Photo Credit: Courtesy Aaron Klein
Aaron Klein

Some have seen the base’s reopening as largely symbolic since spy methods now rely more on satellites and technology that can be deployed from anywhere.

But Robert Jervis, professor of international politics at Columbia University, warned Russia could use the base to provide information to communist allies such as Venezuela and Bolivia.


There is no mistaking that the base reopening combined with other recent Russian moves toward Cuba pose a challenge to the U.S. It may in part help explain why, as part of the new rapprochement, Obama is eager to open a U.S. embassy on Cuban soil. The facility will clearly help establish a U.S. presence to check Russia in the country.

In August, Putin paid a visit to Cuba, where the Russian strongman reportedly forgave 90 percent of Cuba’s unpaid Soviet-era debts, which totaled $32 billion.

He also reportedly signed industry, energy, and trade deals with Cuba that include a search for oil in Cuban waters.

Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton University, saw Putin’s trip to Cuba as “a reply to Obama’s notion that Russia could be isolated, by saying, ‘Hey, here we are back 90 miles off your shore with a big greeting, and we’re going back into economic business here.’”

According to media reports, Putin utilized a Latin American tour in August to sign numerous military agreements to place Russian global positioning stations in not only Cuba but also Argentina and Brazil.

In February 2013, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev reportedly signed a deal with Cuba to lease the country eight Russian jets.

In a move undoubtedly watched closely by the Pentagon, in April 2013 Russian Military Chief of Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov reportedly toured key Cuban military and intelligence site.

Four months later, a spokesman for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet told reporters the fleet’s flagship, the Russian guided-missile warship Moskva, would tour the coast of Cuba and Central and South American ports.

In February, it was reported that another Russian warship, the Viktor Leonov CCB-175, had docked in Cuba.


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Aaron Klein is the Jerusalem bureau chief for Breitbart News. Visit the website daily at He is also host of an investigative radio program on New York's 970 AM Radio on Sundays from 7 to 9 p.m. Eastern. His website is