Fire on the Mountain, and Fire All Around – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak is once again joined by his wife Leah. This week they continue their discussion of the counting of the Omer, but also discuss the holiday of Lag B'Omer. This is a holiday that not only commemorates the death of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar, but is celebrated through the lighting of bonfires and great rejoicing.

Conspiracy Theories: Losers or Winners? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week we are joined by Professor Joe Uscinski a Political Scientist and expert in conspiracy theories. The author of two books on the subject, Professor Uscinski shares his perspective after years of extensive research on the origins of conspiracy theories and what drives a person to be drawn to such beliefs. He also shares his opinion as it relates to past pandemics as well as our current battle against Coronavirus.

The Fires of Honor and Glory – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

What is the reason for your Torah study? Rav Yitzchak and William discuss those who study and teach Torah for self aggrandizement, rather than for the sake of purifying and cleansing themselves of negative character traits. This is something that we all need to reflect on during the Counting of the Omer.

The Science of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the Torah Portion Terumah, which has to do with bringing offerings for the construction of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. However, there is much more we can learn about the physical tabernacle and its connection to the spiritual.

Shavuot: For Heavens Sake, What on Earth Are You Doing? – The Science of...

Rabbi Yitzchak and William finish their discussion about Counting of the Omer. After, they discuss Shavuot and the custom of learning all night as a rectification for the Jewish people supposedly sleeping in on the morning they were supposed to receive the Torah.

Jews and Astrology: Is there “Mazal” in Israel? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak and William are joined by Lorelai Kude. Lorelai has over forty years of experience in astrology as it relates to Jewish tradition. Her Master's thesis "Yesh Mazal B'Yisarel," translated as "There is Mazal in Israel," is the answer to the often quoted source by most Jews that there is in fact no mazal or constellation in Israel. Meaning that Jews don't believe in, or shouldn't be involved in astrology. However, there are numerous sources from the sages of Judaism that speak otherwise. This is a fascinating show that will challenge your beliefs on the role of astrology in Judaism specifically, as well as for all the rest of the world.

The Purim Passover Connection – Part 2 – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Last week we began our discussion on a lesson from Rebbe Nachman on Purim as a path towards Passover. In this week's show we continue the discussion with the connection of the Red Heifer spoken of in the upcoming Torah portion this Shabbat, which is known as Shabbat Parah, and the differences between the types of redemption experienced by the Jewish people.

The Aftermath: How to Keep the Fire Burning – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Many people feel like they reach a very high level on Jewish holidays, only to feel like they have fallen just after. Having just celebrated Shavuot, Rav Yitzchak and William discuss how we can keep the fires of faith burning all year long.

What’s All This Monkey Business? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the increased joy and laughter one is required to have in the month of Adar, and the connection with monkeys and elephants.

Don’t Get Swallowed Up: Learn from Korach – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

A sink hole opens up at Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem in the same week that we are getting ready to read the Torah portion of Korach.

Revealing Your True Face – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rabbi Yitzchak is joined this week by his wife Leah as they discuss the issues of travel during a pandemic, as well as preparations for Rosh HaShana. The focus of the show is from Parsha Nitzavim tied together with Kabbalah and a section of Rebbe Nachman's Likutei Moharan. All of these point us to our true faces, which are a reflection of all of us having been created in the image of God.

What can Torah Teach us about the Coronavirus? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rabbi Yitzchak is joined once again by his wife Leah. They discuss the Torah portion of Ki Tisa and connect some of the themes to the current Coronavirus Pandemic. Not only is there allusions to this virus in the Torah, but a connection is made to the Mishkan, the Half Shekel, the Golden Calf and to the holiday of Purim which we are celebrating today in most of Israel, and in walled cities like Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Fire: Destruction or Illumination – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

The Zohar on Behaalotecha the Torah portion describing the Aaron the High Priest ascending to light the Menorah (Lampstand) starts out speaking about the fires of illumination. However, it soon speaks about Noah's Ark and the concept of judgment related to Yom HaDin (Rosh Hashana), the Jewish New Year. There is an interesting connection and distinction to be made based on what we learn in this Torah portion related to the destructive fires that are burning around the world. Fire can be positive or negative depending on one's perspective. What is your perspective?

What’s Love Got To Do With It? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Now that we have left the days of mourning behind us and come into the days of comfort, tonight we will celebrate the minor holiday of Tu B'Av. The 15th of Av has a connection to biblical times as well as a connection to a modern world. In some ways it is viewed as the Israeli version of Valentine's Day. What do the Jewish sources teach us about this little known holiday and what we can learn about love and elevation?

