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But this concept isn’t limited to areas of life and death. Across the full spectrum of the human experience, Hashem is directly and intimately involved in the running of our lives.

This seems to be the answer to the question on the Daas Zakainim. Any infighting among Klal Yisrael indicates that we don’t really understand who runs the world. Why am I angry with you? Because you hurt me, you wronged me, you took something from me. If I truly understood that Hashem alone determines every outcome, all anger would disappear. I might feel disappointment that you have chosen poorly, but anger only comes from the sense that you have harmed me.


If the Jewish people are fighting, then by definition it means Hashem isn’t our King. Fighting is an act of insubordination because it means we deny Hashem’s control, and so it is an act of rejecting Hashem’s sovereignty. We only proclaim Hashem as our King when we truly understand it is He alone who controls every action that befalls us, and so he is only our King when we live in peace and harmony with each other.


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Rabbi Shafier is the founder of The Shmuz is an engaging, motivating shiur that deals with real life issues. All of the Shmuzin are available free of charge at or on the Shmuz App for iphone or Android.