When Fire & Water Collide – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rabbi Amicha Cohen joins Rav Yitzchak and William to continue the discussion on Achdut (Unity) and what can be done to work on ourselves to change our world. Sources from the Zohar on the elements that went into the creation of man and how fire and water interact give us insight into bringing unity to ourselves and others.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak and William discuss rainbows, the seven Noahide laws, and how it all connects to Kabbalah.

Is Meditation the Answer for a Successful Future? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

In this week's show we have our final interview with Rav Doniel Katz of the Elevation Project. The discussion focuses on meditation, and specifically the rich tradition for mindfulness and meditation in Torah and Judaism. Why has it been ignored, and what can we do to rectify this? This is a show worth sharing with your friends, as we seek to take back another tradition that has been lost to us, or taken over by a secular world.

Art, Science, and Kabbalah – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week the discussion centers on the connection of our divine service to the Creator with the Arts and Sciences. As well as, how Kabbalah connects our souls to these concepts that would normally seem at odds with Torah.

The Brilliance of Chanukah to Light the Nations – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

As we focus on the lights of Chanukah we are reminded of the special obligation and responsibility we have to disseminate the light of the Torah to the nations.

Shavuot: For Heavens Sake, What on Earth Are You Doing? – The Science of...

Rabbi Yitzchak and William finish their discussion about Counting of the Omer. After, they discuss Shavuot and the custom of learning all night as a rectification for the Jewish people supposedly sleeping in on the morning they were supposed to receive the Torah.

Take Two Tablets, and Call on Me in the Morning! – The Science of...

Rabbi Yitzchak and William discuss the tablets given at Sinai, the Golden Calf, and what Kabbalah and the Zohar give as the connection to the mixed multitude and the Jewish people.

The Aftermath: How to Keep the Fire Burning – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Many people feel like they reach a very high level on Jewish holidays, only to feel like they have fallen just after. Having just celebrated Shavuot, Rav Yitzchak and William discuss how we can keep the fires of faith burning all year long.

Messiah and the Messianic Age – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Science of Kabbalah started with a show on creation so it makes sense that on this our final show we talk about the end of days or what we classify as the Messianic Age in Judaism.

A Blessing on Your Head – Ethical? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the weekly Torah portion where we read the story of a supposed deception played out when Rebecca convinces her son to fool his father who is about to give a blessing to Esau. Does this raise any ethical questions, and how does it relate to our struggle and the consequences we experience in life?

What is Mazal and Is It Relevant for the Nations? – The Science of...

Rav Yitzchak is joined by his old friend Rabbi David Katz. Rabbi Katz has had an incredible journey this past year. He talks about his weight loss, recent marriage, and redesigning himself as a Rabbi and teacher. He also shares with us the concept of Mazal, both his own and how it relates to the concept of the Ger (non-Jew).

Coronavirus and the Leper: Is there a Connection? – The Science of Kabbalah...

Rabbi Yitzchak is on his own this week talking about the double Torah portion of Tazria and Metzora. In these Torah portions we learn about a woman's purification from giving birth and the Metzora, or someone who is afflicted with the skin condition known as "Tzaraat," which is often translated as leprosy. The teachings of the Jewish Sages and Kabbalah offer a different perspective on these issues, and might change your perspective as it relates to our age of Coronavirus.

Redemption: What Is It? Who Is It For? How Can We Help to Bring...

This week we are joined by Shifra Chana Hendrie of Gate of Unity who is founder of and host of the Global Geula Summit taking place later this week. Here about how we are both individually and corporately able and responsible to partner with the Creator in seeing redemption come to all of mankind.

Don’t Get Swallowed Up: Learn from Korach – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

A sink hole opens up at Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem in the same week that we are getting ready to read the Torah portion of Korach.

The Three Weeks: From Negativity to Positivity – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rabbi Yitzchak and William discuss the period known as the "Three Weeks." It is the period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av. This is a time of great mourning in Judaism as a result of the great calamities that took place on these dates and during this period. However, in spite of this seemingly negative period and even with all that is going on in the world, there is a way to take this negative energy and turn it positive.

How Halakha (Jewish Law) Brings Illumination – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rav Yitzchak is joined by his wife Leah. He continues the discussion started with William last week about rights versus responsibilities. However, in this week's show through the teaching of Rebbe Nachman, Kabbalah, and other sources we see the connection that halakha has to Shabbat and its ability to bring illumination into all of aspects of our lives.

Finding Unity in an Upside Down World – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

We are joined this week by Rabbi Avraham Sutton. Our topic revolves around the divisiveness that has taken hold of the world and our inability to find commonality even while disagreeing with others. We use as an illustration, which Rabbi Sutton clarifies, the picture of the inverted tree as brought down by the Maharal of Prague. This is an eye opening lesson on who we are an what we are connected to.