What’s In A Name? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rabbi Yitzchak is once again joined by his wife to discuss the book of Exodus and the importance of names. Often times our names in addition to identifying us, also reveal our characteristics. It is interesting to note that many of the people in the opening stories of Exodus remain nameless. Like Yocheved the mother of Moses and Miriam his sister, as well as the Pharoah. Yet, we see that G-d reveals His Name to Moses in a way that He has never revealed it to anyone else. This show will reveal the importance of our names and more importantly the holiness of the name of G-d.

From Chaos to Illumination – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

On this weeks program Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the chaos of both U.S. and Israeli politics, and then connect it with the Mishikan (Tabernacle) and it's vessels and furniture. Specifically, the seven branched Menorah (Lampstand) and how it is mirrored by the human head. Finally, we share a meditative technique meant to help anyone view themselves in a new light.

Is Judaism Colorblind? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week we are joined by Mordechai ben Avraham whose journey took him from the entertainment business of Los Angeles, to the Yeshivot of Jerusalem. Growing up an African American whose parents embraced Islam in his childhood is a far cry from his current path as an Orthodox Jew living in Jerusalem. Hear the amazing story of transformation and learn more about his upcoming book, "The Mind of the Black Jew."

How did the Beginning Begin – Part 2 – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rabbi Yitzchak and William pick up where they left off. The discussion goes into more detail about why the letter "Bet" the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet is used at the beginning of the Torah. In addition, we are given the perspective of the Sages and Kabbalists about the distinctions between this physical reality and the spiritual essence that lies behind it or under it.

A Response to the Unimaginable: Lessons from Meron – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak is joined by his friend Rabbi Amichai Cohen who was in attendance at the Lag B'Omer celebration on Mt. Meron when tragedy struck. Hear his first hand impressions as well as a discussion on the spiritual lessons we learn when dealing with situations above and beyond our control.

A Vision Beyond Nature and Science Part 2 – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

In Part 2 of this episode of A Vision Beyond Nature and Science we continue the discussion on the connections of Kabbalistic concepts with our physical world.

Does Kabbalah have an Answer for Politics? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

William returns and joins Rav Yitzchak to speak about politics in both the U.S. and Israel. How are we to view the opposite sides, and what does Kabbalah teach us about finding the balance instead of the extreme.

The Crown and the Slop Bucket – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

What in the world is a slop bucket and how can it connect to a Crown? This week Rabbi Yitzchak and William speak about the elephant that's in the room, but the elephant that is everywhere. The Coronavirus is on everyone's mind and people are either connecting to physicality or spirituality. How do we focus when there are so many distractions?

There is Nothing New in the Past – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

There are triggers in life that always allow us to become nostaligic and to dwell on the past. A major theme in the climatic verse from Lamentations that we read on Tish B'Av relates to both old and new.

Can I Get Along with Myself? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

William returns to join Rav Yitzchak in a fascinating discussion on the weekly Torah Portion of Lech Lecha. Typically translated "Go forth or Go for yourself," Rav Yitzchak explains how the Zohar teaches us it actually means to "Go into yourself." Thus the title, "Can I get along with myself?" All too often people think the "I" and the "Self" are two expressions of the same thing, but we discuss the differences in this interesting take on Parsha Lech Lecha.

Lech Lecha: Go Into Yourself – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

More often than not the Torah portion Lech Lecha is translated as "Go for yourself," however, the Zohar teaches us that this is really translated as "Go into yourself."

Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick Just In Case – The Science of...

This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss Parshat Chukat and the incident of Moshe (Moses) striking the rock, rather than speaking to it as commanded by HaShem. Can we find some connections to Kabbalah and the way in which we learn Torah today, and is there a repair for this seemingly great sin that kept Moshe from entering the Land? Listen to hear what the sages of Judaism have to say, and to gain insight into why the apparent argumentative style of Talmudic discourse was all part of the plan.

A Vision Beyond Nature and Science – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week's Science of Kabbalah returns to its roots with a discussion of how the Torah connects us, and even allows us to see beyond nature and the physical world. This was accomplished by the great teachers of Kabbalah as they looked beyond our physical world to the upper worlds. Not to only gain wisdom and knowledge, but to unlock the key to true rectification and redemption.

The Unity of Opposites – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rabbi Yitzchak is joined by his wife Leah as they discuss Parsha Vayechi and the diverse blessings given by Yaakov to his sons. That these same sons who represent the twelves tribes had mutually exclusive and contradictory character traits, yet without each one could not have combined to be Knesset Yisrael. In essence, like so many things in this universe that the Kabbalah describes as unity of opposites, each one of us like the twelve tribes as different as we are can come together and hasten the redemption.

It’s All About the Timing – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

Rav Yitzchak and William are back this week speaking about Rosh Chodesh Iyar, the Counting of the Omer and how timing is everything when serving the Creator the Universe.


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