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Tag: Yitzhar

Shin Bet to Release Rechelim Detainees amid Accusations of Inflicting Emotional Damage on Innocent...

The boys' rabbi has already told the Shin Bet the boys spent Shabbat night at his table and remained in his vicinity, but, surely, you can't trust a settler rabbi.

Shin Bet: Detained Israeli Youths Suspected of Killing Arab Woman

The suspects’ attorneys state the detainees have been subjected to harsh and improper forms of interrogation.

Stoning Attack in Samaria

No physical injuries were reported, but several vehicles reportedly sustained damage.

IDF Soldiers Shoot, Injure Attacking Samaria Village Arab Rioter

"One event pursues another, a procession follows another, endangering the lives of the residents and the soldiers."

Judea and Samaria IDF Commander: We Can Retake Joseph’s Tomb

"It would be a somewhat complex but possible task, it all depends on the discretion of the political echelon."

Israeli Woman Killed in Ramming ‘Hit-and-Run’ Near Havat Gilad

The perpetrator turned himself in to Palestinian Authority authorities, claiming the incident was an accident.

First Crane Comes to Eastern Slope of Samaria Mountain Ridge

The Hitzim yeshiva is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and the building under construction will be the largest structure ever built in Itamar.

Arson Terror Attack Near Samaria Community of Yitzhar

A search was initiated to track down the terrorists.

Bennett Condemns Yitzhar Settlers’ Attack on Female Border Guard

The female Border Police officer was injured Wednesday afternoon from stones thrown at her by settlers in the Yitzhar area.

Leftwing Machsom Watch Activist Exposed and Surprised in Undercover Visit to Yitzhar

Hana Berg's tour guide began by telling her the story of Hana Berg, the Machsom Watch activist who cursed a soldier moments before he was murdered.

Incessant Police Violence Marks Evacuation of Tapuah Hill West

Overnight, police began evacuating dozens of youths who had come to support the residents of Tapuah Hill West neighborhood against the scheduled Sunday morning...

Palestinian Authority Terrorists Attack Israeli Motorists in Samaria

No physical injuries were reported but the windshield of a vehicle was shattered in the attack.

Watch: Undercover Soldiers Capture Arab Stone Throwers in the Shomron

For years, Israelis hiking in the Shomron have reported that Arabs from various villages come out and attack them during their hikes.

Yitzhar Teen Hurt by Arab Stoning During Tu B’Shevat Activity

IDF soldiers and Border Guard Police officers who arrived at the scene pushed the attackers back towards their village.

14-Year-Old Girl Rescued from 8 Meter Deep Pit

The girl was trapped underground for 8 hours until rescue workers found her.

Yitzhar Residents Accuse Security Officers of Looting During Demolition

"The looting deeply humiliates a person, not only by stripping him of his possessions but by stripping him of his dignity, and trampling his status vis-à-vis the security forces."

High School Students Sent By Manpower Agency to Help Expel Yitzhar Families

Many of the youths were assigned to participate in the expulsion process and were told to help pack family belongings. They refused to participate with the expulsion.

Acrimonious Exchanges between Residents and IDF Commander following Neveh Tzuf Massacre

It turns out the IDF divides the Judea and Samaria Arabs into four categories: "Violent," "deterred," "indifferent," and "appeased," and the Army is helpless to act when they crossover without any warning.

Settler Suing Police over Sexual Harassment in Mikvah

'it is important that the laws of human rights, individual rights and certainly the right to privacy are kept regarding all citizens, including Yitzhar residents.'

Watch Israelis Hands Out Tortit Bars in Huwara

Israelis from Yitzhar were poking fun at the Arab tradition to hand out candies after successful terror attacks.

Arab Rioter Wounded from Rubber Bullet in ‘Land Day’ Attack on Yitzhar

Only a week ago Arabs carried out a provocative "agricultural ploughing" at the very same spot.

Arabs Sprayed Swastikas, Hate Graffiti, in Samaria Jewish Community

"The so called secure harvest has proven time and again to be life endangering, this farce must end, once and for all," said Yitzhar Secretariat Chairman Uriah Cohen.

Samaria Jew Indicted for Shooting at Arab Taxi that Tried to Run Him Over

The indictment omits a crucial component, the fact that the Arab taxi veered off its path in an attempt to ram the shooter's vehicle.

Knesset Committee discussed Yitzhar Minor’s Case

No representatives from either the Justice Ministry or the Shabak showed up for the meeting.

Knesset Committee Holding Hearing Tuesday on Plight of Yitzhar Minor

The minor pulled out of his own home, without judicial due process and without seeking expert opinion from a social worker and the Youth Probation Service.

Police Continue Nightly Harassment of Minor Targeted by Outgoing Defense Minister

Ah, police harassment, that unique combination of abuse of power and contempt for civilians.

The Minor from Yitzhar Visits the Knesset

Amazing how someone so dangerous is allowed to roam free and even enter the halls of the Knesset to meet with MKs and Ministers.

Police Harass Grandparents of the Minor from Yitzhar

The police violently woke the elderly couple at 4 AM to see if the boy was sleeping in his grandparent's home. They did that to other families who also hosted the boy.

Minor from Yitzhar Freed Again in Latest Legal Ping Pong

Back at the first court again, the minor from Yitzhar has been freed, until tomorrow.

No Water in Multiple Shomron Towns

The water authorities are saying that the water demand has become too much for the existing infrastructure to handle.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/religious-secular-in-israel-israel/shin-bet-to-release-rechelim-detainees-amid-accusations-of-inflicting-emotional-damage-on-innocent-children/2019/01/10/

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