Photo Credit: Jewish Press

And why do these men seem threatened by an attractive, accomplished, and smart woman like Fox News’s Megyn Kelly – to the point that they applaud Trump for “putting her in her place” and other such nonsense?

And why do some Tea Party types who delight in labeling any Republican they disagree with as a RINO – Republican In Name Only – now support the ultimate RINO?


Trump changes his political views more frequently than most people charge their cell phones, and just a few short years ago he was lambasting the last Republican president, George W. Bush, while singing the praises of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

He’s given money to liberals like the Clintons, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi; he was pro-abortion and now he’s anti-abortion; he was for a more liberal immigration policy before he decided he wants to deport millions of undocumented workers and their families; and at one point he was for a national health care policy even more liberal than Obama’s. Will the real Trump please stand up?

As Dan Diamond recently wrote in Forbes magazine: “Speaking with CNN, Trump said that the Affordable Care Act has ‘gotta go’ and that he would repeal the law and replace it with ‘something terrific.’ (Trump added that he’d ‘work out some sort of a really smart deal with hospitals across the country’ to provide care for poor Americans.) It’s typical Trump. Quotable. Bombastic. But it doesn’t make any sense – especially when you look at Trump’s complete comments on health care.”

Empty clichés, vague promises, and serial name-calling. We as a country really can do better than this.

Miriam Siegel
(Via E-Mail)

Loose Cannon

Donald Trump should not be a candidate for president of the United States. He is a loose cannon, and I am not referring to the immigration issue, which has to be addressed by more logical minds.

Trump is the personification of a global bully who could end up initiating major conflicts in the world. My concern is he will shoot from the hip and blunder into a nuclear war with Russia or China.
I have been voting as a conservative for various candidates from both parties since 1960 and I do not recall a presidential candidate as off the wall as Trump.

Donald A. Moskowitz
Londonderry, NH

Remember President Perry

Donald Trump’s supporters who harp on their man’s lead in the polls should consider this: At exactly this time in early September 2011, fourteen months before the presidential election, the Republican front-runner was Rick Perry, with 29 percent! How did that work out for President Perry?

It’s also ironic and just a little distressing that many of the same people who’ve accused Obama of acting like a dictator or lacking the class a president should have are now so enthusiastic about a man who thinks that insulting people and blurting out whatever comes into his head is somehow presidential.

Lee Hurvitz
(Via E-Mail)

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