Photo Credit: Flash 90/Haim Zach/GPO
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mossad Ceremony.

But there was that speech. And there’s the nucleus of hope that he can slay the dragon, get us through the next 22 months, get us past the dangers that face us on every front.

Or maybe he can’t. And maybe the only important thing for me to do is to do my own hishtadlus and then pray very hard for my people and for Israel.


I’ve done my hishtadlus. And I’m voting for Bibi first thing tomorrow morning.

And then I’ll go home and say some Tehillim.







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Blogger and mother of 12, Varda Meyers Epstein is a third-generation Pittsburgher who made aliyah at age 18 and never looked back. A proud settler who lives in the biblical Judean heartland, Varda serves as the communications writer for the nonprofit car donation program Kars4Kids, a Guidestar Gold medal charity. The author's political opinions are her own and not endorsed by her employer.