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President Richard Joel at YU Commencement.

But when Rabbi Weiss left to found Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT), that changed things. He felt that YU had moved too far to the right which he believed was hampering Modern Orthodoxy’s appeal to the left. Now there is a split. YCT represents the left and his newly minted denomination, Open Orthodoxy (OO). YU by default is now basically a Centrist Yeshiva. I lament the fact that this happened. But it has and there is no turning back.

With YCT representing the left, YU must represent the center. Richard Joel has been true to YU’s identity and has courageously stood with the RCA in its views on OO and YCT.


Now… back to who should replace Richard Joel. In my view, it has to be someone that represent the values of Centrist Orthodoxy. It should be someone that has credentials in both Torah and Madda. And last but not least – someone with the ability to raise money. Lots of it. I want to see YU flourish. The only way that is going to happen is if they get someone with all 3 credentials.

An article in Tablet Magazine by Yair Rosenberg suggested a few names. Two of them resonated with me. One was my good friend and former Chicagoan, Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik. He is Rav Ahron’s grandson and he certainly fills the first 2 qualifications and perhaps even the 3rd. My only reservation with him is his relative youth and inexperience as a leader. He has that potential. But I don’t think he’s there yet. Perhaps a future term. Besides, I think he is better suited for another role at YU as successor to his great uncle, Rav Soloveitchik. He is not of course in that league. But I do think he is in the best position to eventually assume that kind of leadership role.

That leaves Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. I believe that he is the man for the job – even at age 67. His Hashkafos are Centrist and he has the same kind of Torah U’Madda credentials as did Dr. Lamm. He will lend the kind of prestige to YU that it hasn’t had in a long time. It is therefore my belief that he will be able to generate the funds YU so desperately needs.

Unfortunately,as Yair Rosenberg notes, he probably doesn’t want the job. But if I were a member of the YU board, I would do whatever it takes to get him. Whatever it costs them will be more than made up by the prestige and leadership Lord Sacks would provide.

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

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Harry Maryles runs the blog "Emes Ve-Emunah" which focuses on current events and issues that effect the Jewish world in general and Orthodoxy in particular. It discuses Hashkafa and news events of the day - from a Centrist perspctive and a philosphy of Torah U'Mada. He can be reached at [email protected].