Photo Credit:
Rabbi Lichtenstein (z"l).

The Tzohar Rabbinical Organization expresses deep sorrow following the passing of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion.

“Rabbi Lichtenstein was among the rabbinical giants of religious Zionism and was a true genius in his mastery of both the worlds of Torah alongside culture and literature. The Rabbi demonstrated an enormous sense of commitment and responsibility to both the worlds of halacha alongside a remarkable sense of humanity and caring for the individual. Rabbi Lichtenstein was a member of the founding board of four religious Zionist rabbis whose vision and inspiration served to guide the development of Tzohar in its earliest days. Our deepest condolences to the entire Lichtenstein family and his family of students here in Israel and around the world.”


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