sara Gutman

Sleep Tight

...the Torah is telling us that Og was so big and strong even as a baby that he needed a metal crib to contain him; otherwise he would have broken his bed.

Daf Yomi

The Contradiction That Yielded 50 Explanations 'He Says to His Maidservant: You Are Free' (Temura 25b)

Hashem Is In Charge

Originally, the brothers condemned Yosef for being a rodef, but in the end they were haggling over his clothing and extra shoes.

A Thought To Ponder Before Tisha B’Av

What was so unique at Sinai? What was different then? What do our sages mean when they state that we were “as one person with one heart”?

The Discerning Listener Catches The Story

If you are not attuned to the right frequency, then all of the signals in the world will pass you by.

Criticize or Praise?

It is the easiest to only praise, to be "all smiles and hearts," but if you truly care about someone, you do not flatter him. You help him become better.

Q & A: Tisha B’Av Restrictions

Question: Since learning Torah on Tisha B’Av is forbidden, why are we allowed to read from the Torah at Shacharit and Mincha of Tisha B’Av? (And is an aveil also forbidden to learn Torah?) Menachem

Redeeming Factors

What could Brigadier General Samuel want to speak about in a lecture about Judaism?

Our National Weapon (Part Three)

We should thus be on the lookout during the day for auspicious times to daven (i.e., right after performing a mitzvah).

Are We Born Courageous?

Whichever explanation of “taguru” is correct, the message of the pasuk is about fear. Fear of another human being cannot be a factor when pursuing justice.

A Lame Horse

"How much is the whole horse worth?" Feivel asked. "Go sell it and I'll pay you the difference to buy a new horse."

What Does The Moon Landing Teach Us?

The astronauts, too, had to follow every detail of their instructions, utterly negating their own desires.

The Teacher As Hero

Your life seems to be coming to a tragic end, your destination unreached, your aspirations unfulfilled. What do you do? WWMD?

Love vs. Hate

Sadly, the most common places we meet with love and hate is in family conflicts.

Parshat Devarm: Mourning the Long Decline

The word eichah is a word we heard from Moshe Rabbenu, calling us to realize we weren’t aiming as high as we could. We could have heeded it then, and put ourselves on a better path. We heard it centuries later, a call to see how we were setting ourselves up for destruction. Two calls we unfortunately ignored, leading to the third eichah, which continues to ring in our hardened ears.

Bovine Words: Cows And Cowboys

In Hebrew, an egel is a male calf, while an eglah is a female calf. Calves are immature bovines that rely on their mother’s milk to survive and grow.

Daf Yomi

Was Shmuel Not The Greatest? ‘3,000 Halachos Were Forgotten’ (Temurah 16a)

When You’re Traveling And Your Wallet Is Stolen

A truly poor person can receive a large amount of charity at once, even beyond his needs, replied Rabbi Dayan.

Study Rambam, End Galus

The Jewish people’s affairs are connected with, and depend on, the Torah in its entirety...

Never Stop

The Baal Shem Tov told his disciples that all the dozens of journeys detailed in this parshah exist also in each person's life – from the day of his birth to the day he leaves this world. In every journey, one has to move upwards and learn something new.

Travel Travails

Eventually I narrowed the selection down to a few interesting ones, with Barcelona, Budapest, and Venice being the top contenders.

Modeh Ani Lifanecha

I realized how lucky we were that Hashem had woken me from my sleep in time to deal with the fumes which were slowly overtaking our house.

Q & A: Shehecheyanu During The Three Weeks

Question: Why is saying Shehecheyanu prohibited during the Three Weeks? How is it different than other blessings? M. Jakobowitz Philadelphia, PA

May One Shower During the Nine Days?

Before bathing, one must honestly assess whether or not it is needed for hygienic purposes. Failure to do so displays insensitivity to mourning the Beit HaMikdash and our nation's exile.

Pre-Commitment Devices

Even though we generally abstain from taking oaths nowadays, figuring out other ways to up the ante and solidify our commitment is essential.

Priorities: Parshat Matot

Moses’ implied rebuke to the tribes of Reuben and Gad is not a minor historical detail but a fundamental statement of Jewish priorities. Property is secondary, children primary.

Flattery Will Get You Nowhere

Flattery is such a grievous avairah that Tosafos even discusses whether flattery is permissible in an emergency.

Guns Kill People AND People Kill People; American and Gilead

One of the more fruitless political debates in the United States is whether strict restriction of gun permits would add to public safety. One of the reasons it is fruitless is that both sides muster flawed analogies to other societies.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/ask-the-rabbi/q-a-the-15th-of-av/2019/08/11/

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