Conference Of Presidents – Arab Gulf States are Warming To Israel – The...

The annual meeting in Israel of the Leadership Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations and their achievements.

The Senior Journalist Shares Almost a Century of History – The Walter Bingham File...

Walter Bingham was born in Germany in 1924. He left his parents' home at age 14 to study, and while he was away, his father was arrested and subsequently murdered by the Nazis.

Infighting For Major Portfolios May Result In Their Loss – The Walter Bingham File...

Lone Wolf: Terrorists have claimed another three lives this week. For terrorist murder the death penalty is appropriate. It also saves prison costs.

Our High Courts are Corrupted By Politics & Time To Ditch The Foreign Laws...

Who Decides: Our Covid 19 restrictions? The Prime Minister who chose to leave the country in the midst of a second wave for a photo opportunity in Washington, or the ‘know All’ government ministers, or their appointed expert health professional ?

A Momentous Week – Why Is Israel’s Supreme Court Unjust? – The Walter Bingham...

How: Two funny books would have helped me with my Aliyah, by learning about the Israeli psyche, with an interview with the author.

Israel’s Politics – A Guide For The Perplexed – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Walter presents to you how two distinguished commentators try to make sense of Israeli politics.

What The Wind Blows In From The West – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Hear: Walter’s report and interview to show that there is no necessity for a diploma in history, to know, that despite their protestations, anti-Semitism is engrained in the nature and lifestyle of Poles, as reflected in their government’s policy today.

Binyamin Netanyahu Gives His Thoughts Free Reign – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Prime Minister Netanyahu spelled out the danger for countries if they will not take firm action against Iran.

Jews Helped To Save The World & Ayeket Shaket, A Future Prime Minister? –...

Condolences to Our President and His Family. We Celebrate: 52 Years united undivided eternal Jerusalem, the liberation of Judea and Samaria and the capture of the Golan heights.

How One Man Saved The World’s Yiddish Literature From Being Lost – The Walter...

Today: The programme is devoted to extraordinary stories and some of the history that shaped the Jewish world.

The Turks Divert the Public’s Attention from the Economic Hardship – The Walter Bingham...

This Programme: Gives a comprehensive explanation of the implications of global warming and what happened at COP26, the international conference on Climate Change. Who were the winners and who considered themselves to be the losers. Also, why did Israel send a 140 strong delegation?

Trump Decrees: There Is No Free Lunch – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Walter describes his shows as informative and entertaining. Today, for the first and sofar only time and very exceptionally he calls this programme educational.

Who Will Form A Coalition? – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

It's not yet the last word on the election. The votes are in, but with the country split down the middle, who will form the government will not be known for another three weeks at the earliest, when President Reuven Rivlin decides.

The Exaggeration of ‘Settler Violence’ – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

There is: Great concern by our biased government, and amplified by the media, about the more recent isolated attacks by Jews against Arabs in Judea and Samaria, but less concern about daily ongoing stone and fatal Arab bomb attacks against Jews.

How The German Railways Enabled the Holocaust – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Hear How: The German Railways were a key element in Hitler’s systematic extermination of Millions. The leading German Rail historian explains their involvement and organisation during the Nazi era and the financial rewards for their business. I'll call you tomorrow.

Our Supreme Court’s Unsustainable Powers – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

Why: Only Israel has a legal right to this land. Arab claims based on documents issued by Jordan during their illegal 19 years of occupation of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem are fake and cannot be recognised.

Argue with Walter: Israel’s Greatest Error That Resulted In Severe Consequences [audio]

Walter talks this week among about the reasons why the Arab point of view has been so successful in persuading a great part of world opinion.

UNRWA The Great Refugee Fraud – This Has To Be Heard – The Walter...

After: The defeat of Nazi Germany 73 years ago at great cost to the Allied forces and after the murder of 6 million Jews the world thought that the scourge of anti-Semitism has been eradicated.

The escalation in Gaza – Modern anti-Semitism – The Walter Bingham File [audio]

The South of Israel burns and Bibi looks on. If he cannot or will not defeat the enemy, he must make way for someone who can.

A Miscellany Of Events in Hanoi, Washington DC, Jerusalem and London. – The Walter...

Hear: The well known writer and commentator Caroline Glick as you never heard her - or have read about her before; her early years - and why she decided to put aside her pen and paper to enter politics in the New Right Party.


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