The Separation of Darkness from Light – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rabbi Yitzchak and William look at two very interesting verses in the book of Exodus related to the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire. Early on in chapter 13 we see that Hashem goes before the children of Israel in the pillar of cloud, however, in chapter 14 we see that the angel of Elokim is now moving from before the children of Israel in the pillar of cloud to behind the camp. The pillar of fire also moves and now these two pillars separate the camp of Israel from the camp of Egypt after the Egyptians change their minds and come after the children of Israel. Listen to the very interesting discussion from commentaries of the sages to bring light to these verses.

The Science of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the Torah Portion Terumah, which has to do with bringing offerings for the construction of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. However, there is much more we can learn about the physical tabernacle and its connection to the spiritual.

Striving Toward Holiness – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This Shabbat we read the double Torah portion of Acharei Mot and Kedoshim. The first portion deals with instructions for Aaron the High Priest after the death of his sons. He is given instructions for the Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) service and then we have a seeming disconnect when a long list of prohibited sexual relationships are given. Can we find a connection between the High Priest, these prohibited acts, and a command to be holy? Listen in as Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the thread that ties them all together, as we all strive toward holiness.

The Skin Off My Back: The Corona Connection – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rabbi Yitzchak and William discuss the Olah (Burnt) Offering and the unique instruction to remove its skin. In our current situation, we are incapable of touching other people and are even told to avoid coming in contact with the skin on our own faces. Can there be a spiritual connection to skin, the human soul, and our current Coronavirus environment. Listen to this very unique perspective from the Kabbalah and the Sages of Judaism.

From Cruelty to Compassion – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

With all the suffering we have endured between Covid, the Meron Tragedy, the Shavuot Tragedy, Rocket Attacks, Terror Attacks, and the Rise of Anti-Semitism around the world, it is time to take stock. This is not just about the Nation of Israel or the Jewish people. This is a message for the entirety of humanity. It is time to take stock in ourselves and come to terms with the cruelty in our hearts, without being silent about the injustices in the world. It sounds like a contradiction, but it's not.

Is Judaism Colorblind? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week we are joined by Mordechai ben Avraham whose journey took him from the entertainment business of Los Angeles, to the Yeshivot of Jerusalem. Growing up an African American whose parents embraced Islam in his childhood is a far cry from his current path as an Orthodox Jew living in Jerusalem. Hear the amazing story of transformation and learn more about his upcoming book, "The Mind of the Black Jew."

What are You Wearing for Purim? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak and William discuss Purim, Amalek, and the importance of clothing. Are you wearing a costume just for one day, or do you wear a mask all year long? This, and other important questions will be discussed and answered.

Sukkot and the Nations – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Science of Kabbalah is joined by Rabbi Amichai Cohen of Live Kabbalah in Tzfat. He shares the connection that Sukkot has with the nations, and the role that all of us play in helping to work on ourselves in order to see both personal and global redemption.

Exile & Redemption: What can we Learn from Yosef & Moshe (Joseph & Moses)?...

Rabbi Yitzchak is joined once again by his wife Leah as they discuss the connections made regarding exile and redemption in the Torah portion Vayechi read last week, and the Torah portion of Shemot which starts this week. The connections are made between Yaakov (Jacob), Yosef (Joseph) and Moshe (Moses), as it relates to the beginning of the exile in Egypt and the concept of redemption. Not just the physical redemption of the children of Israel, but the spiritual component that is even relevant today.

The Process of Redemption in Turbulent Times – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rabbi Yitzchak and William discuss concepts discussed by the sages of Judaism about the process of redemption and the footprints or footsteps of Messiah. In this turbulent world it is easy to lose focus. To simply be distracted by the numerous voices and the barking of dogs. However, everything has to play out in a certain way. The question is whether or not there is something we can do about it? Listen in to learn more.

An Awakening from Below – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

It it no coincidence that the weekly Torah portion of Nitzavim is read in close proximity to Rosh HaShana (The Jewish New Year) and the Yamim Noraim (The Days of Awe). Why are the curses in Deuteronomy different than those we read about in Leviticus?

Can we Learn about Torah from the Three Stooges? – Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the crazy math used by the Three Stooges and Abbot and Costello, and how certain groups try to use this type of logic to reinterpret the Hebrew scriptures to say something it does not. In this show you will learn from Torah sources and Kabbalah how the math adds up, and how Avraham (Abraham) experienced the Creator and interacted with his messengers (angels).

From Chaos to Illumination – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

On this weeks program Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the chaos of both U.S. and Israeli politics, and then connect it with the Mishikan (Tabernacle) and it's vessels and furniture. Specifically, the seven branched Menorah (Lampstand) and how it is mirrored by the human head. Finally, we share a meditative technique meant to help anyone view themselves in a new light.


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