What Happened to Yad Vashem’s Picture of Haj Amin Al-Husseini and Hitler?

Rumors began spreading last night that Yad Vashem took down that famous photo,

1000 in Torchlight March in Kiev Honoring Nazi Collaborator

Last September, the Russian foreign ministry urged Ukraine to stop "supporting events attempting to rehabilitate Nazism."

Federal Judge Gives Go Ahead to Suing Germany in US Court over Nazi-Looted Art

Meanwhile, German Culture Minister Monika Grütters declared the looted collection a national cultural treasure.

New Survey Finds Canadians Worrisomely Ignorant about the Holocaust

However, 82% of respondents believe all students should learn about the Holocaust in school, while 85% said it is important to keep teaching about the Holocaust so that it does not happen again.

Israeli Ambassador to Russia Speaks Up Against ‘Polish Death Camps’ Law

"We’re working with the Russian state service for archives on a project titled ‘Every Person Has a Name,’" Koren said.

Poles Outraged: Germany Paid Them Only $2.41 Billion in WW2 Reparations

Poland's overall losses reached more than five million citizens, both Jews and gentiles – as much as 17% of the population.

Today is a Fast Day and not ‘Happy New Year’ Day

Chief Rabbi David Lau reminds all Jews to say the Kaddish prayer in memory of Holocaust victims.

Biden Nominates Daughter of Jew Who Fled Nazi Germany as Ambassador to Berlin

Gutmann's father, Kurt, grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family in Feuchtwangen, Germany, and fled Nazi Germany in 1934 after Adolf Hitler had risen to power in 1933.

Female Skeleton Cradling Baby Uncovered at Holocaust Mass Grave in Belarus

Despite Gov. Alexander Rogachuk saying, “We will not allow the building of anything on bones of people,” officials are moving ahead with plans to build a luxury apartment building complex at the site.

Israel Irked by Macron-Abbas Meeting Ahead of Holocaust Forum

French President Emmanuel Macron's decision to meet with P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah ahead of the 2020 World Holocaust Forum has ruffled some feathers at the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

NY Mayor de Blasio Visiting Yad VaShem

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is visiting Yad VaShem Sunday during his two-day tour in Israel for the 30th International Mayors Conference. He...

Knesset Speaker: No Words to Describe Hypocrisy of Hosting Rouhani on Holocaust Day

Rouhani will address UNESCO, the United Nation's science and culture organization, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Artwork in German Parliament May Have Been Nazi-Looted

Two artworks hanging in Germany’s parliament building in Berlin may have been confiscated or acquired at artificially depressed prices by the Nazis from the...

Netanyahu to Albanian Prime Minister: We Will Never Forget Your Heroism During World War...

“We know that Albania is a good friend of Israel,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said to his Albanian counterpart. “We’re celebrating now 25 years of our relations.”

Australian Cartoonist Crucified by Jews, Leftists, over Comparing Gay Militants to Nazis

The cartoon was published amid news that the Australian LGBTIQ community shut down a meeting of traditional marriage groups planned for the Mecure Sydney Airport Hotel.

ADL’s Greenblatt Steps Back on Bannon Accusations, Says Anti-Semitism Spiking in America

The ADL is sounding the alarm on all channels: Anti-Semitism is spiking in America.

Knesset Bill Proposed to Outlaw Nazi Slogans

The Knesset easily passed on preliminary reading on Wednesday a bill that would make it illegal to use the word Nazi and Nazi symbols,...

Facing Lawmakers in Ukraine: Rivlin Warns ‘We Must Recognize Anti-Semitism’

Pres. Reuven Rivlin told Ukraine lawmakers that no interest will ever supersede the importance of recognizing anti-Semitism for what it is.

Justice Gavriel Bach, Eichmann Prosecutor, Dead at 94

Bach served as the state’s attorney, and worked on gathering evidence under lead prosecutor Gideon Hausner.

Netanyahu Catching Flak for ‘Holocaust Denial’

Netanyahu's point about the Arabs, the Mufti and Hitler got lost in his statement.

Wind-Whipped Fires in Jerusalem Threaten Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial

Thousands evacuated and houses on fire as planes try to water bomb the blaze.

Report: German Culture Minister Backs Jewish Delegate For Art Restitution Commission

A German government minister backs a Jewish member on a committee to decide the return of cultural property stolen by the Nazis.

Ambassadors Nides, Friedman to Lead Jewish Marchers from Auschwitz to Birkenau

Since 1988, more than 260,000 individuals have marched from Auschwitz to Birkenau.

German Frozen Pizza Maker Reveals Nazi Art Loot in Company Collection

Rudolf-August Oetker was the grandson of Dr. August Oetker. He ran the company from 1944 to 1981.

‘Six Million More’ graffitied on Greek Jewish Cemetery

Greek Jewish cemetery vandalized, graffiti called for "six million more."

Abraham Peck, Survivor of 9 Concentration Camps, Dead at 91

"At any minute the guard could shoot you for not liking the way you looked at him," Peck recalled. "They would shoot you for nothing."

House Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Award Nuremberg Trials Prosecutor with Congressional Gold Medal

“As the last living Nuremberg prosecutor and a man who spent more than 50 years prosecuting the most horrific war crimes, [Ben] Ferencz embodies the idea that while the work is not ours to finish, neither is it ours to neglect,” said Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.).

Netanyahu Calls on New German Govt to Strengthen Forces That ‘Accept Historic Responsibility’

Israel is concerned over the rise of anti-Semitism among political elements from the right and left, and among Islamic elements.

UK’s Power Station Lights Up Chimneys in Failed Attempt to Show Solidarity on Intl...

Olivia Marks-Woldman, chief executive of Holocaust Memorial Day Trust which organized the Light the Darkness campaign in Britain, issued a statement taking the blame.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/holocaust/what-happened-to-yad-vashems-picture-of-haj-amin-al-husseini-and-hitler/2018/05/21/

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