The Walter Bingham File – A Diverse Week In Israel Humiliated By Turkey? [audio]

This week saw a significant contrast between the view of large sections of the Israel public and the government in their evaluation of the agreement with Turkey.

Discrimination Against Women Is Just! – Hollywood, The Oscars and #MeToo – The Walter...

It is said that women are God's gift to men. But there are some we could well do without. This program will tell you all about them and their hypocrisy.

What Do Mahmoud Abbas and The Polish Government have in Common? – The Walter...

Hear: How Jews caused their own murders, as explained by the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas.

Enough Of The Talking – Now Start Acting Against Antisemitism – The Walter Bingham...

Hear: A comprehensive report from the World Holocaust Forum Held in Jerusalem, attended by 46 World Leaders, Kings Presidents, Princes and Prime Ministers, as well as excepts from some of the speeches.

Sovereignty Now – or Wait for Moshiach – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Sovereignty Now - Or Wait For Moshiach . Why Is It Now Time To Extend Sovereignty

A Week Of Momentous Events The Gaza Belt Is Burning – The...

My personal commemoration and recollections, on the 74th anniversary of 'D' Day, the invasion of Europe AND some history.

Netanyahu Made It Again! and The Strange US Election System – The Walter Bingham...

Finally: We shall have a stable government for the next four years. Netanyahu needs a firm hand to stop the parties’ infighting for advantages. Now the country must come first.

A Week Of Historic Proportions – Will Netanyahu survive? – The Walter Bingham File...

It is inconceivable that this Middle East superpower should be so humiliated by terrorists, that our kindergartens have to be held in shelters.

The Walter Bingham File – Disturbances At The Western Wall [audio]

Rabbi Nathan Lopez Cardozo discusses with Walter his controversial and drastic solution to prevent once and for the endless objections to the Orthodox control of all procedures at the Western Wall area.

In the Shadow of Possible Indictment the PM Runs 5 Ministries! – The Walter...

In a Democracy should a Prime Minister hold five ministerial portfolios, or does this amount to abuse of power?

Who Will Form A Coalition? – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

It's not yet the last word on the election. The votes are in, but with the country split down the middle, who will form the government will not be known for another three weeks at the earliest, when President Reuven Rivlin decides.

Bibi Or Benny A Comprehensive Explanation Of Israel’s Election Procedure – The Walter Bingham...

Hear: All about the mammoth logistics involved and the materials required in preparing for a list of 46 parties to be voted for by more than 6 1/2 million eligible citizens, at 1200 locations.

President Trump Recognises The Obvious – A Week Of Suspense – And How We...

Trump ignored precedent and recognized Jerusalem as Israel's Capital, thereby preparing for the US Embassy to be moved to Jerusalem, but not yet. Also: How Israel joined with the USA to provide Electricity to sub Saharan Africa. A very important development that did not make the news.

Auschwitz As Seen Through The Eyes Of The Commandant’s Grandson – The Walter Bingham...

There are: Some locations in the world that conjure up images of cruel events long gone by. Today I’m going to talk with my guest in great detail about a more recent one, one that trumps even the barbarities of the Inquisition.

Antisemitism 76 Years After Auschwitz – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Hear: How some parts of our country are sick, affecting every segment of our population, yet the compassionate society thrives.

The Thin End Of The Wedge and Israel In 2004 vs. Today – The...

Why: We cannot allow Israel’s Supreme Court to rule on Halacha (Jewish Religious Law)

What Came First, Terrorism Or Occupation? – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Argents Provocateur: Arre ruthlessly exploiting the grief of the hostage families by infiltrating peaceful demonstrations for alternate agendas.

Walter Bingham File – The Week That Was. The Fraudulent Claims Of Private Palestinian...

The village of Amona and the rest of Judea and Samaria are already Israeli State Land!

The Diaspora’s Unreasonable Demands – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Who: Keeps Kosher ‘better’. The government’s proposed reform., ending the monopoly of the orthodox Rabbinate of both kosher supervision and conversion. opened the door to competing organisations, causing doubt and mistrust.

From Poland And The Tragedy Of The Jewish Catholics In Poland – The Walter...

Much is written and said about the destruction by the Nazis of the largest Jewish Community in Europe - in Poland.

The Nation State Law Changes Nothing and Why the Prime Minister Must Go –...

Hear: The new Basic Nation State Law fully explained. Why: I can no longer support Benyamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister. And: One Kosher step too far !


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